WOTC 2024 Vocab Bookmarks Flashcards
What is the definition of eschew (verb)?
to avoid
What is the definition of peculate (verb)?
to embezzle
what is the definition of gaudery (noun)?
flashy and overly elaborate display or items that make up such a display
What is the definition of arbitrary (adjective)?
random or capricicious
What is the definition of capricious (adjective)?
lacking a standard or norm : marked by unpredictable variation or irregularity : changeable, erratic
what is the definition of Belgravia (noun)?
an upscale neighborhood
What is the definition of clemency (noun)
compassion in judgment and punsihment
What does the word languish mean (verb)?
to lose strength or vividness; fade
What does the adjective implacable mean?
not capable of being calmed or soothed
what is the definition of chemise (noun)
a short straight dress
what is the definition of moratorium (noun)
a delay officially set by some authority
what is the definition of the noun sycophant?
a flatterer or person who is only seeking their own advantage or pleasure
what is the definition of mittimus (noun)?
a warrant committing the person specified to prison
what is the definition of the adjective mawkish?
falsely or immaturely sentimental
what is the definition of the noun stridency?
the state of loudly demanding notice
what is the definition of the adjective veritable?
real, accurate
what is the definition of histrionics (noun)?
staged or stagy conduct or exhibition of temperament usually intended to produce some particular effect in others
what is the definition of judicious (adjective)?
marked by or governed by a careful, unbiased evaluation of options and alternatives; wise, prudent
what is the definition of the adverb fatuously?
done in a way that is foolish or absurd=
what is the definition of olympiad (noun)?
the four year interval between successive olympic games
what does the noun prima donna mean?
someone who finds it hard to work as part of a team or under direction, or who is impatient of criticism
what does the noun clearance mean?
the amount of space between two obejcts that allows passage between them
What does the adjective moribund mean BOTH CONTEXTS
: being in a dying state : approaching death OR being in a state of suspended activity or arrested growth : dormant
what does the NOUN moribund mean?
a dying person
what does the adjective pudibund mean?
formal and precise in manner or appearance : stiffly decorous AKA prudish
What does the adjective prudish mean
formal and precise in manner or appearance : stiffly decorous, PRIGGISH
What does the noun prig mean?
one who offends or irritates by obvious or rigid observance of the proprieties (as in speech, manners, or conduct) : one self-sufficient in virtue, culture, or propriety often in a pointed manner or to an obnoxious degree
What is the definition of the noun anorak
a windproof pullover jacket with a hood
what does the adjective mordant mean?
sharp and biting in manner or style
what is the definition of the noun bromide?
an overused saying or idea
what is the definition of the adjective provincial?
displaying the manner and ways of a rural area: unsophisticated
what is the definition of gouge (noun)?
a tool used for working or cutting the surface of wood or stone to create an effect
what is the definition of the adjective quintessential
what does the adjective recriminatory mean?
having the character of a counter acusation
what does the adjective revulsive mean?
causing extreme aversion or dislike
what is the definition of the adjective surreptitious?
what is the definition of the noun pedantry?
an ostentatious presentation or application of knowledge or learning especially by a teacher or scholar
what is the definition of the noun recusancy
refusal to comply with a regulation or conform to authority
what is the definition of the verb liaise?
to establish communication in order to develop and maintain mutual understanding
what is the definition of the noun ombudsman
a government official appointed to receive and investigate complaints made by individuals against abuses by public officials
what is the definition of the verb supplicate?
to request modestly and earnestly of someone or something
what is the definition of the noun dictum?
a decree or pronouncement given with authority
what is the definition of the noun macrobiotics?
the art of prolonging life
what is the definition of the noun traceability?
the quality of being easily taugh or managed
what is the definition of reconcilable?
capable of being resolved
what is the definition of the noun digression?
moving away from the main point in writing or speaking
what is the definition of the noun dodecahedron?
a 12 sided shape
what is the definition of the adjective modular?
capable of being easily joined together or arranged with other parts or units
what is the definition of the noun malfeasance?
an instance of wrongdoing by a public official under the guise of authority of office
what is the definition of the adjective idiosyncratic
marked by a peculiar way of behaving, being, or thinking
what is the definition of the noun harbinger?
something that foreshadows or predicts what is to come
what is the definition of the noun placard
a sign or poster
what is the definition of the noun propinquity
what is the definition of the verb whet
to make eager or excite
what is the definition of the adjective ancillary
what is the definition of the noun divestiture
a required transfer of assets
what is the definition of a procterate?
a territory that is oversoon and controlled political by a larger state for foreign relations and defense
what is the definition of inclement (adjective)? BOTH CONTEXTS
of weather; harsh, rough, or stormy OR severe in temper or action : unmerciful
what is a megalomaniac?
one exhibiting an enthusiasm for doing great or grandiose things OR exhibiting delusional feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur
what is the definition of the adjective raptatorial
taking other animals as prey; carnivorous
What is the definition of the noun adversaria?
a mixed collection of notes
what is the definition of the noun trellis?
a frame made of crossing pieces of wood that is used as a screen or to hold up climbing plants
what is the definition of the noun proviso
a clause or article that introduces a condition or qualificiation
what is the definition of the adjective opulent
exhibiting or characterized by wealth or affluence
what is the definition of the adjective pecuniary?
consisting of or taking the form of money
what is the definition of the noun preponderance
an excess in number
what is the definition of the adverb tenaciously?
what is the definition of the noun slumgullion
a stew made of meat
what is the defintion of the adjective banal?
wanting originality, freshness, or novelty : failing to stimulate, appeal, or arrest attention : trite, worn-out, commonplace
what is the definition of the adjective deltoidal?
triangle shaped
what is the definition of the adjective circadian?
having a 24 hour cycle
what is the definition of the adjective irrevocable?
incapable of being changed or taken back; unalterable
what is the definition of the adjective agonistic?
aggressively argumentative
what is the definition of the noun marionette?
a puppet moved by strings or by hand
what is the definition of the adjective genteel?
what is the definition of the adjective germane?
pertinent, relevant
is the definition of the noun quittance
discharge from a debt or obligation
what is the definition of the adjective hydroponic
relating to the growing of plants in nutrient solutions in water without sand, gravel, or another inert medium in which the plants may anchor their roots
what is the definition of the adjective varicose
excessively dilated bulging or swollen
what is the definition of the noun soothsayer
someone who makes predictions based on symptoms or signs
what is the definition of the adjective bubonic?
related to the swelling of lymph nodes due to serious infection
what is the definition of the adjective staid
what is the definition of the adjective liege
having the right to feudal allegiance
what is the definition of the adjective languorous
producing or tending to produce laziness or apathy
HINT: think languish, NOT language!
what is the definition of the adjective emeritus?
retired from an important position (e meaning out, merit)
what is the definition of the adjective declamatory?
characterize by rhetorical display or effect
What is the definition of the adjective inimical?
what is the definition of the adjective circuitous?
winding or meandering
what is the definition of the verb adjudicate
to judge or decide on (ad-= to, jud-=judge!)
what is the definition of the adjective myopic?
lacking in foresight or keenness of insight
What is the definition of the adjective sartorial
relating to clothing
what is the definition of the adjective astringent?
causing cells to tighten
what is the definition of the verb ingratiate?
to make agreeable to someone
what is the definition of the noun ewer?
a pitcher
What is the definition of the noun cenotaph?
a monument honoring someone who is buried in another place
what is the definition of the adjective ostensibly?
to all outward appearances
what is the definition of the adjective erstwhile?
what is the definition of the noun phlebotomy
the releasing of blood to treat a disease
remember!: phleb-=vein, -otomy=to cut
what is the definition of the noun foible?
a weakness
what is the definition of the noun consternation?
feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected.
what is the definition of the noun depravity?
debasement, corruption
what is the definition of the noun diadem?
an ornate headband worn as a royal crown
what is the definition of the noun contrivance?
artifice or manipulation
what is the definition of the noun flimflammer?
one that employs trickery or similar strategies to accomplish an end
what is the definition of the adjective parochial
supported by, managed by, or within the jurisdiction of a church parish
what is the definition of the adverb hermetically?
in a manner that prevents entry or change
what is the definition of the adjective anemic (more figurative/literary)
dull, lifeless
What is the definition of the adjective Promethean?
relating to or resembling the titan pioneer of civilization (prometheus), his art or his experiences ESPECIALLY something that is creative or original
what is the definition of the adjective vespertine?
passing below the horizon along with the sun
what is the definition of the adjective palpitant?
trembling, quivering
that is the definition of the adjective illustrious
notably or BRILLIANTLY outstanding
what is the definition of the adjective seraphic?
of or relating to an angel of the highest order (seraph); sublime
what is the definition of the noun analepsis?
a flashback in literature
what is the definition of the noun integument?
an external enveloping later, membrane, or structure
sentence: an exoskeleton is an example of an integument
what is the definition of the verb expostulate?
to reason with a person seriously and intently in order to dissuade or oppose them
what i the definition of the noun tabernacle?
a building usede principally fo religious services
what is the definition of the noun cadence?
vocal rhythm
what is the definition of the verb harrumph
to make a throat clearing sound suggestive of self-importance
what is the definition of the noun temerity
inordinate or foolhardy disdain for opposition or danger
what is the definition of the verb beguile
to entice or charm
what is the definition of the adjective probative
serving to provide, establish, or contribute towards proof
what is the deifnition of the adjective perspicacious
of keen or shrewd mental vision or discernment
what is the definition of the noun striation?
the state of being marked with narrow lines or bands
what is the deinfition of the verb cadge?
to beget, particularly as a way of making a living
what is the definition of the noun trepanation?
thte process or action of making a hole in a skull with a surgical tool
what is the definition of the noun altercation?
loud, irate disagreement
what is the definition of the noun effraction?
the action of forcing entry
Remember: forcing entry is the same as breaking in, and ef=to and fract-= to break
what is the definition of the adjective macular?
what is the definition of the adjective nonvolatile?
not easily turning into a vapor at a low temperature
what is the definition of the noun vassal?
a person who rents or leases land from a landowner in a feudal system
what is the definition of the noun reprisal?
an act of inflicting in return (as for an injury or other harm)
what is the definition of the adjective thrasonical?
what is the definition of the adjective simpatico?
what is the definition of the adverb gratis?
without charge: free
what is the definition of the noun jingoism
loud or arrogant nationalism especially when accompanied by a foreign policy given to warmongering
what ist he definition of the noun Requiem
a grand song of praise or joy made to honor the dead
what is the definition of the adjective evanescent?
what is the definition of the noun fomentation?
the action of inciting or instigating
what is the definition of the noun phenotype?
the observable characteristics of an organism
what is the definition of the adjective uveal?
affecting or relating to the pigmented layer situated toward the back of the iris of the eye
what is the definition of the adjective tardigrade?
moving at a sluggish pace
what is the definition of the adjective ingenuous?
innocent or childlike in simplicity or straightforwardness
what is the definition of the noun catalepsy?
a still, trancelike state
what is the definition of the adjective approbatory?
expressing praise and commendation
what is the definition of the verb ballyhooed?
advertised by means of exaggerated claims and cheap sensationalism
what is the definition of the noun duress?
compulsion by threat of retribution
what is the definition of the noun quiddity?
the ultimate form or the essential nature of something
what is the definition of the noun fealty?
faithfulness or dedication
what is the definition of the adjective spurious
outwardly comparable to something without having its real qualities; faker, counterfeit
what is the definition of the adjective melismatic?
relating to or having melodic embellishment or ornamentation- used of music
remember!: not mell-=honey, mel-= as in music (melody)
what is the definition of the noun Brigadoon?
an idyllic place
what is the definition of the noun plutonomy?
a modern social science that deals with how economic and political processes relate to each other
what is the definition of the verb solicit?
to entreat
what is the definition of the adjective stalwart?
what is the definition of the noun hermitage?
a secluded residence or private retreat
what does the verb wamble mean?
to move unsteadily or with a weaving or rolling motion
what does the plural noun cockles mean
the center or core of one’s sentient being
what is the definition of the adjective dowdy
not modern in style: old-fashioned
what does the verb adjure mean
to charge or command solemnly as if under oath or penalty of a curse
what is the definition of the adjective caustic?
characterized by incisive wit
what does the verb blandish mean?
to flatter with soft words or affectionate actions
what is the definition of the noun ozone?
pure and refreshing air
what does the adjective feckless mean?
indifferent to responsibility: unreliable, irresponsible
what s the definition of the noun cairn?
a heap of stones, often in a rounded or pyramidal shape, made as a monument or as a landmark
what is the definition of the noun cribble?
a strainer
what is the definition of the interjection fie?
used to express disgust, dislike, or the affectation of being shocked
what is the deifnition of the noun bodkin?
a dagger with a usually slender triangular or square blade
what is the definition of the adjective puckish?
playful, especially in a mischevious way; whimsical, impish
what is the definition of the noun Disneyfication
the transformation into carefully controlled and asafe entertainment or an environment with similar qualities
what is the definition of the noun eggcorn?
a word or prhase that sounds like and is mistakenly used in a seemingly logical or plausible way for another word or phrase
what is the definition of the noun respite?
an interval of rest or relief
what is the definition of the adverb floridly?.
in an excessively ornate manner
what is the definition of the noun manacle?
a shackle for the hand or wrist: handcuff
what is the definition of the noun puritan?
one who on religious or ethical grounds protests against current practices, pleasures, or indulgences
what is the definition of the adjective bootless?
to no advantage or avail: fruitless nad frustrating
what is the definition of the noun provenance?
place of origin
what is the definition of the verb depose?
to remove from a throne or other high position
what is the definition of the noun missive
a written adn ofte nformal or official letter
what is the definition of the verb wheedle
to get away with something by using flattery
what is the definition of the noun merlin?
a magician and prophet in Arthurian legend
what is the definition of the adjective restive?
marked by fidgety or uneasy behavior
what is the definition of the adjective rabid (more figurative)
having some feeling, interest, or opinion in an extreme degree
what is the definition of the adjective spectral?
what is the definition of the adverb headlong?
without delay or pause: in a rush
what is the definition of the adjective votive?
performed or done to fulfull a vow or pledge
hat is the definition of the noun memorandum (ALL CONTEXTS)
-a brief informal communication sent among employees or coworkers
-OR : an informal record of something that one wishes to remember or preserve for future use : a note to help or jog the memory : one of the notes in a diary
-OR a memento, reminder
what is the definition of the verb tickled?
made pleased
what is the defintion of th everb daresay?
believe; think likely
what is the definition of the adjective boorish?
coarse and discourteous
what is the definition of the verb lambasted?
give a verbal or written thrashing to
what is the definition of the verb nervily?
in a calmly courageous manner
what is the defintion of the verb rollicking?
full of or expressing lighthearded joyfulness
what is the definition of the verb winnow
to study and sort to get the most sought after
what is the definition of the adjective wistful
what is the definition of the noun levity?
a lack of the serious attitude necessary for a situation
what is the definition of the noun hubris?
extreme arrogance
what is the definition of the noun jocularity?
a tendency to act or speak in an amusing manner
what is hte definition of the noun animus?
deeply felt hatred or hostility
what is the definition of domicile?
the place of residence either of an individual or of a family : abode
what is the definition of the adjective agate?
a fine grianed translucent minieral frequently mixed with opal and having various colors
what is the definition of the adjective cornily?
in a manner marked by excessive thatricality or grand but commonplace sentiments
what is the definition of the noun anabathmoi?
the 15 psalms in the series psalms 120-134 in the Eastern Church
what is the definition of the noun neem?
a tropical tree
what is the definition of the noun gyokuro?
a high grade tea made in japan
what is the definition of the plural noun apostolici?
members of various ascetic sects who sought purity of life by renouncing marriage and private poverty
what is the definition of the noun logothete?
one of various functionaries under the byzantine emperors
what is the definition of the adjective expugnable?
capable of being conquered in a violent attack
what is the definition of the noun agalma?
an ancient greek statue of a god that serves as a relic or remembrance
what is the definition of the noun estovers?
wood that a tenant is allowed to take from the landlord’s premises for necessary fuel
what is the definition of the noun linnet?
a small finch
what is the definition of the noun lapidary?
a cutter, polisher, or engraver of precious stones
what is the definition of the adjective apocryphal?
questionable; likely to be false
what is the definition of the noun comanchero?
a 19th century merchant who traded with the native Americans of the southwest
what is the definition of the noun kalimba?
an african thumb piano
what is the definition of the noun ammonite?
a fertilizer
what is the definition of the noun elan?
spirit and flare
what is the definition of the noun codswallop?
hogwash, nonsense
what is the definition of the noun bavardage?
trivial (commonplace) chatter
what is the definition of the noun buffa?
a female singer of comic operatic roles
what is the definition of the noun epenthesis?
the addition of a sound to the middle of a word
what is the definition of the adjective otiose?
being at ease or at leasure: idle
what is the definition of the noun ullage?
the quantity that a vessel ( such as a ewer) is missing from being completely full
what is the definition of the noun toque?
a hat for women that is small, soft, and without a brim
what is the definition of the noun gudgeon?
a small freshwater fish
what is the definition of the noun fetticus?
a plant of a genus of herbs that is cultivated as a salad plant
what is the definition of the adjective subrident?
presented with a smile
what is the definition of the adjective obeisant?
exhibting ready and willing compliance to the will of another
what is the definition of the adjective obsequious?
obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree.
what is the definition of the adjective veronique?
garnished or made with seedless grapes
what is the definition of the noun Conestoga?
a large wagon drawn by horses and used to transport goods
what is the definition of the noun gyascutus?
a large imaginary creature
what is the defintion of the noun Ponzi?
a type of investment fraud
what is the definition of the verb gambol?
to jump or skip around playfully
what is the definition of the verb vitiate?
to make defective or incomplete: spoil
what is the definition of the noun cygent?
a swan
what is the definition of the noun ailette?
an iron or steel plate worn over armor to protect one’s shoulder