wrist and hand Flashcards
bones of the wrist from thumb to pinky proximal then distal
scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
thenar group muscles
flexor policis brevis, opponents policis, abductor policis brevis, adductor policis
hypothenar group muscles
flexor digiti minimi, opponents digiti minimi, abductor digiti minimi
central group palmar muscles
lumbricals, palmar interossei, dorsal interossei
proximal attachment flexor policis brevis, abductor policis brevis, opponens policis
flexor retinaculum, scaphoid, trapezius
distal attachment flexor policis brevis, abductor policis brevis
1st proximal phalanx
flexor policis brevis inn.
median n., recurrent branch
action of flexor policis brevis
flex thumb at CM and MCP joints
abductor policis brevis, opponens policis, flexor policis brevis inn.
median n., recurrent branch
abductor policis brevis action
abduct thumb at CM joint
distal attachment opponens policis
1st metacarpal
action of opponens policis
oppose thumb at CM joint
proximal attachment adductor policis
oblique- capitate, 2nd and 3rd metacarpal
transverse- 3rd metacarpal
distal attachment adductor policis
1st proximal phalanx
inn. adductor policis
ulnar n., deep branch
action of adductor policis
adducts thumb at CM, MCP, and IP joints
proximal attachment abductor digiti minimi
proximal attachment flexor digit minimi, opponens digiti minimi
hook of hamate and flexor retinaculum
distal attachment abductor digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi, opponens digiti minimi
5th proximal phalanx
inn. abductor digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi, opponens digiti minimi
ulnar n., deep branch
action abductor digiti minimi
abduct and flex digit 5 at MCP joint
flexor digiti minimi
flex digit 5 at CM and MCP joints
action of opponens digiti minimi
oppose digit 5 at CM joint
proximal attachment lumbricals (1-4)
flexor digitorum profundus tendons