Wouds: Closures/Assesments/Interventions/Documentation Flashcards
What are the 3 Different Types of Wound Closures?
- Primary Closure
- Delayed Primary Closure.
- Secondary Intention Healing.
2 Characteristics of a Primary Closure
- Clean wound done with in 2-3 days.
2. Sutures stay in for 14 days.
2 Characteristics of a Delayed Primary Closure
- Too contaminated for a primary closure.
2. Closed after a few days.
2 Characteristics of a Secondary Intention Healing
- Soft tissue or skin loss.
2. No closing.
- Explain the Three-Color Concept for Wound Assessment.
2. What are the Three Color Classifications
- Help classify the level of infection occurring during wound healing.
- Red, Yellow, and Black
Description of the Red Level
An uninfected and well healing wound.
3 Physiological Characteristics of the Red Level
- Definite borders.
- Granulation Tissue.
- Apparent Revascularization. (indicated oxygenation is typically present in post-surgical, superficial wounds, and acute burns)
3 Intervention Goals for the Red Level.
- Protect the wound from the environment.
- Maintain Humidity.
- Protect wound fluids & new cells.
Main Intervention for the Red Level
Cleanse with sterile saline. (or soap and water if cleared by MD)
3 Description’s of the Yellow Level
- Exudate may promote bacterial growth.
- Macrophages dominate.
- Delayed healing until infection is under control.
3 Intervention Goals for the Yellow Level
- Facilitate Healing.
- Continual Cleansing.
- Removal of non viable tissue.
3 Interventions for the Yellow Level.
- Wash with soap and water.
- Sterile whirlpools to loosen necrotic tissue once the infection is under control.
- Wet to dry dressings.
Description of the Black Level
Wound is covered with eschar (may have all phases of healing or infection underneath).
- interventions for the Black Level
- Sterile whirlpool.
- Work on gentle cleaning (debriding).
- Use ointments to soften the eschar.
What are the 3 Categories You Can Expect to Document for Wound Assessment?
- Excudate (Fluid from the Wound)
- Odor,
- Size of the Wound.
3 Documentation Requirements for Exudate
- Amount (light, moderate, heavy)
- Type (clear, serosanguineous: “bloody”, purulent: “yellow, puss-like”)
- Odor (faint. moderate, strong)
What Should You do Before Documenting Odor?
Be sure to clean the wound well before assessing odor.
What is the expected viability for the 2 types of skin grafts?
- Split thickness graft 3-5 days (superficial dermis- most common).
- Full thickness graft 7-10 days (skin and nerve ending)
What is a Hypertrophic Scar?
A thickened scar due to the overproduction of collagen, usually genetic.
What is the one wound on scar concept?
All the tissue layers scar together. Fibroblast bond all of the layers together into a tight bond.
- What is cellultis?
2. What will you see clinically to assist you in referring the patient to the physician?
- A sign of infection.
2. Increasing redness around a wound.
- What is lymphangitis?
2. What should you do if this occurs?
- A red streak is spreading from the wound toward the heart.
- Call the MD ASAP.
What is exudate?
Fluid from a wound.
Can be clear, sanguineous (bloody), purulent (puss-yellow).
What is transudate?
The first fluid out of wounds.
Water and electrolytes.