WOTC 2024 Vocab Bookmarks Flashcards
What is the definition of eschew (verb)?
to avoid
What is the definition of peculate (verb)?
to embezzle
what is the definition of gaudery (noun)?
flashy and overly elaborate display or items that make up such a display
What is the definition of arbitrary (adjective)?
random or capricicious
What is the definition of capricious (adjective)?
lacking a standard or norm : marked by unpredictable variation or irregularity : changeable, erratic
what is the definition of Belgravia (noun)?
an upscale neighborhood
What is the definition of clemency (noun)
compassion in judgment and punsihment
What does the word languish mean (verb)?
to lose strength or vividness; fade
What does the adjective implacable mean?
not capable of being calmed or soothed
what is the definition of chemise (noun)
a short straight dress
what is the definition of moratorium (noun)
a delay officially set by some authority
what is the definition of the noun sycophant?
a flatterer or person who is only seeking their own advantage or pleasure
what is the definition of mittimus (noun)?
a warrant committing the person specified to prison
what is the definition of the adjective mawkish?
falsely or immaturely sentimental
what is the definition of the noun stridency?
the state of loudly demanding notice
what is the definition of the adjective veritable?
real, accurate
what is the definition of histrionics (noun)?
staged or stagy conduct or exhibition of temperament usually intended to produce some particular effect in others
what is the definition of judicious (adjective)?
marked by or governed by a careful, unbiased evaluation of options and alternatives; wise, prudent
what is the definition of the adverb fatuously?
done in a way that is foolish or absurd=
what is the definition of olympiad (noun)?
the four year interval between successive olympic games
what does the noun prima donna mean?
someone who finds it hard to work as part of a team or under direction, or who is impatient of criticism
what does the noun clearance mean?
the amount of space between two obejcts that allows passage between them
What does the adjective moribund mean BOTH CONTEXTS
: being in a dying state : approaching death OR being in a state of suspended activity or arrested growth : dormant
what does the NOUN moribund mean?
a dying person
what does the adjective pudibund mean?
formal and precise in manner or appearance : stiffly decorous AKA prudish
What does the adjective prudish mean
formal and precise in manner or appearance : stiffly decorous, PRIGGISH
What does the noun prig mean?
one who offends or irritates by obvious or rigid observance of the proprieties (as in speech, manners, or conduct) : one self-sufficient in virtue, culture, or propriety often in a pointed manner or to an obnoxious degree
What is the definition of the noun anorak
a windproof pullover jacket with a hood
what does the adjective mordant mean?
sharp and biting in manner or style
what is the definition of the noun bromide?
an overused saying or idea
what is the definition of the adjective provincial?
displaying the manner and ways of a rural area: unsophisticated
what is the definition of gouge (noun)?
a tool used for working or cutting the surface of wood or stone to create an effect
what is the definition of the adjective quintessential
what does the adjective recriminatory mean?
having the character of a counter acusation
what does the adjective revulsive mean?
causing extreme aversion or dislike
what is the definition of the adjective surreptitious?
what is the definition of the noun pedantry?
an ostentatious presentation or application of knowledge or learning especially by a teacher or scholar
what is the definition of the noun recusancy
refusal to comply with a regulation or conform to authority
what is the definition of the verb liaise?
to establish communication in order to develop and maintain mutual understanding
what is the definition of the noun ombudsman
a government official appointed to receive and investigate complaints made by individuals against abuses by public officials
what is the definition of the verb supplicate?
to request modestly and earnestly of someone or something
what is the definition of the noun dictum?
a decree or pronouncement given with authority
what is the definition of the noun macrobiotics?
the art of prolonging life
what is the definition of the noun traceability?
the quality of being easily taugh or managed
what is the definition of reconcilable?
capable of being resolved
what is the definition of the noun digression?
moving away from the main point in writing or speaking
what is the definition of the noun dodecahedron?
a 12 sided shape
what is the definition of the adjective modular?
capable of being easily joined together or arranged with other parts or units
what is the definition of the noun malfeasance?
an instance of wrongdoing by a public official under the guise of authority of office
what is the definition of the adjective idiosyncratic
marked by a peculiar way of behaving, being, or thinking
what is the definition of the noun harbinger?
something that foreshadows or predicts what is to come
what is the definition of the noun placard
a sign or poster
what is the definition of the noun propinquity
what is the definition of the verb whet
to make eager or excite
what is the definition of the adjective ancillary
what is the definition of the noun divestiture
a required transfer of assets
what is the definition of a procterate?
a territory that is oversoon and controlled political by a larger state for foreign relations and defense
what is the definition of inclement (adjective)? BOTH CONTEXTS
of weather; harsh, rough, or stormy OR severe in temper or action : unmerciful
what is a megalomaniac?
one exhibiting an enthusiasm for doing great or grandiose things OR exhibiting delusional feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur
what is the definition of the adjective raptatorial
taking other animals as prey; carnivorous
What is the definition of the noun adversaria?
a mixed collection of notes
what is the definition of the noun trellis?
a frame made of crossing pieces of wood that is used as a screen or to hold up climbing plants
what is the definition of the noun proviso
a clause or article that introduces a condition or qualificiation
what is the definition of the adjective opulent
exhibiting or characterized by wealth or affluence
what is the definition of the adjective pecuniary?
consisting of or taking the form of money
what is the definition of the noun preponderance
an excess in number
what is the definition of the adverb tenaciously?
what is the definition of the noun slumgullion
a stew made of meat
what is the defintion of the adjective banal?
wanting originality, freshness, or novelty : failing to stimulate, appeal, or arrest attention : trite, worn-out, commonplace
what is the definition of the adjective deltoidal?
triangle shaped
what is the definition of the adjective circadian?
having a 24 hour cycle
what is the definition of the adjective irrevocable?
incapable of being changed or taken back; unalterable
what is the definition of the adjective agonistic?
aggressively argumentative
what is the definition of the noun marionette?
a puppet moved by strings or by hand
what is the definition of the adjective genteel?
what is the definition of the adjective germane?
pertinent, relevant
is the definition of the noun quittance
discharge from a debt or obligation
what is the definition of the adjective hydroponic
relating to the growing of plants in nutrient solutions in water without sand, gravel, or another inert medium in which the plants may anchor their roots
what is the definition of the adjective varicose
excessively dilated bulging or swollen
what is the definition of the noun soothsayer
someone who makes predictions based on symptoms or signs
what is the definition of the adjective bubonic?
related to the swelling of lymph nodes due to serious infection
what is the definition of the adjective staid
what is the definition of the adjective liege
having the right to feudal allegiance
what is the definition of the adjective languorous
producing or tending to produce laziness or apathy
HINT: think languish, NOT language!
what is the definition of the adjective emeritus?
retired from an important position (e meaning out, merit)
what is the definition of the adjective declamatory?
characterize by rhetorical display or effect
What is the definition of the adjective inimical?
what is the definition of the adjective circuitous?
winding or meandering
what is the definition of the verb adjudicate
to judge or decide on (ad-= to, jud-=judge!)
what is the definition of the adjective myopic?
lacking in foresight or keenness of insight
What is the definition of the adjective sartorial
relating to clothing
what is the definition of the adjective astringent?
causing cells to tighten
what is the definition of the verb ingratiate?
to make agreeable to someone
what is the definition of the noun ewer?
a pitcher
What is the definition of the noun cenotaph?
a monument honoring someone who is buried in another place
what is the definition of the adjective ostensibly?
to all outward appearances
what is the definition of the adjective erstwhile?
what is the definition of the noun phlebotomy
the releasing of blood to treat a disease
remember!: phleb-=vein, -otomy=to cut
what is the definition of the noun foible?
a weakness
what is the definition of the noun consternation?
feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected.
what is the definition of the noun depravity?
debasement, corruption
what is the definition of the noun diadem?
an ornate headband worn as a royal crown
what is the definition of the noun contrivance?
artifice or manipulation
what is the definition of the noun flimflammer?
one that employs trickery or similar strategies to accomplish an end
what is the definition of the adjective parochial
supported by, managed by, or within the jurisdiction of a church parish
what is the definition of the adverb hermetically?
in a manner that prevents entry or change
what is the definition of the adjective anemic (more figurative/literary)
dull, lifeless
What is the definition of the adjective Promethean?
relating to or resembling the titan pioneer of civilization (prometheus), his art or his experiences ESPECIALLY something that is creative or original
what is the definition of the adjective vespertine?
passing below the horizon along with the sun
what is the definition of the adjective palpitant?
trembling, quivering
that is the definition of the adjective illustrious
notably or BRILLIANTLY outstanding
what is the definition of the adjective seraphic?
of or relating to an angel of the highest order (seraph); sublime
what is the definition of the noun analepsis?
a flashback in literature
what is the definition of the noun integument?
an external enveloping later, membrane, or structure
sentence: an exoskeleton is an example of an integument
what is the definition of the verb expostulate?
to reason with a person seriously and intently in order to dissuade or oppose them
what i the definition of the noun tabernacle?
a building usede principally fo religious services
what is the definition of the noun cadence?
vocal rhythm
what is the definition of the verb harrumph
to make a throat clearing sound suggestive of self-importance
what is the definition of the noun temerity
inordinate or foolhardy disdain for opposition or danger
what is the definition of the verb beguile
to entice or charm
what is the definition of the adjective probative
serving to provide, establish, or contribute towards proof
what is the deifnition of the adjective perspicacious
of keen or shrewd mental vision or discernment
what is the definition of the noun striation?
the state of being marked with narrow lines or bands
what is the deinfition of the verb cadge?
to beget, particularly as a way of making a living
what is the definition of the noun trepanation?
thte process or action of making a hole in a skull with a surgical tool
what is the definition of the noun altercation?
loud, irate disagreement
what is the definition of the noun effraction?
the action of forcing entry
Remember: forcing entry is the same as breaking in, and ef=to and fract-= to break
what is the definition of the adjective macular?
what is the definition of the adjective nonvolatile?
not easily turning into a vapor at a low temperature
what is the definition of the noun vassal?
a person who rents or leases land from a landowner in a feudal system
what is the definition of the noun reprisal?
an act of inflicting in return (as for an injury or other harm)
what is the definition of the adjective thrasonical?
what is the definition of the adjective simpatico?
what is the definition of the adverb gratis?
without charge: free
what is the definition of the noun jingoism
loud or arrogant nationalism especially when accompanied by a foreign policy given to warmongering
what ist he definition of the noun Requiem
a grand song of praise or joy made to honor the dead
what is the definition of the adjective evanescent?
what is the definition of the noun fomentation?
the action of inciting or instigating
what is the definition of the noun phenotype?
the observable characteristics of an organism
what is the definition of the adjective uveal?
affecting or relating to the pigmented layer situated toward the back of the iris of the eye
what is the definition of the adjective tardigrade?
moving at a sluggish pace
what is the definition of the adjective ingenuous?
innocent or childlike in simplicity or straightforwardness
what is the definition of the noun catalepsy?
a still, trancelike state
what is the definition of the adjective approbatory?
expressing praise and commendation
what is the definition of the verb ballyhooed?
advertised by means of exaggerated claims and cheap sensationalism
what is the definition of the noun duress?
compulsion by threat of retribution
what is the definition of the noun quiddity?
the ultimate form or the essential nature of something
what is the definition of the noun fealty?
faithfulness or dedication
what is the definition of the adjective spurious
outwardly comparable to something without having its real qualities; faker, counterfeit
what is the definition of the adjective melismatic?
relating to or having melodic embellishment or ornamentation- used of music
remember!: not mell-=honey, mel-= as in music (melody)
what is the definition of the noun Brigadoon?
an idyllic place
what is the definition of the noun plutonomy?
a modern social science that deals with how economic and political processes relate to each other
what is the definition of the verb solicit?
to entreat
what is the definition of the adjective stalwart?
what is the definition of the noun hermitage?
a secluded residence or private retreat
what does the verb wamble mean?
to move unsteadily or with a weaving or rolling motion
what does the plural noun cockles mean
the center or core of one’s sentient being
what is the definition of the adjective dowdy
not modern in style: old-fashioned
what does the verb adjure mean
to charge or command solemnly as if under oath or penalty of a curse
what is the definition of the adjective caustic?
characterized by incisive wit
what does the verb blandish mean?
to flatter with soft words or affectionate actions
what is the definition of the noun ozone?
pure and refreshing air
what does the adjective feckless mean?
indifferent to responsibility: unreliable, irresponsible
what s the definition of the noun cairn?
a heap of stones, often in a rounded or pyramidal shape, made as a monument or as a landmark
what is the definition of the noun cribble?
a strainer
what is the definition of the interjection fie?
used to express disgust, dislike, or the affectation of being shocked
what is the deifnition of the noun bodkin?
a dagger with a usually slender triangular or square blade
what is the definition of the adjective puckish?
playful, especially in a mischevious way; whimsical, impish
what is the definition of the noun Disneyfication
the transformation into carefully controlled and asafe entertainment or an environment with similar qualities
what is the definition of the noun eggcorn?
a word or prhase that sounds like and is mistakenly used in a seemingly logical or plausible way for another word or phrase
what is the definition of the noun respite?
an interval of rest or relief
what is the definition of the adverb floridly?.
in an excessively ornate manner
what is the definition of the noun manacle?
a shackle for the hand or wrist: handcuff
what is the definition of the noun puritan?
one who on religious or ethical grounds protests against current practices, pleasures, or indulgences
what is the definition of the adjective bootless?
to no advantage or avail: fruitless nad frustrating
what is the definition of the noun provenance?
place of origin
what is the definition of the verb depose?
to remove from a throne or other high position
what is the definition of the noun missive
a written adn ofte nformal or official letter
what is the definition of the verb wheedle
to get away with something by using flattery
what is the definition of the noun merlin?
a magician and prophet in Arthurian legend
what is the definition of the adjective restive?
marked by fidgety or uneasy behavior
what is the definition of the adjective rabid (more figurative)
having some feeling, interest, or opinion in an extreme degree
what is the definition of the adjective spectral?
what is the definition of the adverb headlong?
without delay or pause: in a rush
what is the definition of the adjective votive?
performed or done to fulfull a vow or pledge
hat is the definition of the noun memorandum (ALL CONTEXTS)
-a brief informal communication sent among employees or coworkers
-OR : an informal record of something that one wishes to remember or preserve for future use : a note to help or jog the memory : one of the notes in a diary
-OR a memento, reminder
what is the definition of the verb tickled?
made pleased
what is the defintion of th everb daresay?
believe; think likely
what is the definition of the adjective boorish?
coarse and discourteous
what is the definition of the verb lambasted?
give a verbal or written thrashing to
what is the definition of the verb nervily?
in a calmly courageous manner
what is the defintion of the verb rollicking?
full of or expressing lighthearded joyfulness
what is the definition of the verb winnow
to study and sort to get the most sought after
what is the definition of the adjective wistful
what is the definition of the noun levity?
a lack of the serious attitude necessary for a situation
what is the definition of the noun hubris?
extreme arrogance
what is the definition of the noun jocularity?
a tendency to act or speak in an amusing manner
what is hte definition of the noun animus?
deeply felt hatred or hostility
what is the definition of domicile?
the place of residence either of an individual or of a family : abode
what is the definition of the adjective agate?
a fine grianed translucent minieral frequently mixed with opal and having various colors
what is the definition of the adjective cornily?
in a manner marked by excessive thatricality or grand but commonplace sentiments
what is the definition of the noun anabathmoi?
the 15 psalms in the series psalms 120-134 in the Eastern Church
what is the definition of the noun neem?
a tropical tree
what is the definition of the noun gyokuro?
a high grade tea made in japan
what is the definition of the plural noun apostolici?
members of various ascetic sects who sought purity of life by renouncing marriage and private poverty
what is the definition of the noun logothete?
one of various functionaries under the byzantine emperors
what is the definition of the adjective expugnable?
capable of being conquered in a violent attack
what is the definition of the noun agalma?
an ancient greek statue of a god that serves as a relic or remembrance
what is the definition of the noun estovers?
wood that a tenant is allowed to take from the landlord’s premises for necessary fuel
what is the definition of the noun linnet?
a small finch
what is the definition of the noun lapidary?
a cutter, polisher, or engraver of precious stones
what is the definition of the adjective apocryphal?
questionable; likely to be false
what is the definition of the noun comanchero?
a 19th century merchant who traded with the native Americans of the southwest
what is the definition of the noun kalimba?
an african thumb piano
what is the definition of the noun ammonite?
a fertilizer
what is the definition of the noun elan?
spirit and flare
what is the definition of the noun codswallop?
hogwash, nonsense
what is the definition of the noun bavardage?
trivial (commonplace) chatter
what is the definition of the noun buffa?
a female singer of comic operatic roles
what is the definition of the noun epenthesis?
the addition of a sound to the middle of a word
what is the definition of the adjective otiose?
being at ease or at leasure: idle
what is the definition of the noun ullage?
the quantity that a vessel ( such as a ewer) is missing from being completely full
what is the definition of the noun toque?
a hat for women that is small, soft, and without a brim
what is the definition of the noun gudgeon?
a small freshwater fish
what is the definition of the noun fetticus?
a plant of a genus of herbs that is cultivated as a salad plant
what is the definition of the adjective subrident?
presented with a smile
what is the definition of the adjective obeisant?
exhibting ready and willing compliance to the will of another
what is the definition of the adjective obsequious?
obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree.
what is the definition of the adjective veronique?
garnished or made with seedless grapes
what is the definition of the noun Conestoga?
a large wagon drawn by horses and used to transport goods
what is the definition of the noun gyascutus?
a large imaginary creature
what is the defintion of the noun Ponzi?
a type of investment fraud
what is the definition of the verb gambol?
to jump or skip around playfully
what is the definition of the verb vitiate?
to make defective or incomplete: spoil
what is the definition of the noun cygent?
a swan
what is the definition of the noun ailette?
an iron or steel plate worn over armor to protect one’s shoulder
what is the definition of the noun Feldenkrais?
used for a system of body movements that increase awareness and ease tension
what is the definition of the noun hummock
a small hill that is rounded or conical
what is the definition of the verb seine?
to fish with a large net
what is the definition of the adjective adscititious?
additional, extra
at is the definition of the noun caisson?
a watertight chamber that enables underwater construction
wat is the definition of the noun bailiwick?
what is the definition of the noun renvoi?
the act by a government of returning a foreign born resident to his or her original country
what is the definition of the noun aporia?
a speech or piece of writing that expresses some doubt or difficulty
what is the definition of the adjective mesial?
middle or median
what is the definition of the adjective exiguous?
what is the definition of the verb desiccate?
to dehydrate or parch
what is the definition of the nou n ruelle?
an alley
what is the definition of the noun redingote?
a lightweight woman;s coat that is belted with the front open
what is the definition of the noun pareidolia?
the tendency to perceive a specific, often meaningful image in a random or ambiguous visual pattern
what is the definition of the noun coalescence?
the joining or merging of elements to form one mass or whole.
what is the definition of the verb reconnoiter?
to preliminary examine or survey (something)
what is the definition of the noun patois?
a dialect other than the literary or standard dialect
what is the definition of the plural noun vicissitudes?
changes or variability in circumstances
what is the definition of the noun canaille?
a mob
what is the definition of the noun pulchritude?
physical beauty
what is the definition of the adjective hierurgical?
of or relating to worship or the act of worshipping
think hier-= sacred and -urg-=work
what is the definition the noun oeuvre?
the complete body of composed work of a writer, artist, or composer
what is the definition of the adjective ascetic (not spiritual?)
extremely self-disciplined and austere
what is the definition of the noun colporteur?
a distributor or seller of books
what is the definition of the adjective scaberulous?
possessing extremely small scales, spots, or points
what is the definition of the noun boulevardier?
a stylish man
what is the definition of the verb surcease?
to discontinue
what is the definition of the verb dignify?
to recognize, distinguish
what is the definition of the noun dowager?
an older woman who is prominent in a community
what is the definition of the noun bric-a-brac?
assorted items kept for decoration or sentiment and often gathered in one location for display: curios
what is the defintiion of the noun fabulist?
a creator or writer of fables OR a creater of lies or falsehoods
what is the definition of the noun maverick?
one who refuses to follow the rules or traditions of a group
hat is the definition of the adjective sophomoric?
superficial/pretentious OR juvenile
what is the definition of the noun agoraphobia?
fear of being outside or out in public
what is the definition of the adjective axiomatic?
related to a common rule or principle
at is the definition of the verb emblazoned?
decorated in a striking manner
what is the definition of the verb abrogate?
to put an end to something by official ruling
what is the definition of the elocution?
the art of oratory- think eloquent!
also… e-= out, locu-/loqui-= speak
what is the definition of the adjective vituperative?
marked by or consisting of wordy disparagement
what is the definition the adjective redux?
brought back or revived
think re-= again and dux-/duc-= carry
what is the definition of the noun partridge?
a game bird
what is the definition of the adjective beatific?
appearing blissfully happy
what is the definition of the adjective callow?
young and inexperienced
what is the definition of the noun apercu?
a brief impression; especially: an intutive insight
what is the definition of the noun synanthrope?
an undomsticated animal that lives in close association with oeple and benefits from their surroundings and activites
hat is the definition of the adjective nisi?
not final or absolute- used in law
what is the definition of the adjective sciolistic?
having to do with superficial knowledge or to a person whose knowledge is superficial ( think scio-= shadow)
what is the definition of the adjective internecine?
deadly (inter-=between, nec-/necro-= death)
what is the definition of the noun agelicism?
the idea that soicety determines one’s personal thoughts and actions
what is the definition of the adjective au courant?
well informed ( literally in the current)
what is the definition of the noun boutade?
a temper tantrum
what is the definition of the adjective crepuscular?
active in the evening
what is the definition of the noun ascites?
abnormal gathering of fluid in the stomach
what is the definition of the noun habiliments?
clothing suited to or required for a certain occasion or occupation
what is the definition of the adjective regnal
related to a reign, a monarch, or a kingdom
what is the definition of the noun nimiety?
excess or superfluity
what is the definition of the noun tachyon?
a hypothetical particle believed to move more rapidly than the speed of light ( think tachy-= fast, quick)
what is the definition of the noun obloquy?
a strongly and often intemperately condmenatory utterance
What is the definition of the verb extravasate?
to pour or erupt out of( think extra-= out of, away from, forth and vas-= vessel)
What is the deifnition of the adjective heuristic?
serving to aid learning or problem-solving through trial-and-error practices
what is the definition of the noun ancient regime?
a system or mode no longer prevailing
what is the definition oof the noun abaculus?
a tile used in a mosaic: tessera
what is the definition of the verb attacca?
to attack at once-used as a direction in music at the end of a movement to begin the next without pause
what is the definition of the noun armature?
an organ or structure that functions as protection
what is the definition of the verb dandle?
to make much of: to pamper
what is the definition of the noun huerta?
a plot of highly cultivated land in pain, such as for an orchard
what is the definition of the adjective triste?
what is the definition of the adverb perse (per- say) ?
in, by, or of itself: intrinsically( inherently)
what is the definition of the noun grande dame?
a usually elderly lady of great prestige, of high rank, or of extremely dignified or imposing manner
what is the definition of the adjective conciliatory?
tending to win over from a state of hostility or distrust
hat is the definitionon of the noun moira?
individual destiny: fate
what is the definition of the noun megaron?
the great central hall of an ancient Mycenaean house usually containing a center hearth
what is the definition of the noun haw?
the fruit of any several shrubs or trees of the genus viburnum
what is the definition of the noun coleus?
an herb known for its fragrant, often colorful foliage
what is the definition of the adjective indignant?
,arked by deep-felt resentment or anger, especially at something that is felt to be unjust
what is the deifnition of the adjective demure?
marked by quiet modesty or self restraint: shy
what is the definition of the noun pronaos?
the outer part of an ancient greek temple forming a portico
what is the definition of the noun fens?
low peaty lands covered wholly or partly with water unless artificially drained
what is the definition of the noun grebe?
an aquatic bird
what is the definition of the noun minimus?
the little finger or toe
what is the definition of the verb pervading?
spreading throughout: permeating
what is the definition of the noun surfactant ( not surface tension)
a substance useful for its cleaning, wetting, dispersing, or similar powers
what is the definition of the noun sprocket?
a tooth or a part that juts out shaped so as to engage with a chain
what is the definition of the noun chasm?
a deep opening: a narrow, deeep, steep-walled valley, ,gorge, or canyon
what is the definition of the noun affiche?
a notice printed on one side of a sheet for posting in a public place
what is the definition of the noun accordatura?
the tuning scheme of a stringed musical insturment
what is the definition of the noun alcarraza?
a jug or similar container made of porous earthware
what is the definition of the noun anosognosia?
an inability or refusal to recognize a defect or disorder that is clinically evident ( thin a-= not, noso-= disease gnos-= knowledge)
what is the definition of the noun anomaliped?
having more or less of the digits united (think anomali-/anomalo-= irregular, -ped= foot)
what is th edeifnition of the noun aegrotat?
a medical certificate testifying that a student is unable to attend lectures or examinations as a result of illness
what is the defnition of the noun almuerzo?
the first substantial meal of the day taken usually just before noon
what is the definition of the verb cacanny?
to work slowly in order to prolomb work, used in britain
what is the definition of the verb bisbigliando?
very light and murmuring
what is the definition of the noun cahiers?
sheets of apper put together for binding or bound loosely together to form a notebook or pamphlet
what is the definition of the noun contretemps?
mishap, predicament ( think -temps= time and contre-= against
is the definition of the noun consigliere?
a counselor or advisor
definition of the noun calvities (kahl-vih-shee-ees/kahl-vih-shees)
the definition of the noun coulisse?
a side scene of the stage in a theater or the space between side scenes
definition of the noun espalier?
a fruit tree or other plant trained to grow flat against a building, wall, railing, trellis, or other support
what is the definition of the noun esau
one that sacrifies a permanent interest for a more immediate but temporary interest; also: one that may be easily taken advantage of
what is the definition of the adjective Eerewhonian?
of or suggestive of the utopia described in the book Erewhon
what is the definition of drahthaar?
a dog of a german bree d of wire-haired pointers
hat is the definition of the noun henotheism?
the worship of one god without denying the existence of other gods
hat is the definition nof the noun gabarit?
an outline on a drawing of an object that moves showing the space required to allow its motion
what is the definition of the adverb in silico?
in or done on a computer: done or produced by using computer software or simulation
what is the definition of the adjective marcescent?
withering without falling off- used of a plant part
hat is the definition of the noun mondegreen?
a word or phrase that results from a mishearing of something said or sung
t is the definition of the noun panjandrum?
a powerful person of distinction or a pompous official
hat is the definition of the adjectivie niminy piminy?
absurdly nice: ridiculously delicate
what is the definition of the noun rocaille
an 18th century style of ornamentation distinguished by shell like and rocklike forms
what is the definition of the adjective sprechstimme
an oration delivered with rhythmic inflectiosn
t is the definition of the adjective stretto?
fast- used to indicate a direction in music
at is the definition of the noun quonk?
noise that disturbs or disrupts a television or radio program
what is the deifnition of the noun recamier?
a backless couch
is the definition of the adjective sybaritic?
characterized by luxury
what is the defintiion of the noun trompe l’oeil
deception of hte eye especially by a painting
hat is the definition of the noun tilleul (tih-yuhrl/yerl)
a pale greenish yellow
at is the definition of the adjective Typhoean?
of relating to or resmbling a specific mythical monster giant
what is the definition of tessitura?
the genereal range of a melody or vocal part
what is the definition of the noun verve?
energy, vitality
hat is the definition of the verb quip?
to make witty or funny observations or responses on the spur of the moment
what is the definition of the noun desecration?
the act or instance of treating an object irreverently often in a way to provoke outrage on the part of others
at is the definition of the verb deliberately?
in a slow, unhurried, and steady manner
t is the definition of the noun gloaming?
twilight: dusk
what is the defintiion of the adjective inscrutable?
not readily comprehensible: mysterious
what is the definitio nof the adjective affable?
easy to get along with
hat is the edefinition of the adjective atrabilious?
melancholy: gloomy
what is the definition of the noun attrition?
a gradual reduction in the number of employees or participants often without filling the vacancies
what i the definition of the noun argot
slang that is known by a particular group
what is the defintiiont of the noun anaglyph?
the act of carving a from from a flat surface )ana-= up, glyph-= to carve, write
t is the definition of the noun apotheosis?
elevation to the staus of a god (theo-= god, apo-= away
definition of the noun compendium
a work that briefly covers the significant features of an entire field of knowledge or subject area
t is the definition of the noun conordance?
an alphabetical verbal indesx showing the places in the text where each principal word may be found
what isa the definition of the noun corollary?
a proposition that naturally follows one just proved and does not need to be proved on its own ( think correlates!).
what is the definition of the adjective comminatory?
conveying warning or threat of punishment or vengeance
what isthe definition of the adjective castigate
to reprove for error or criticize with drastic severity: chastise
is the defintion of the noun caducity?
feebleness from age
hat is the definition of the noun calcify ( figurative sense)
to make inflexible or unchangeable ( think calc-= limestone)
what is the definition of the adjective desultorily
what is the deifnition of the noun dimorphism
difference betwee ntwo individuals or kinds of individuals that might be expected to be similar or identical
what is the definition of the adjective derisive?
scornful, sarcastic
what is the definition ofthe adjective duplicitous?
deceiving by displaying feelings that don’t match actions
What is the definition of the noun durango?
a moderate brown
what is the definition of hte noun decimation?
the destruction of a considerable part
what is the definition of the verb galvanize?
to stimulate as if given an electric jolt
hat is the definition of the adjective hackneyed?
trite: commonplace
what is the definition of the noun trite?
what is the definition of the verb grouse
to complain typically with sutained grumbling
what is the definition of the adjective Gallic?
french in character
what is the definition of the adjective ineluctable?
not able to be avoided or resisted: inescapable
what is the definition of the adjective ignominious?
marked by disgrace or shame
what is the definition ofo the adjective jaundiced?
exhibited or affected by envy, distaste, or hostility
what is the definition of the noun indicia?
distinctive marks that indicated or that are felt to indicated the nature, quality, existence, or reality of something: signs, toke
what is the definition of the noun menagerie ( two definitions!)
a collection of wild or foreign animals kept in cages for display OR : a varied group or collection of persons or things that are strange, odd, or startling
what is the definition of the adjective mendacious?
likely to deceive or tell lies
what is the definition of the adjective laconic?
spoken or written briefly or tersely: pithy
what is hte definition of hte adjective pithy?
containing much meaning and substance in a terse concentrated form : brief and to the point : full of significance : meaty
what is the definition of the noun terse (2 definitions)?
smoothly elegant (polished, refined) OR brief, concise
what is the definition of the verb limned?
outlined in clear sharp details
what is the definition of the noun largesses?
aid, support, or other valuables received as or as if as a gift through the benevolence of another
what is the definition of the adjective monitory?
giving a gentle warning or reminder
what is the definition of the noun metaplasia?
transformation of one tissue into another (think meta-=change in, beyond, happening later)
what is the definition of the noun obsecration?
a humble and earnest prayer mentioning in its appeal things or events held to be sacred
what is the definition of the adjective operose?
requiring or involving effort
what is the definition of the noun occultation
disappearance from the public eye
what is the definition of the noun onus?
something distasteful and difficult to bear: burden
what is the definition of the noun paucity?
smallness of number (think pauper)
what is the definition of the noun primogeniture?
the state of being the firstborn child
t is the definition of the verb purvey?
to make available something wanted or neede
what is the definition of the noun pelf?
money, wealth
what is the definition of the noun princeps?
a first edition of a work
what is the definition of the adjective prolusory?
of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an exercise or trial preliminary to a contest or performance
what is the definition of the noun podsnappery?
an attitude toward life marked by complacency and a refusal to recognize unpleasant facts
what is the definition of the noun complacency?
a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements, personality, or situation
what is the definition of the adjective smug?
having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one’s achievements.; complacent
what is the definition of the noun pariah?
an outcast
is the definition of hte verb rankles?
causes irritation or bitter feeling sin: makes angry
what is the definition of the noun surety>
ground of confidence or security, such as against loss or damage
at is the definition of the adjective subliminal
designed to affect the mind on an unconscious level
what is the definition of hte noun trituration?
the act or process of rubbing or crushing to a very fine powder
what is the definition of the noun travails?
mental or physical work that is work or painful
what is the definition of hte adjective discretionary?
left to individual judgement
what is the definition of hte noun esclandre?
an incident that arouses unpleasant talk or gives rise to scandal
hat is the definition of hte verb vilipend?
to talk about someone or something in a disparaging manner
what is the definition of the noun vinaceous?
of the color wine red
at is the definition of the adjective rupicolous?
growing up or living among rocks
what is the definition of the noun potpourri
a mixture of flower petals and spices kept in a jar and used for perfume or scent
what is the definition of the adjective nouveau?
newly arrived or developed: immature
What is the definition of the adjective superfluous?
exceeding what is sufficient, necessary, normal, or desirable: supererogatory
what is the definition of the noun psalmody?
the act or pract of singing religious songs in worship ( remember -ody= singing
what is the definition of the adjective auricular
of, relating to, or using the ear or the sense of hearing
what is the definition of the noun ataxia
: lack of order : confusion (tax-=order)
what is the definition of the noun attache?
one attached to another person or to a group specifically : a technical expert on a country’s diplomatic staff at a foreign capital
what is the definition of the noun auspices?
patronage and kindly guidance : protection
what is the definition of the noun adulation?
to praise effusively and slavishly : flatter excessively
what is the definition of the noun agalma?
: memorial specifically : a primitive Greek statue of a god
what is the definition of the noun agnegation?
renunciation or denial
what is the definition of the noun archetype?
the original model, form, or pattern from which something is made or from which something develops
what is the definition of the noun avarice?
what is the definition of the noun accrual?
the accumulation or increase of something over time, especially payments or benefit
what is the definition of the noun analects?
selected miscellaneous written passages : literary gleanings : collectanea
what is the definition of the adjective assiduous?
: marked or characterized by constant unremitting attention or by persistent energetic application
what is the definition of the noun atresia?
absence or closure of a natural passage of the body : imperforation
what is the definition of the noun alimentation?
he supplying with the necessities of life : maintenance OR nourishment
what is the definition of the adjective allocable?
assignable to a particular account or to a particular period of time
what is the definition of the adjective approbatory?
: expressing approbation : commendatory
what is the deifnition of the noun argot?
slang associated with a specific group
what is the deifnition of the noun acral?
relating to the extremities of the body
what is the definition of the noun antiquarian?
one who studies the relics of antiquity : one who collects or studies antiquities
what is the definition of acuity?
shrewdness of judgement
what is the deifnition of the noun ablation?
removal, especially removal of an organ by part of surgery
what is the definition of the noun arrearage?
something that remains unpaid and overdue after previous payment of a part —often used in plural
what is the definition of the adjective coercive?
is meant to bring about by pressure
what is the definition of the noun corm?
plant stem
what is the definition of the adjective cumbersome?
awkward, inconvenient, or difficult to handle, carry, or manage : of an excessive size, shape, or length; cumbersome, unwieldy
What is the definition of the noun billingsgate?
offensive and scornfully abusive condemnatory language
what is the definition of the noun bastion?
a literal or figurative stronghold
what is the definition of the noun boffin?
a scientific expert
what is the definition of the noun bruxism?
grinding teeth
what is the defnition of the noun bellwether?
What is the definition of the noun bereavement?
suffering the death of a loved one
what is the definition of a noun cathode?
the positive terminal of a storage battery
what is the definition of the noun cladistics?
a system of biological classification
what is the definition of the noun cudgel?
a short heavy stick
what is the definition of the noun cozen?
to deceive by artful wheedling or tricky dishonesty : cheat, defraud
what is the definition of the verb cathect?
to invest with emotional or psychic energy
what is the definition of the noun contumelious?
solently abusive and humiliating : despiteful, disdainful, demeaning
what is the definition of the noun collectanea?
literary items forming a group
What is the definition of the noun credulity?
willingness to believe something is true: gullibility
what is the definition of the noun confabulation?
what is the definition of the adjective cogently?
appealing persuasively to the mind or reason : convincing, persuasive
at is the definition of the adjective diatonic?
related to a standard musical scale with no deviations
wha tis the definition of hte adjective demulcent?
soothing OR softening
what is the definition of the adjective dirigible?
what is the definition of the adjective denticulate?
what is the definition of the verb discountenance? (2 definitions!)
put to shame : abash, disconcert OR to disapprove
what is the definition of the verb extrapolate (NOT related to persuasion)
to infer
what is the definition of the adjective fictile? (figurative and literal)
: capable of being led or directed : pliable Or moldable
what is the definition of the noun facundity?
What is the definition of the adjective fecund? (2 (figurative+literal defs)
marked by noteworthy intellectual productivity and inventiveness OR markedly fertile
is the definition of the adjective farcical?
receives laughter because of perceived incompetence
what is the definition of the adjective extant?
currently in existence
hat is the definition of the noun epoch?
a long period of time
what is the definition of the verb exeunt?
to go off the stage
what is the definition of the adjective fungible?
is interchangeable with something else OR flexible
what is the definition of the noun fiat?
fficial endorsement or sanction : permission
what is the definition of the noun ex libris?
bookplate: the inside cover of a book
what is the definition of the noun froufrou?
excessive decoration in clothing
what is the definition of hte noun espousal? (figurative)
a taking up or adopting as a cause or belief
what is the definition of the adjective fiduciary?
involves a confidence or trust
what is the definition of hte adjective fulgent?
what is the definition of the adjective expugnable
capable of being conquered
what is the definition of the adjective facile?
easily achieved
at is the definition of the adjective festooned?
suspended in a a decorative chain
what is the definition of the noun eucrasia?
good health (cras-=mix, eu-=good)
what is the definition of the verb efface?
to remove oneself completely from attention
what is the definition of hte noun grobian?
a buffoonish individual
what is the definition of the adjective inveterate?
: continuous, recurrent, chronic (don’t confuse with ven-=time, itt’s from veter-= old!)
what is the definition of the noun jactance?
vainglorious boasting
hat is the definition of the adjective vainglorious?
excessively proud of oneself or one’s achievements; overly vain
what is the definition of the noun indemnity?
: security or protection against hurt or loss or damage
what is the definition of the noun inerrancy?
what is hte definition of the verb immolate?
to sacrifice oneself in the interests of some goal or cause
what is the definition of the adjective lambently?
in a light or brilliant manner
what is the definition of the adjective lugubrious?
expressive of, marked by, or giving rise to grief or sorrow : mournful
what is the definition of the adjective luculent?
is extremely convincing in thought or expression
what is the definition of the adjective manumit?
to set free
what is the definition of hte verb malinger?
to pretend to be sick to get out of working
what is the definition of the noun oscitation?
the state of being inattentive or drowsy
at is hte definition of the adjective obstreperous?
stubbornly defiant
what is the definition of the verb oppugn?
challenge the accuracy, propriety, probity, or other quality of
what is the definition of the adjectivve opprobrious?
expressing distaste while implying inferiority
what is the definition of the noun profligacy?
reckless extravagance and wastefulness
what is the definition of the noun permutation?
what is the definition of the adjective proletarian?
relating to the lowest social or economic class of a community
is the definition oof the noun praxis?
the exercise of an art, science or skill
what is the defintion of the adjective prelapsarian?
belongs to a time before humanity’s supposed departure from innocence
hat is the definition of the adjective portentous?
foreshadowing a future event
what is the definition of the noun pertinacity?
the quality or state of being stubbornly unshakable
what is the definition of the noun retrocedence?
the act of giving territory back again
what is the definition of the adjective revenant?
what is the definition of hte noun renitency/
what is the definition of the adjective rebarbative?
: serving or tending to repel or irritate
what is the definition of the noun repartee?
a back and forth of clever replies
what is the definition of the noun rudiments?
fundamnetal skills taught or learned (thing rudimentary)
what is the definition of the noun remonstrance?
an act of saying or pleading in protest or opposition
what is the definitio nof the noun repository?
a container, room, or place where something is stored
t is the definition of the noun resplendence?
the quality or state of emitting or reflecting light very brightly
what is the definition of the adjective redolent?
what is the definition of the verb retrodict?
infer a past state of affairs from present data
what is the definitio nof the adjective restitutory?
returnign something to its rightful owner
at is the definition of the noun subsistence?
t is the definition of the verb seethe?
to be in a state of agitation
what is the definition of the noun smellfungus?
a person especially given to faultfinding
what is the definition of the adjective splenetic?
is the definition of the adjective snell?
what is the definition of the adjective saturnine?
what is the definition of the adjective sepulchral
has qualities suggestive of a funeral
t ist the definition of the adjective sobersides?
t is the definition of the adjective sardonic?
marked by mockery
what is the definition of the noun superficiality?
the state of being interested in only what is obvious
ht is the definiton of the adjective schnell?
at is the definition of the noun stratification?
seperation into layers or levels of importance
e deifnition of the adjective tensile?
relates to the act of stretching
at is the adefinition of the adjective temblor?
what is the definition of the past participle adjective teemed?
what is the definiton of the adjective toploftical?
possessing the qualities or exhibiting an extremely haughty manner
what is the definition of the noun trepidation?
is the ddefinition of the adjective intrepid?
: characterized by resolute fearlessness
what is the definition of the noun umbrage?
is the definition of the noun usurper?
infringes upon the property of another
of the noun unmoored?
no longer tied or tethered
ist hte definition of the adjective univocal?
has a single meaning
t is the definition of the adjective unctuous?
smug and falsely earnest
what is the definition of the noun benison?
what is the definition of the adjective bumptious?
: somewhat arrogantly self-confident : obtrusive
what is the definition of the noun epitaph?
a phrase or form of words written in memory of a person who has died, especially as an inscription on a tombstone.
what is the definition of the noun fardle?
a miscellaneous lot or collection
what is the definition of the adjective dyspeptic?
having or showing a bad temper : irritable, ill-tempered OR relating to or suffering from pain caused by digestive problems
what is the definition of the noun discomfiture?
a feeling of unease or embarrassment; awkwardness.
what is the definition of the verb fulminate?
: to issue or send forth censures or invectives menacingly or authoritatively
2: to make a sudden loud noise : detonate, explode
what is the definition of the noun insignia?
: a distinguishing mark of authority, office, or honor : badge, emblem
what is the definition of the noun entente?
international understanding or agreement providing for or marked by a common course of action or policy in foreign affairs but usually less definite or formally binding than an alliance
what is the definition of the noun flaneur?
an aimless and usually self-centered and superficial person
what is the definition of the noun nexus?
a connected group or series
what is the definition of the noun perquisite?
a privilege, gain, or profit incidental to an employment in addition to regular salary or wages especially : one expected or promised ( a tip)
what is the definition of the adjective innocuous?
( think in-= not and noc-= harm NOT in-= not and ocul-= eye (OCU- WILL NEVER MEAN EYE, ALWAYS OCUL-!)
: producing no ill effect : causing no injury : harmless
what is the definition of the noun lassitude?
fatigue OR languor
what is the definition of the adjective protuberant?
prominent OR obtrusive
what is the definition of the adjective factitious?
not occurring or arising through unaided nature (ARTIFICIAL)
what is the definition of the noun nonage?
: a period of youth, childhood, or infancy OR immatury
What is the deifnition of the noun requisition?
a formal written demand that some duty should be performed or something be put into operation.
what is the deifnition of the adjective panegyric?
a public speech or published text in praise of someone or something ( a LAUDATION)
what is the definition of the adjective prevenient?
preceding in time or order: antecedent, anticipatory
what is the definition of the adjective froward?
habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition : perverse
what is the definition of the noun plenitude?
: completeness or abundance
what is the definition of the noun subsistence?
the action or fact of maintaining or supporting oneself at a minimum level.
what is the definition of the noun parsimony?
carefulness in the expenditure of money or resources : thrift
what is the definition of the adjective presentient?
feeling or perceiving beforehand (anticipation)
WHat is the deifnition of hte noun apprehension?
anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen. OR grasp or understanding OR to arrest someone
hat is the definition of the noun plangency?
what is the definition of the noun poltroon?
an utter coward
what is the definition of the verb reprieve?
o give relief or deliverance to for a time : preserve temporarily
what is the definition of the noun contrition?
consciousness of guilt or sin giving rise to humility and sorrow
what is the definition of the adjective contrite?
: broken down in spirit with grief and penitence for sin or shortcoming : remorseful
what is the definition of the adjective taciturn?
: temperamentally disinclined or reluctant to talk or converse, marked by a lack of expressiveness or amiability : laconic, reticent
what is the definition of the noun misanthropy?
the hatred of mankind (think mis-= hatred anthrop- man)
what is the definition of the adjective untenable?
: not able to be defended or maintained : indefensible
what is the deifnition of the noun reboation?
a loud reverbation
What is the definition of the adjective venial?
excusable, insignificant
what is the definition of hte noun tepidity?
what is the definition of the noun desuetude?
: discontinuance from use, practice, exercise, or functioning
what is the definition f hte noun vanguard?
the leaders of thought, taste, or opinion in a field (as art, letters, or politics) : the forefront of a school or movement