Wound Care ANTT Flashcards
What is the 5 elements of broaden scale
Sensory perception
What is the highest and lowest score in the braden score ?
Highest (best) = 20
Lowest (poor) = 6
What does TIME stand for in wound care treatment plan ?
Tissue Viability
Inflammation / infection
Moisture level
What is assessed in Tissue viability in TIME?
Describe clinical appearance of wound bed:
- viable or non viable (necrotic, slough)
- skin intact or not intact
- colour of surrounding skin
What is assessed in Inflammation of TIME ?
Describe clinical signs of wound infection present
- increasing pain
- increasing heat and temp
- oedema
- erythema of wound and surrounding skin
- inflamed
- yellow slough, biofilm
- malodour
- colour of exudate (thick, milky, green, yellow, brown, red)
What is assessed in moisture balance of TIME?
- is moisture balanced or imbalanced ? Too wet or too dry
- maceration of skin indicate too much moisture
- discharge / slough / exudate
- surrounding skin intact / dry and flaky / macerated
What is assessed in Edge of TIME ?
- is the wound edge advancing or non advancing ?
- edges are raised and rolled + based of wound deeper than the edge
- colour of edge ( pink indicate new tissue grown & dark edges indicate hypoxia)
What is purulent discharge or exudate?
Yellow green thick and sticky discharge
What is serous exudate ?
Clear and watery
What is haemopurulent exudate ?
Dark blood stained exudate viscous and sticky
Describe stage 1 of pressure injury
Intact skin with non-blanchable redness of localised area
Area may be painful and red
Describe stage two of pressure injury?
Partial thickness loss of skin dermis presenting shallow open wound with a red pink wound bed (no slough)
Describe stage 3 of pressure injury)
Full thickness tissue loss - subcut fat may be visible
Slough may be present
Describe stage 4 pressure injury ?
Full thickness tissue loss with exposed bone, tendon or muscle
Slough present
Types of wound description
Surgical: suture
Granulating: pinkish red moist tissue present comprise of new collagen formed
Epithelialising: wound surface covered by new epithelium
Slough: devitalised yellow tissue formed
Hyper-granulation: tissue grows above wound margin - prolonged healing
Types of absorbent dressings for exudate wounds?
Durafiber: silver impregnated gelling fibre dressing used to pack heavy exudate
Mepilex/Mepitel: minimise removal trauma (ideal for skin tear
Atrauman (Tull Gras)
Hydrocolloid Duoderm
Alginate Kaltostat: absorb heavy exudate
Dressings for hydration
- hydrogel sheets for dry necrotic tissue
Antimicrobial dressings
Inadine: non adherent Iodine dressings
Bactigrass: Antiseptic Tull grass
Anticoat: Silver dressing
What is an illeostomy?
Opening in the Terminal ilium small intestine
Stool: Brown watery custard consistency
Usually right side
What is a colostomy?
Opening in colon large intestine
Usually eft side
Output: brown and soft to more normal like consistency
Observation when checking stoma site?
- Colour (bride red is good blood supply)
- Protrusion (ideal site must be raised 2-3cm above abdo wall) retracted?
- Peristomal skin (surrounding skin is eroded or rash ?)
- Output
How to prevent pressure injury ?
Routine Pressure area care
Sacrum foam or silicon and heal foam
Routine skin check and care.
Supporting bed device and mattress
Pillows in between legs
Moisturising skin
Difference between venous and arterial leg ulcers?