World War I Flashcards
World War 1
The Great War; “the war to end war”
from 1914-1918
32 nations involved
Causes of the war
- Militarism
- Alliance system
- Imperialism
- Nationalism
(glorification of war) created an “arms race” or a military build-up of forces & weapons
Alliance System
(military allies) created a world conflict out of a minor incident
Purpose of Alliance System
to create a “balance of power” throughout Europe
they believed this would help prevent the war, but FAILED
(colonial conquest) created rivalries between empires for power
(deep devotion to one’s country) created a desire for self-rule
Otto Von Bismark
(germany) had created alliance system
Major Alliances:
- Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy)
- Triple Entente (Great Britain, France, & Russia)
Pre-WWI, Europe was made up of 6 major empires:
Most of these empires were what?
British, German, French, Austria-Hungary, Russian & Ottoman
Most of these empires were ruled by kings who were relatives (WWI = BIG FAMILY FEUD)
“Powder Keg”
- of Europe was ready to explode (the Balkan peninsula)
made up of mostly Slavic peoples who wanted their independence. (They’d been controlled by Ottomans for centuries)
A nationalist movement to bring independence to Austria-Hungary Empire
to create a Slavic states (country) called Yugoslavia
(Tiny Serbia led out in this movement)
Balkan Wars:
Led up to the incident that caused WWI
In 1914:
The archduke of Austria-Hungary (Franz Ferdinand) and his wife (Sophie) visit Sarajevo for a “good will tour” to open new hospital. They’re killed by a Serbian Terrorist group known as the Black Hand.
Then Austria-Hungary gives Serbia an ultimation (do this or else war)
They REFUSED & they had Russia as an ally
alliance system kicks in and the little war turned into WWI
Assassin who killed Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie
Gavcilo Princep
countries begin preparing for war
info used to influence public opinion
How was propaganda used
- Recruitment of men
- Promote Patriotism @ home or support
- Make enemy look evil
The Belligenents
(Warring sides)
1. Central Powers (center of europe) - maj players: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Turks
2. Allied Powers - Russia, France, Great Britain & later USA
Schlieffen Plan
(by Alfred Von Schlieffen) German plan to attack France through neutral Belgium
1st Battle of war:
Battle of Marne - German attempt to capture Paris -
Western Front
extended from North Sea to Switzerland (500 mi) between borders of France & Germany
Eastern front
extended from Baltic Sea to Black Sea (1000 mi) Between borders of Russia & Germany/Austria-Hungary
Trench Warfare
100s of mi of parallel trenches between the armies
“No Man’s Land”
area between the trenches “Terrain of death”
By 1915:
War turned intoa BLOODY STALEMATE - neither side could win
Battles that r examples that symbolized horros of trench warfare:
Battle of Somme (1.2 mil casualties), Battle of Verdum (1.25 mil casualties)
WWI became:
War of Attrition (goal to wear the other side out)
Why so many casualties?
The Industrial Revolution had created many new modern deadly weapons
Modern deadly weapons created in WWI:
- Machine gun - most deadly
- Artillery - launch exploding shells
- Poison Gas
- Tanks
- Flame Throwers
- Zeppelins - “blimps” used for reconnaissance
- Airplanes
- Submarines- mainly used by Germans
Flying aces:
pilot that got 5 or more kills
Greatest of the aces:
Manfred Von Richthofen “Red Baron”
Top American Ace from Columbus, Ohio:
Eddie Rickenhacker
“Suicide Club”
life expectancy @ the front was 14 days
Poster boys:
heroes of the war
Fraction of aces that died in combat:
15 out of top 20 aces of the war died in combat
Soldiers: nicknames
Germans: Huns
British: Tommies
French: frogs
American: Doughboys
by 1916:
Russian army on verge of collapse along Eastern front (maj problem: lack of supplies & equipment)
The Gallipoli Campaign:
British Attempt to rescue Russia
Why did British decide to help Russia?
a two front war kept the German army split over 2 areas - failed
Russian Revolution
Causes of Russian Revolution:
- Corrupt/Inefficient Gov.
- Poor living conditions - peasants
- War had destroyed the economy
- Slaughter of the army
Led Russian Revolution & his 2 promises to peasants if they support him:
Vladimir Lenin
1. Taken Russia out of WWI
2. Land