Wrist And Carpus Flashcards
Name the carpal bones (lat to med)
Prox- scaphoid, lunate, triquatral, pisiform
Dist- Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
Describe the radiocarpal joint
Synovial elipsoid joint
Radius head concave with IA disc
Interosseus lig between prox carpals
Radius and S,L,T
Describe the midcarpal joint
Prox- dist carpal bones S-T,T,C L-C,H T- H Palmar and dorsal intercarpal ligaments
Describe the Common Carpometacarpal joint
Plane synovial joints
Separate fibrous capsules
Dorsal and plantar CMC ligs
Interosseus ligaments
Describe Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Flexion, UD
O-med epi, CF tendon, med olecranon, prox 2/3 post ulnar via apernurosis
I- Pisiform, hamate and 5th MC via ligs
Ulnar nerve
Describe the Flexor CarpiRadialis
Flex, RD
O- med epi via CF tendon
I- palmar surface 2-3 MCs
Median nerve C6-7
Describe palmaris longus
Weak flexor Between FU and FR O-med epi I- flexor retinaculum Median nerve
Describe Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
Ext, RD
O- dist 1/3 lat supracondylar ridge of humerus and adjacent inter muscular septum
I-post 2nd MC
Radial nerve C6-7
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
Ext, RD
O- lat epi, via CE tendon
I- post 3rd MC
Radial nerve C6-7
Describe Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Ext, UD
O- lat epi, via CE tendon, via A to post ulna
I- med 5th MC
Describe Extensor Retinaculum
Lat - med
Sup to ext tendons
Describe flexor retinaculum
H and P to S and T
Sup to flexor tendons and median nerve