WOW words set 2 Flashcards
To learn my WOW words so I can use them in speech and writing
to ask for something very firmly. e.g. She demanded that the class close their mouths and listen carefully!

staggered (verb)
walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall. e.g. she staggered up the steps carrying a pile of books.

staggered (adjective)
surprised and shocked at something you are told or at something that happens e.g. I was staggered at the amount of money the ring cost. or I was staggered at her rudeness.

very impressive; very beautiful e.g. “What a splendid day!” remarked Azimah. or “What a splendid park!” announced Hussain as he admired all the rides.

to run or swim a short distance very fast. e.g. She jumped out of the car and sprinted for the front door. or He sprinted after the train.

describes food that is really yummy. e.g. Naima could smell the delectable cake baking in the oven. OR The delectale chocolate icecream was melting all over Melda’s hands.

to laugh loudly because you are amused. e.g. Valerie chortled when she saw the clown fall over. OR I chortled when my friend told me a joke.

describes something that’s really big. e.g. the gigantic building could be seen from a distance. Or - The gigantic wedding cake was served to the guests.

describes someone who is really intelligent and comes up with clever ideas. e.g. Mina had an ingenious idea to ask all her teachers for targets to improve her work.

describes clothes, places, people and things that are attractive and designed well. e.g. The elegant tudong was made of pink silk. Or - The elegant ring had diamonds and saphires in it.