World War I Flashcards
A policy of glorifying military power and keeping a standing army prepared for war.
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Became ruler of Germany in 1888. Did not want to share power with anyone, forced Bismarck to resign. Wanted to show the world how powerful Germany was. Lapsed treaty with Russia which then kickstarted the Triple Entente
Spanish Flu
Influenza- England and India in May. spread through Europe, Russia, Asia, and the United States in spring. Killed soldiers and citizens. Killed 20 million people world wide
Triple Entente
A military alliance between Britain, France, and Russia during World War I
A final demand or statement of terms
Central Powers
Germany and Austria-Hungry. Known as the central powers because of their location is the heart of Europe
Not helping or supporting either side
Western Front
A deadlocked region of northern France where the forces of the Allies and the Central powers used trench warfare to fight eachother
Trench warfare
A form of warfare in which opposing armies fight each other from trenches dug in the battle field
Eastern Front
The region along German-Russian border where Russians and Serbs battled Germans, Austrians, and Turks. Was more mobilized than the Western front.
Schlieffen Plan
Germany’s military plan at the outbreak of WWI, according to which German troops would rapidly defeat France and then move east to attack Russia.
German boat with larger caliber guns than the British navy’s.
Unrestricted submarine warfare
Germany had unrestricted submarine warfare, which meant they could attack what they wanted, when they wanted. No rules applied.
total war
When a country devotes all supplies and support to the war.
the limiting of the amounts of goods people can buy–often imposed by governments during wartime, when goods are in short supply.
Usually biased or inaccurate information used to sell a political view or cause
An agreement that both sides fighting against each other stop fighting for a certain time (Ex: Western Front stopped for Christmas)
A campaign that took place at Gallipoli Penisuala, the Allies hoped to win the strait in order to gain easy access to Constantinople, but neither side won anything because of large casualties.
shell shock
Psychological disturbance caused by prolonged exposure to active warfare. Specifically bombardment
A region of northeastern France, bordered Germany and Switzerland. France lost it in the French-Prussian war but gained it back after WWI
Region in southeast Europe. the “power keg” of Europe.
Baltic nations
nations that broke away from the Ottoman Turks: Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Serbia.
arms race
A competition between nations for superiority in development and accumulation of weapons.
To prepared and organize an army to move
Armenian massacre
Turks deportation and massacre of more than 600,000 Armenians after they [the Armenians] sided with the turks’ enemies for the war.
Tsar Nicholas II
Son of Alexander III, forced to abdicate after Russian Revolution in 1917, shot and killed with rest of family. (Add more?)
Franz Ferdinand
Pope of Austria-Hungry, murdered with his wife by a young man in the Black Hand Group. His assassination gave Austria a reason to mobilize against Serbia.
Franz Joseph
Battle of the Marne
Single most important event of the war because it ruined the Schlieffen Plan.
Woodrow Wilson
Democratic president who took Us into WWI in 1917.
When a country determines for themselves what government they wish to live in, along with who to ally with.
Georges Clemenceau
French stateman/prime minister, wanted a settlement with Germany during the talk of the Treaty of Versailles.
14 Points
Peace proposal that outlined a plan for achieving a just and lasting peace.
Treaty of Versailles
The treaty that redivided the land of the Central Powers, ended WWI, restricted German’s forces, and started the League of Nations
war guilt
Article 231 from the Treaty of Versailles that placed responsibility for the war on the Germans.
Paying money to, or supporting the nation that was wronged in a way of amendment
League of Nations
an organization formed after WWI with the goal of keeping peace and harmony among nations.
Marxist Theory: the group of workers who would overthrow the czar and come to rule Russia.
Lead the the Bolsheviks in 1917
Gained political power through Czarina Alexandria by using his “magical healing powers” to help her son who had hemophilia. Was later murdered because of his increasing role in government affairs.
A small radical group that was commented to sacrifice everything for change
Provisional government
temporary government
one of the local representative councils formed in Russia after the downfall of Czar Nicholas II, consisted of workers, peasants, and soldiers.
Communist Party
political party practicing the ideas of Karl Marx and Lenin; originally the Bolshevik party.
Joseph Stalin
General secretary in Soviet Union, launched the five year rapid industrialization plans +purge + agriculture. Ruled by terror and propaganda.
People without religion who do not believe in a God or Gods.
instruction in the government’s beliefs
Five Year Plan
plans outlined by Stalin for the development of the Soviet Union’s economy. A way that built up the industry at the expense of personal consumption items.
government control over every aspect of public and private life.
Great Purge
a campaign of terror in the Soviet Union during the 1930s , in which Stalin sought to eliminate all Communist Party members and other citizens who threatened his power.
command economy
an economic system in which the government makes all economics decisions.
collective farm
a large government-controlled farm formed by combining many small farms
class of wealthy peasants that the Soviet government eliminated because of their resistance to collective farms
a radical group who wanted a broad base of popular support for the revolution
Treaty of Brest Litovsk
agreement that ended the war between Russia and Germany