Wow Words - set 3 Flashcards
L.O. To learn and acquire new vocabulary
Extremely attractive or impressive, beautiful
e.g. You look absolutely stunning!
A stunning view of the lake
His vocal performance was simply stunning.

spotted (adjective)
Having a regular pattern of round dots on it. e.g.
A black and white spotted dress
Having marks on it, sometimes in a pattern. e.g.
A leopard’s spotted coat

spotted (verb)

to notice someone or something.
to see something.
e.g. Aisha was spotted by her teacher as she tried to leave the canteen
Fatimah spotted a yummy looking cake in the window

very aggressive or violent; very strong
e.g. A ferocious crocodile attacked Faisal while he was swimming
Sam was driven by a ferocious determination to pass his exams

to laugh quietly
Naima chuckled at the memory.
Nazurah chuckled when Nazibah tripped over a drain

acting in a way that shows courage. Someone who is brave.
e.g. The crew acted courageously in staying with the ship until all the passengers had been taken to safety.
Amal courageously gave her speech to the class.

a food that is really, really yummy!
Daniel ate the scrumptious chicken kebab quickly!

to walk in a relaxed way
e.g. Naqibah strolled to the library, happy at the thought of being able to read a new book!

mouth watering
a food that you really like to eat and you can’t wait until you eat it.
Aziz couldn’t wait to eat his mouth watering apple!

a person or object that is really pretty/ attractive
e.g What a gorgeous looking cat!


a person or event that is really funny
My best freind, Lolia, loves to tell humorous jokes.
I found the TV series “Modern Family” humorous