Sense and Sensibility vocab Flashcards
Definition: anticipating the best : marked by eager hopefulness : ardently or confidently optimistic
Sentence: In seasons of cheerfulness, no temper could be more cheerful than hers, or possess, in a greater degree, that sanguine expectation of happiness which is happiness itself
Definition: the state of being imprudent: (not marked by wisdom or judiciousness ( sound judgement); unwise) lack of caution, circumspection, or due regard to consequence
sentence: assisted by the still greater imprudence of sitting in her wet
shoes and stockings—given Marianne a cold so violent…
Definition: Self-control, restraint tolerance
Sentence: Elinor wished that the same forbearance could have extended towards
herself, but that was impossible, and she was obliged to listen, day after day, to the indignation of them all (pg.185)
Definition: : an act or instance of satisfying or pleasing
Sentence: The house was large and handsome ; and the Middletons
lived in a style of equal hospitality and elegance. The former was for Sir John’s gratification, the latter for that of his lady ( pg. 27)
Definition: Without insincerity
Sentence: The Miss Dashwoods were young, pretty,and unaffected. (pg. 28)
Definition: Lacking Flavor
Sentence: preserved from the frightful solitude which had threatened her.The insipidity of the meeting was exactly such as Elinor had expected ; it produced not one novelty of thought or expression; and nothing could be less interesting than the whole of their discourse both in the dining parlour and drawing-room (pg.124)
Definition: stealthy or indirect hinting or suggestion
Sentence: She was remarkably quick in the discovery of attachments, and had enjoyed the advantage of raising the blushes and the vanity of many a young lady by insinuations of her power over such a young man. ( pg. 31)
Definition: exaggerated self-love : inflated pride in oneself or in one’s appearance, attainments, performance, possessions, or successes : hunger for praise or admiration : conceit, vainglory
Sentence: Lady Middleton piqued herself upon the elegance of her table, and of all her domestic arrangements ; and from this kind of vanity was her greatest enjoyment in any of their parties. (pg.48)
Definition: drooping or flagging from or as if from exhaustion : lacking vigor : weak
Sentence: But a day spent in sitting shivering over the fire with a book in her
hand, which she was unable to read, or in lying, weary and languid, on a sofa, did not speak much in favour of her amendment ( pg. 274)
Languid ( alternate definition)
Definition: sluggish in character or disposition : dull, listless
sentence: How cold, how composed, were their last adieus ! How languid their conversation the last evening of their being together !
Definition: the quality or state of exacting or requiring immediate aid or action : pressing, critical
sentence: One consolation, however, remained for them, to which the exigence
of the moment gave more than usual propriety,—it was that of running with all possible speed down the steep side of the hill which led immediately to their garden gate. (pg.35)
Definition: Conforming to conventionally accepted standards of behavior or morals
Sentence: One consolation, however, remained for them, to which the exigence
of the moment gave more than usual propriety,—it was that of running with all possible speed down the steep side of the hill which led immediately to their garden gate. (pg.35)
Definition: Lacking judgment, insight. or taste
Sentence: If their praise is censure, your censure maybe praise, for they are not more undiscerning than you are prejudiced and unjust. (pg,44)
Definition: unreserved, honest, or sincere expression : frankness, candidness
Sentence: I Perhaps,’ said Willoughby, ‘ his observations may have extended to the existence of nabobs, gold mohrs, and palanquins.’I may venture to say that his observations have stretched much further than your candour. But why should you dislike him?’ (pg.44)
Definition: artificial OR crafty and deceitful ( adroit in taking advantage usually unfairly )
Sentence: Could he ever be tolerably
happy with Lucy Steele ; could he, were his affection for herself out of the question, with his integrity, his delicacy, and
well-informed mind, be satisfied with a wife like her—illiterate, artful, and selfish? (pg. 121)
Definition: marked by shrewdness, craft, resourcefulness, readiness at devising, or physical skill and address so that one is enabled to cope with difficulty or danger
Definition: carriage
Definition: the human faculty or quality of being able to anticipate the occurrence or nature of future events : foresight
Sentence: I felt an immediate satisfaction and interest in the event, which nothing but a kind of prescience of what happiness I should experience from it can account for. ( pg. 64)
Definition: keenness of discernment or penetration with soundness of judgment : ability to see what is relevant and significant
sentence: Margaret’s sagacity was not always displayed in a way so satisfactory to her sister. When Mrs. Jennings attacked her one evening at the Park, to give the name of the young man who was Elinor’s particular favourite, which had been long a
matter of great curiosity to her, Margaret answered by looking at her sister, and saying, ‘ I must not tell, may I, Elinor ?’
Definition: a captious frivolous picayune (of little value, paltry measly) objection : quibble
Sentence: You will tell me, I know, that this may or may not have happened ; but I will listen to no cavil, unless you can point out any other method of understanding the affair as satisfactory as this. (Pg. 69)
Definition: characterized by suitability, practicality, and efficiency in achieving a particular end : fit, proper, or advantageous under the circumstances ( NECESSARY)
Sentence: It may be proper to conceal their engagement (if they are engaged) from Mrs. Smith ; and if that is the case, it must be highly expedient for Willoughby to be but little in Devonshire at present. (pg.70)
Definition: ( intransitive verbs) To meet or fall in with (as an inconvenience) : become liable or subject to : bring down upon oneself
Sentence: fter a proper resistance on the part of Mrs. Ferrars, just so violent and so steady as to preserve her from that reproach which she always seemed fearful of incurring, the reproach of being too amiable, Edward was admitted to her presence and pronounced to be again her son. ( pg.335)
Definition: overly difficult to please : overly nice or delicate in matters of taste
Sentence: That Marianne, fastidious as she was, thoroughly acquainted withMrs. Jennings’s manners, and invariably disgusted by them,should overlook every inconvenience of that kind, should disregard whatever must be most wounding to her irritable feelings, in her pursuit of one object, was such a proof, so strong, so full of the importance of that object to her… ( pg. 134)