Democracy In Scotland Point & Explain Flashcards
Three political right and features
Freedom of speech being supported
Right to protest
Explain freedom of speech being supported
Freedom of speech in itself is very important in a democracy, this means that citizens in Scotland are free to express themselves how they like as long as they do so within the law, like encouraging violence or using hate speech.
Explain the right to protest
Every citizen in Scotland has the right to protest. The people of Scotland can come together in large groups and protest about issues they believe that our important or that they oppose, so that they can raise awareness to the government and get a law change or a issue into debate.They are allow to do as long as they notify the police and are not violent.
3 devolved powers
Law and order
Explain health as a devolved power
This power allows the government to make decisions so that the people of Scotland are healthy and they can access the service they need like hospital,gp services and access to treatment, they also have the power to change or create and fund the NHS
Explain education as a deloved power
This allows the government to make decisions and control nurseries schools and universities they can also change the system if they are unhappy with it
5 roles and power of the first minister
Power of appointment
Leader of Scottish Parliament
Representing Scotland home and abored
Explain power of appointment
They can appoint members to their cabinet they can also fire people who they don’t feel like are working well in there position
Explain the Leader of the Scottish Parliament
There job is to make the final decisions on what each department should do with regards to the devolved powers
Explain representing Scotland at home and abored
They spend time traveling to other countries to build forgin relations with other leaders and matter on trade allionces and promoting Scottish industry
Explain power of appointment is powerful
This is powerful because it allows them to hire and fire who they want and have a cabinet they trust
Explain why leader of the Scottish Parliament is powerful
This is powerful because it gives them control of what is going on and who is doing what
Explain how representing Scotland home and abored makes you powerful
This makes them powerful because they are the image for Scotland and they can make good relationships with other leaders
3ways people can participate in politics
Join a political party
Joining a pressure group
Explain the right to join a political party as ways you can participate in politics
Joining a political party is a great and a easy way to be surrounded by people who share similar political views as you. It also allows you to attend local meeting
Explain the right to join a pressure group as a way people can participate
This is a popular way to participate in politics. Essentially amongst younger voter. Like minded people can come together to change the government view on a certain issue pressure group are also a powerful way for citizens to express their opinions
3 reasons people choose to participate in politics
Influence desison makers
Protect their right to vote
Because they know how important it is
Explain why 2 way people choose to participate is because it Influences desision makers
Many people im Scotland join a political party and presure groups because though these things xan help influences desison makers on issues that are important to them
Explain why people choose to participate is because they want to protect their right to vote
Many countries around the world are dictatorships meaning they are not allowed to vote. So people here in this democracy vote to protect their right.
Explain why people choose to vote because they know how important it is
The Scottish Parliament are very powerful and have a lot of responsibility for mking Scotland a good place so getting involved and voting help Parliament do the right thing.
3 reasons why people choose not to participate
They believe that their participation won’t mater
Don’t trust politicians
Lack of role models
Explain why people choose not to participate is because they believe their participation wont matter
Individuals on their own might feel lole that their voice is not loud enough and so feel that a single protest or vote won’t make a difference
Explain why people choose not to participate is because they don’t trust politicians
This is because often people see scandalous stories about politicians in the media which often leads to people losing trust and faith in the whole system
Explain why people choose not to participate is because lack of role models
Many young people women ethnic minorites disabled people and the lgbt people feel that they are under represented by poeple on power and feel that there political views are not being show and that their voices will not be hread