1st History Quiz - Civil War Flashcards
Civil war
Bloodiest war in America
Maj. causes of the Civil War:
- Westward expansion of slavery
- States’ rights
- Slavery
Results of the Civil war:
- over 600,000 men died
- The South was destroyed
- Slavery was ended
- Saved the Union
Where & when did the war begin?
Fort Sumter (Charleston, SC) in April 1861
Total war:
when a country devotes all its resources toward the war effort
What happened April 12, 1861
Gen. Robert Anderson surrendered to Gen. PGT Beauregard
Results of the attack on April 12, 1861
- The war had begun
- 3 more southern states left the Union (VA, NC, TN)
Northerner Democrats who sympathized with the south
Border slave states:
Crucial to both sides! (Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri, & Maryland)
Which border state was the most important?
Why was Maryland important to the South?
One half of the South’s white population lived in these states
North’s Advantages:
- Large population
- Abundant industry
- Abundant food supply
- Large navy (blockade)
North’s disadvantages:
- Had to invade & conquer the South
- Poor military leadership
- Poorly trained soldiers
South’s advantages:
- United behind a cause (independence)
- Well trained men
- Superior military leadership
- Only had to defend their territory
South’s disadvantages:
- Lack of men, supplies, & food
- States’ rights
- Small navy
North’s main goals of war:
- To save the Union
- Later to free slaves
South’s main goals:
Win independence & preserve slavery
North’s strategies to win war:
- Capture Richmond (capital)
- Capture the Miss. River (main highway**)
- Blockade all southern ports (Anaconda)
South’s strategies to win war:
- Get foreign assistance
- Wear the North down - get them 2 quit!
Armies/soldiers for the North & South
North = Union/Federal
South = Confederates
What did both sides think about the war?
Both sides thought the war would be short
Southern soldiers:
Northern soldiers:
North Commanding Officer:
Abe Lincoln
Robert E. Lee
Overall commander of the Union, but he turned it down. & ended up fighting with his ppl (south)
what did the Congress authorize:
free land/colleges, free land homesteaders, building of trans. continental roads, & 1st income tax
All civil battles had two names:
North: named after rivers/streams
South: named after towns
1st maj. battle of the war:
1st Battle of Bull Run (Manasssas)
South won
Generals of the 1st Battle of Bull Run:
South: Gen. PGT Beauregard
North: Gen. Irwin McDowell
Results of the 1st Battle of Bull Run:
- Realized the war wasn’t going to be short/bloodless
- Need for standard colored uniform
Turning point in naval warfare:
Battle of the Ironclads (Moniter vs. Merrimac)
HL Hunley
1st submarine to sink a confederate ship
Thomas Jackson - “Stonewall”
General who helped the south win the 1st Bull Run Battle
Battles that occurred in 1862
Fort Henry & Fort Donelson
Ulysses S. Grant:
Union commander captured both Fort Henry & Fort Donelson “unconditional surrender”
Result of Ulysses S. Grant’s “unconditional surrender”
North now controlled the upper Miss. River
Battle of Shiloh & Generals:
a 2 day battle, bloodiest battle, & North wins!
North had: Gen. Grant
South had: Gen. Abert Sidney Johnston
David Farragut
Northern admiral who captured the Port of New Orleans
WAR IN THE WEST fought to:
control rivers
WAR AT SEA fought to:
cut off southern supplies (anaconda plan)
What dilemma did the South face?
- If they allowed the North to keep the fort then the new gov. would appear weak
- If they took the fort by force then they would be blamed for starting the war
The South’s last hold (fort) on the miss. river! 6 month siege!
War in the East:
fought 2 capture the capital cities - only 90 miles
Gen. George McClellan:
“Young Napoleon” - new commander of the Union Army (Army of the Potomac)
what did Lincoln say about Gen. George McClellan?
he said he had a case of the “slows”
Lincoln also said “Borrow the army if you’re not going to use it”
Peninsula Campaign & the goal:
“seven days battle”
goal: to capture Richmond
North: Gen. George McClellan
South: Robert E. Lee *Army of Northern VA
south victory
2nd Battle of Bull Run
Manassas, VA
south victory
*McClellan was reinstated
Peace Democrats - opposed the war! wanted to sue for peace
Battle of Antietam
McClellan found Lee’s battle plans
single bloodiest day in American history
North claimed victory
Gen. George McClellan was fired bc he let the south escape. He had them in the palm of his hands
Why was the Battle of Antietam the political turning point?
Lincoln decided to emancipate the slaves! This changes the goal of the war!
Emancipation Proclomation
freed all slaves in the South
Why did the emancipation proclomation only free slaves in the south?
Lincoln feared he would lose support of the Border States
What caused Lincoln to emancipate the slaves?
- Slaves were helping the Southern war effort (labor force)
- To help justify the growing casualties of the war
- It would keep England & France out of the war!
Effects of proclomation:
- Kept England & France out of the war
- Encourage slaves to run away
- Blacks joined up to fight as soldiers!
- Led to the passing of the 13th amendment which eventually abolished slavery
54th Mass. Regiment:
1st all black regiment
Commander: Robert Gould Shaw
20% - African American soldiers
“turning the tide of the Civil War”
New weapons impact on war:
New Rifled Muskets - grooved barrels
Artillery - exploding shells
the new modern weapons caused horrendous casualty rates and made the war more personal
- Very primitive & unsanitary
- infection was rampant - biggest killer
- amputations were very common
- no anasthesia @ first
- 2/3 soldiers died in hospitals
Prisoner war camps:
- Filthy & unsanitary
- little food
- poor shelter
- Andersonville Prison(GA) was the worst!
- new invention
- very popular
- 1st war photographed in history!
Who was the main photographer?
Matthew Brady
Women roles:
- Nurses
- factories - sewing
- Gov. jobs - copyists
Nurses: Medicine
- Dorthea Dix - 1st nursing corps in North
- Clara Barton - “Angel of the Battlefield”
- Sally Thompkins - Southern nursing corps
- Elizabeth Blackwell - 1st women doctor in USA
- Harriet Tubman - North
- Rose O’Neil Greenhow - South
- Mary Chestnut - South (Diary)
- Juliet Ward - North - wrote the “Battle Hymn of the Republic
Loretta Velazquez
disgused herself as a man to be a soldier
By 1863 very few men were volunteering, WHY?
They tried giving bounties (cash). given to get get men to sign up! (bounty jumpers).
for the 1st time in history, Conscription (draft) became necessary
Ways to avoid draft:
- Certain professions were exempt
- Hire a substitute (pay)
- Own more than 20 slaves
Battle of Fredericksburg:
North = annihilated
Battle of Chancellorsville
Lee’s forces crushed Hooker. Lee’s greatest victory but loses Stonewall Jackson (was shot by his own men)
Lee decided to gamble & risk all & invade the North once again. WHY?
- He was running out of time (men, food, arms)
- The North was on verge of giving up & suing for peace
Battle of Gettysburg
Largest Battle in the Western hemisphere & high tide of the Confederacy
Days of Gettysburg:
Day 1. fought through the town
Day 2. Bloody day of hard fighting
Day 3. Lee gambled - all out attack @ center of line - mistake!
Union victory!!
Lawrence Chamberlain
Little round top. commander “hero of Gettysburg” held the hill & the Northern right flank
George Pickett
general of the north for the battle of Gettysburg
What was the military turning point of the war?
The battle of Gettysburg & dead were left & it ended up becoming a cemetary
After the Battle of Gettysburg who were the speakers?
Edward Everitt (2 hr address) & Abe Lincoln (2 min address)
Commander of all union forces after the Battle of Gettysburg?
Ulysses S. Grant & had the goal to take Richmond
William Tecumseh Sherman
became 2nd in general/w Grant & had a goal to take Atlanta
3 huge battles in VA.. ?
The Wilderness, Cold Harbor, & Spotsylvania
Pres. Election 1864
Democrats: George McClellan
Republicans: Abe Lincoln
Key Northern Victories that turned the Pres. Election:
- Atlanta fell to Sherman
- Part of Mobile fell (last southern port)
Lincoln wins re-election bc of these
William T. Sherman’s “March to the Sea”
destroyed everything in its path from Atlanta to Savannah to destroy South’s will to fight
Where was Lee’s army trapped?
at Appomattox Courthouse
Wilmer McClean
“The war started in my front yard and ended in my back parlor”
Why were there generous peace terms?
Lincoln, Grant, & Lee wanted to heal the wounds of hatred between the two sides
Where was Lincolnc shot?
In Ford’s Theatre while “Our American Cousin” was playing
1st presidential assassination in history!!
Who shot Lincoln?
An actor named John Wilkes Booth
What did Ellen White say that God said about the Civil War?
God was using the Civil War to punish both sides