Sh. Exercises & Stretches Flashcards
Sh. Stretch for Upper Traps & Levator Scap
Done in supine.
Cervical Side bend with neck (aka. bring right ear to right sh.)
If there is no pain is felt you can apply light resistance.
Hold x5 Seconds.
Sh. Stretch for the Pecs
Complete the corner or doorway stretch.
Sh. ABD to 90, Elobos flexed to 90, lean into doorway/corner.
Hold x30 sec, for 1-3 Reps.
Sh. Stretch for Posterior Deltoid
Table slide stretch.
Pt. is with Sh. reached into full flexion. Pt leans forward, sliding arm along the table, resulting in a stretch.
Hold x30 sec for 1-3 reps.
*Can also be done in ABD.
Sh. Stretch for the Posterior Capsule
Sh. flexed to 90 and in full Horizontal ADD, with pressure applied at elbow.
Stretches the posterior capsule of the sh. and deltoids.
Hold x30 sec for 1-3 reps.
Sh. Stretch for the Latissimus Dorsi
Lateral side bends- As tolerated.
Isometric Sh. Ex. for the Subscapularis
Pt. faces doorway or corner.
Elbow flexed at 90.
Pt. pushes into wall with ventral side of forearm.
Hold x6 sec.
Isometric Sh. Ex. for the Infrspinatus & Teres Minor
Pt. faces doorway or corner.
Elbow flexed at 90.
Pt. pushes into wall with the dosrum of the forearm.
Hold x6 sec.
Isometric Sh. Ex for the Middle Deltoid
Pt. has their side they are working parallel to the doorway or corner.
Elbow flexed at 90.
Pt. beings Sh. into ABD and pushes it into a wall or pillow.
Hold x6 sec.
Isometric Sh. Ex. for the Anterior Deltoid
Pt. is facing the doorway or corner.
Pt. makes a fist with their arm at their side with their elbow is in extension.
Pt. presses fist into the doorway with out flexing their Sh. past 90.
Hold x 6 sec.
Isometric Sh. Ex. for the Posterior Deltoid
Pt. is facing away from the doorway or corner.
Pt makes a fist with their arm at their side with their elbow in extension.
Pt. presses fist backward into the wall without extending the Sh, past 90.
Hold x6 sec.
2 Sh. Ex for the Upper, Middle, and Lower Trap
- Sh. shrugs.
Pt. stands on theraband using correct posture, holding it in their hands, with their arms by their side, elbows in extension, pt. then shrugs their sh. in a controlled upward motion.
x10-12 reps for one set. - The supperman done with a 1lb weight.
Pt. is laying prone on a plynth.
Upper- pt. raises the Sh. into flexion with elbows extended.
Middle- Pts. elbows are flexed to 90 with arms off plynt. Pt the raises the Sh. into ABD.
Lower. Pt raises their Sh. into extension with their elbows in extension.
x7-10 reps or as tolerated for 1 set.
Sh. Ex for the Rhomboids
Theraband is tied around the doorknob.
Pt. is standing, holding the theraband with BUE, elbows locked at 90 and close to the pts side to eliminate the biceps.
Pt then moves into scapular retraction focusing on “pinching” the Sh. blades together.
x10-12 reps for 1 set.
Sh. Ex. for the Levator Scap.
Sh. Shrugs but with 1lb free weights instead of theraband.
Pt. is standing using correct posture, with their arms by their side, elbows in extension, pt. then shrugs their sh. in a controlled upward motion.
x10-12 reps for one set.
Sh. Ex. for the Pec Major/Minor
Bench press with free weights.
Pt. is lying supine, Sh.’s ABD to 90, Elbows Flexed at 90, Pt. moves BUE into Horizontal ADD, as if they were “hugging someone”.
x10-12 reps for 1 set.
Sh. Ex. for the Latissimus Dorsi
Lat Pulldowns with Theraband.
2 Therabands are shut over top of the door.
Pt is facing the door and then in a slow and controlled movement pt moves BUE from flexion into extension and from ABD to ADD.
x10-12 reps for 1 set.
Sh. Ex. for the Deltoids
Deltoid Raises with 1lb free weights.
While standing the pt brings the Sh. to 90 degrees of ABD with elbow extend.
Pt. then returns BUE to their side and moves into 90 degrees of Sh. flexion with their elbow extended.
x10-12 reps for 1 set.
Sh. Ex for the Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, and Subscapularis
IR (Subscap) ER (teres & infra) with theraband.
Theraband is tied around the doorknob.
Pts. body is positioned at a 90 angle from the door. Arm is at the side with ball or towel is tucked under the UE to maintain a 30 degree angle.Elbow flexed at 90.
Pt. then moves into IR for x10-12 reps, then moves into ER for x10-12 reps for 1 set.
If pt. was completing this ex. with 1lb free weights the pt. would be in side lying.