World War 2 Flashcards
What is appeasement?
World leaders gave Hitler what he wanted by letting him expand Germany to keep him satisfied and avoid war.
What is Lebensraum
A German concept that emphasized the need for territorial expansion of Germany into the east. Hitler believed Germans were the superior race and so they deserve more living space.
Munich Agreement (date, what was the agreement)
A signed agreement that took place on September 30, 1938, between Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France. The agreement was Czechoslovakia must surrender its border region that contained most people of German descent to Germany in exchange that Hitler would make a pledge for peace and withdraw his threat to unleash a war.
Axis (Members)
Germany, Italy, Japan.
Allies (Members)
Great Britain, United States, Soviet Union, France.
Nazi-Soviet Pact (date, what was the pact, was the pact broken?)
was signed on August 23, 1939, between Germany and the Soviet Union. The pact was an agreement that neither country would attack each other for 10 years, neither would assist a country in invading their counter partner, and not participate in an agreement that would affect the other country. The secret part of the agreement was to divide Poland which ended up happening that September. Hitler also broke this pact after 2 years by invading the Soviet Union.
Battle of Dunkirk (where it took place, date, what happened?)
Took place in the town of Dunkirk on the French Coast in May 1940. Thousands of British troops came across the English Channel to help defend France. Canadian soldiers stayed in Britain to defend against German invasion. The Germans ended up advancing in France and left troops trapped. In May, British troops had to be evacuated from Dunkirk. Around 300,000 troops were rescued by boats and sailed across the British Channel to return home. Terrible defeat, France fell in 6 weeks.
Battle of Dieppe (where it took place, date, what happened?)
Took place in Northern France on August 19, 1942. Landing crafts that had tanks and Canadian soldiers aboard, opened the doors, and as men were storming the beach, they were shot by machine guns from the German pill boxes on the cliff. Tanks were useless on the pebble beach. The worst Canadian battle plan of the second world war. Canada was pressured to begin fighting, so they rushed planning. Allies (Canada) started the attack and Germany won.
Battle of Normandy (D-day) (where it took place, date, what happened?)
Took place in Normandy beach on the French Coast on June 6, 1944. In attempt to trick the Germans, they settled for the attack to take place in Normandy, since the Germans would expect it to take place in Pas de Calais. The code name for this mission was “Operation Overlord,” and five sectors of the beach would be attacked. Utah and Omaha would be American, Gold and Sword would be British, and Juno was Canadian. The night before the attack, thousands of paratroopers were dropped behind German lines and on June 6, 1944, the 156,000 troops landed at the five beaches. They were met with heavy resistance from the Germans but pushed through and secured safe landing zones. Germany’s failure to defend Normandy beach marked the beginning of the end for them. By the end, nearly 425,000 Allied and German soldiers were dead, injured, or missing.
Battle of Hong Kong (where it took place, date, what happened?)
Took place in Hong Kong from December 8 – 25 of 1941. Japan first attacked the then-British colony of Hong Kong, and almost 2 thousand Canadian soldiers were sent to help defend the colony when a lot were inexperienced. 783 casualties including 290 killed, and 264 died in Japanese prisoner-of-war camps. Japan began and won the war when the British colony surrendered.
Battle of Britain (where it took place, date, what happened?)
Took place in London, England from July to October of 1940. The battle was between the Royal Air Force and Luftwaffe (Nazi’s air force). July 10th was when Germany first bombed Britain air bases and civilians and there were nightly air raids. 900 allied pilots and 40,000 British civilian casualties. Germany began the attack, but Britain won. Hitler called off his invasion in 1940 and Britain won because they had better knowledge of the territory.
Adolf Hitler
Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party and was a very powerful dictator. His violent actions, including the Night of Long Knights, allowed him to take control of Germany in 1933. When he invaded Poland in 1939, WWII broke out. Hitler’s hate towards Jewish people fueled the Holocaust and antisemitism.
Stalingrad (location, date, what happened)
Took place in Stalingrad, Russia from August 1942 – February 1943. This was a brutal battle between Russian forces and Nazi Germany. The Germans had their mind set on Stalingrad because the city produced war goods and artillery for the country and the Volga River was an important shipping route in the city. Within a few days of Germany’s attack, they captured the Volga River and sunk Russian vessels. They eventually had control over the skies and two million were killed or injured in the fighting including thousands of Russian citizens.
Harry Trueman becomes President of the United States and decides to drop a bomb on Japan. This reason he did this is because Japan refused to unconditionally surrender to the Allies and other alternatives to bombs would have had the same effect on Japan. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the only two attacks with nuclear weapons in war history and these locations were chosen because of its military significance and large populations.
Is a bombing technique designed to attack or destroy an area with fire from a bomb.
Joseph Stalin (what country, dates, what he did)
Dictator of the Soviet Union from 1929 – 1953. Under his power, the society of the Soviet Union was transformed into a force of industrial and military power. Stalin did rule by terrorizing civilians, and many died under his power. When he became in control of the Soviet Union he aligned with Britain and the United States during WWII but also engaged with Hitler by signing the Nazi-Soviet pact. Was also the leader of communism.
Benito Mussolini
Became the dictator of Italy from 1925 – 1945. He formed Italy’s violent, fascist movement in 1919, and in 1922, declared himself Prime Minister. Was allied with Hitler during WWII and relied on him to support his leadership.
Harry Trueman
The 33rd president of the United States and was in the White House from 1945 – 1953. He was the one who decided to drop an atomic bomb on Japan. He also helped rebuild Europe post WWII and led the U.S. into the Korean war.
Winston Churchill
Was Conservative Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1940 - 1945. He was a leader who led Britain through WWII and to victory. When Nazi’s came into power, Churchill warned his countrymen of Germany’s nationalism but was ignored.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Commander of Allied forces during WWII and led the invasion of D-day on Nazi-occupied land in Europe. Served as the 34th president in the White House from 1953 – 1961 and led the United States through the cold war and the Korean war.
Robert Oppenheimer
Created the first nuclear weapon during WWII and was the director of a project called the Manhattan Project which created bombs that killed hundreds of thousands of people in the nuclear attacks of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The Germans wanted to exterminate the Jewish race. It was the inhalation and killing of Jews. Took place in Poland, Hungary, all throughout Europe from 1933 – 1945. Antisemitism was widespread throughout Europe and something that Hitler heavily promoted. By the end there were 11 million victims, 6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jewish victims.
The deliberate killing of many people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the intention of eliminating them.
Concentration camps
Jewish people were kept in these camps and more then 44,000 camps were established. These sites were used for the purposes of forced labour, detention of people who were thought to be enemies of the state, and mass murder.
These were created to separate the Jewish community and isolate them from the non-Jewish population. Jews were forced to move into these ghettos and many of the inhabitants died from how poor the conditions were. Disease, starvation, shooting, or being murdered in kill shelters were all ways Jews died.
Was the largest concentration camp used to carry out the Nazi plan of eliminating the Jews. Located in German-occupied Poland, consisted of 3 camps, a kill center, and where more than 1.1 million Jews died. Auschwitz contained a kill center, labour camp, large gas chambers, and a crematorium for the purpose of mass murder of Jews.
Japanese Internment
Took away the rights of Canadian citizens who originated from Japan because the government thought they could be spies for Japan and communicate with them. Japanese fishing boats were taken away and Japanese newspapers and schools close. All Japanese males from ages 18-45 were removed from the BC coastline and were also forced to turn over their properties to the government. Were sent to internment camps where huts were shared by two families with no electricity or running water and there were 2 bedrooms and a kitchen.
How could appeasement be considered a cause of WWII?
Appeasement could be considered a cause because no one was paying attention to what Hitler was promoting or his actions. Leaders just gave Hitler what he wanted to avoid him starting a war, but could have identified early on that he was not a good leader being how he spoke about the Jews, his violence, and his book. If leaders or people in general had recognized this, he may never have gained so much power and started WWII
What lessons were learned form Dieppe that were used for D-day?
- The enemy must not gain knowledge of the landing site because you’ve lost the element of surprise.
- Enemy must be refrained from bringing in reinforcements once the allies land.
- Complete allied air and naval service.
- Local defenses must be destroyed by air and sea bombardment.
Why did the U.S. drop the atomic bomb on Japan?
- They dropped it in an attempt to end WWII because it had gone on for 6 years.
- To save American lives because if they invaded Japan, there would be thousands of casualties.
- To justify the $2 billion spent on the Manhattan project.
- Get revenge for Pearl Harbour because over 3,000 Americans were killed by that attack.
- They wanted an unconditional surrender from Japan so that their actions could have consequences in the future.
- Intimidate the Russians.
What was Hitler’s book called, and what did he write about?
It was called Mein Kamp, and he wrote about how he hated the Jews, and communism.
What did residential schools cause?
Intergenerational trauma.
Residential Schools
To assimilate Native children into Canadian society, basically take away their identities and make them like everyone else. It was the law that children attend these schools and were taken far away from home. Run by the church and they couldn’t speak their own language, hair was cut, were given English names and different clothes. All lot of the children were abused emotionally, physically, and sexually.