Antebrachium Flashcards
proximal attachment supinator
lateral humeral epicondyle and supinator crest of ulna
distal attachment supinator
proximal 1/3 of lateral radius
inn. of supinator
deep branch of radial n (C7-C8)
action of supinator
supinate forearm
proximal attachment extensor indicis
distal ulna and interosseous membrane
distal attachment extensor indicis
extensor expansion of digit 2
inn. of extensor indicis, abductor policis longus, extensor policis brevis , extensor policis longus
posterior interosseus n (C7-C8)
action of extensor indicis
extend digit 2 (independently), help extend hand (at wrist)
proximal attachment of abductor policis longus
proximal ulna, radius, and interrosseous membrane
distal attachment abductor policis longus
1st metacarpal
action of abductor policis longus
abduct and extend CM joint of digit 1, abduct wrist
proximal attachment of extensor policis brevis
mid-posterior radial surface, interosseous membrane
distal attachment extensor policis brevis
1st proximal phalanx
action of extensor policis brevis
extend CM and MCP joints of digit 1, abduct wrist
proximal attachment extensor policis longus
mid-posterior ulnar surface, interosseous membrane
distal attachment of extensor policis longus
1st distal phalanx
action of extensor policis longus
extend CM, MCP, and IP joints of digit 1, abduct wrist
proximal attachment brachoradialis
proximal 2/3 of supracondylar ridge of humerus
distal attachment brachoradialis
distal radius just proximal to the styloid process
inn. of brachoradialis and extensor carpi radial is longus
radial n.
action of brachoradialis
weak forearm flexion, max flexion when forearm is midpronated
proximal attachment extensor carpi radialis longus
lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
distal attachment extensor carpi radialis longus
base of 2nd metacarpal
action of extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
extend and abduct hand (at wrist)