World Powers - USA Flashcards
Methods of participation as rights
Joining a political party
Explain joining a political party as a method of participation as a right
This Is a good method of participation because you can join what ever group you want, members can help assist them in there campaign, they pay fees to help the party to run a string campaign, buying member also allows you to vote in primary elections
Explain voting as a method of participation
Americans can vote in a number of elections like the federal government where they elect members of Congress, presidential elections and state elections
2 reasons why some people are more lily to participate
Understand how important it is
Voting influences the outcome of elections
Explain understand how important it is as a reason people are more likely to participate
Americans are more likely to vote as they understand the Importance of it. This is because of the generation know as the boomers who fought for a democracy and freedom
Explain voting Influences the outcome of elections as a reason people are more likely to vote
Voting allows individuals to gace a small influence over who make decisions for their counties
Why are people less likely to vote
Lack of role models
Feel ignored
Explain lack of role models as people are less likely to participate
Lack of role models xan make people from ethnic minorities feel that the political system doesn’t work appeal to them with nobody to admire to relate to them
Feel ignored as a reason someone is less likely to participate
It is believed that people may not vote because politicians haven’t dealt with issues relevant to young people such as the cost of health care
Reasons why women are less likely to be represented in US politics
Lack of role models
explain why lack of role models is a reason why women are less likely to be represented in politics
although female representation is increasing in the us politics, there are still fewer women than men in positions of power. with fewer role models to look up to it can deter women from getting involved, as they may feel its not worth it or unachievable
explain sexism as a reason women are less likely to be represented in us politics
female politicians tend to face a lot of sexism more than there male colleagues. whether its focused on there appearance, competence and suitability to be elected to the office. many women don’t put themselves as a candidate as they don’t want to experience the amount of negativity that other women face
two reasons ethnic minorities are less likely to be represented in us politics
cost of elections
explain cost of elections as a reason ethnic minorities are less likely to be represented in us politics
ethic minorities are less likely to run as it costs a huge sum of money in order to have an elections campaigns. most america people who are from ethnic minotires live in poverty and are less likely to be able to campaign or know people who would donate enough money to their campaign
explain racism as a reason ethnic minorities are less represented in us politics
there is a lot of racism in america, pole from ethic backgrounds are very likely to face discrimination and prejudices from white voter who are reluctant to vote for them. the abuse ethnic minorities face can out them off getting involved and standing as a candidate, meaning fewer are likely to get involved
ways the us military has influence over other countries
having military bases worldwide
explain military spending as a way the military have influence over other countries
the us have a huge influence over other countries because of the amount of money it spends on its military. the us spend more than any other nation each year on its armed forces which give them an technological and destructive advantage. this influence other countries as it forces them to spend more if they want to be able to even try and match the us
explain why have military bases worldwide influences other countries.
having military bases worldwide means that military power of the us forces is felt around the world. these bases ensure a rapid response to any perceived threats that allows the USA to support their allies. having base world wide influences other countries as it deters other countries from attacking the us and their allies as other countries are afraid of the us military. it also means that other countries will welcome us military bases in there country as a from of protection.
Two economic influences
Explain tourism as an economic influence of the USA
The US has influence over other countries as other countries will try and attract US tourists have alot of money to travel the world and spend money. So thi this make other countries try and be attractive
Explain tourism as an economic influence of the USA
The US has influence over other countries as other countries will try and attract US tourists have alot of money to travel the world and spend money. So thi this
Explain trade jobs as an economic influence
us has influence an other countries as many countries rely an American business to bring jobs . Big companies such as amazon have global reach meaning they set up and create jobs for people world wide. this means the USA have a positive influence on other countries
Example nato as a political influence
The USA is the dominat power. In nato and increase it influence. The us contributes more troops resources and finances than any other member. this give them influence as it allows them to set thr agenda
Feature of the USA political system
Explain executive as a feutrue of the us political system
this branch consists of the president and vice president. some of the roles they have is being the main ambassador, being able to veto laws which means stopping law from happening and an executive order which means they can create there own law if they want.
Explain judicial as a feature of the us political system
they are made up of the justice as if one retires or passes away the president will replace them. the superme Court can also check on other branches and stop laws gij g through if they are not constitutional meaning if they cause discrimination.
Explain G7 and G20 as a political influence
These groups containmost of the counties in the world with the largest economy’s. the group offer opportunities for the us and other groups members to develop closer ties to expand trade. due to America having the largest economy in the world, this gives alot of Influences as this means the USA will take part in important decisions that effect the economy world the world
Political influences
G7 and G20
Explain education as a social inequalities
Education diffeers across the us. If you live in a wealthy area there is more tax to pay so therefore more funding for education in poor area this isn’t the case as they don’t pay as much taxes. because if this they have a poorer education creating an inequality
Explain health as a social inequalities
Health isn’t free in the USA. Citizens have ti access insurance either through employer themselves orMedicare that can treat based on age and income. this leads to people paying inequalities in the treatment that people receive as they need to choose depending on what they can afford
Two social inequalities
Two economic inequalities
Poverty and unemployment
Two reasons why USA want to be influential
It protects the people
Shape the world in America interest
Explain shape the world in America interest as a reason they would want to be influential
as the hey leader of many of the world major allies such as nato, the us is able to make world agreements happen or even uses it power to prevnt things as the us will always consider first what is best for its self.
Explain protects its people as a reason the us want to be influential
the us spend more than any country on jts military which that the us has some of the most advanced military technology. this makes them want to be influential because it deters other countries from attacking them
One economic inequality
Explain employment as a economic inequalities
black peolle are more likely to face unemployment than white due to a poorer education. with a poorer education with bad graded it will be harder to get a job. this can slo be due to discrimination, this is when employers don’t hire them because they have racsal views towards them.
Two way social and economic inequalities are caused
Explain discrimination as a cause of inequalities
Exist within many workplaces with many businesses nit employing ethic minority groups as they have racial views towards them. This cause inequalities as they struggle to find work due to discrimination
Explain location as a case of inequalities
This is linked to education because schools within rural areas tend to have better examination results than schools in the ghetto. Because black and Hispanic live in cites they face a poorer education than white people that tend to live in rural areas
powers of the president / limitation
chief legislator
chief executive
explain chief legislator as a power of the president
the president can propose legislation to congress and they can refuse to sign bills if they do not feel it is in the best interest of the people.
explain chief executive as a power of the president
since the president is responsible for running the federal government they can appoint thousands of people such as supreme court justices and white house staff
explain chief legislator as a limitation of the president
congress choose to override the president veto with a 2/3 majority in both the house of the representatives and the senate meaning the president