crime and law examples Flashcards
Example for poverty as an economic cause of crime
Around 25% of all crimes item such as food or clothing
Example for greed as an economic cause of crime
Former SNP Natalie Mcgory has been jailed for embezzling money form pro independence groups
Example for drugs and alcohol as a social cause of crime
46% of violent crimes are alcohol related
In 2014 they changed the drink driving limits to 35ml to 22ml per 100ml of breath
Example for Adverse childhood experience (ace) as a social cause of crime
People with ace are 20 times more likely to have been in jail at 1 point on there life time
Example of sex as a biological cause of crime
84 % of crimes are committed by men
Example for mental health as a biological cause of crime
29% of criminals serving a community sentence have had a bad mental health
Example for victim consequence how it effects their relationship with others
41% of victims have had a negative relationship with family and friends after crime
Example for consequence for the victim is emotional and mental instability
81% of victims of violence reported being emotionally affected by incident
Example for consequence for the perpetrator is unemployment
Only 26.5% of prisoners enter employment after release
Example for loss of family and support networks as a consequence for the perpetrator
If Aaron Campbell were to ever be released from prison people will not want to assciate themselves with him
Concqunce on the family for emotional distress
Children of imprisoned parents are 5 time for likely to experience mental health problems
Consequences on the fmaily for May face stigmatisation
22% of children report being bullied as a direct result of having a parent in prison
Consequences of crime for community is fear of crime
50% of women have felt unsafe walking home at night in their local area
Community consequences area will come run down
Fergusite Park in Glasgow is one of the most deprived and run down area in Scotland because if high crime rate
Wider society consequences cost of crime to businesses
the cost of business in Scotland was over £5 billion
Demands on NHS consequences on crime for wider society.
In 2019 there was almost 5000 hospital admission related to stabbing
High public confidence in the police- effective in tackling crime police
57% of Scotland adults believed that their police were doing a excellent or good job in 2017/18
Keeping the public safe effective in tackling crime police
Aaron Campbell was arrested for rapeing and killing 6 year old alsha macphail
Rise in violent crimes ineffective in tackling crime police
Violet crime Scotland have risen by 10% in the past few years
Gang crimes in Scotland ineffective at tackling crime police
112 serious organised crime gangs in Scotland 72% West 18% East 10% North
example for low crime rates as a reason the courts are effective at tackling crime
Over past 10 years the total recorded crimes in Scotland has gone down by 22%
example for deterring people from committing crime as a reason courts are effective as tackling crime
Court can issue tough punishment for people who commit hate crime as a way to stop people being racist or homephobic
example for Court is ineffective at tackling crime due to reoffending rates
In 2017 the Scottish government they stopped 12month sentences as reoffending rates were at 30%
example for Courts ineffective at tackling crime due to not proven verdict
1 in 5 trails for rape result in not proven verdict
example for Disadvantage of prion is over crowding in prisons
Barlinnie is about 500 people above its normal capacity
example for Disadvantage of prison is reoffending rates
Reoffending rates were at 30% in 2017 with sentences under 12months
example for Advantage of prisons is effective rehabilitation programmes
Four programmes which help offender cope with life outside of prison 3.4 million to share between them
example for Advantage of prisons is good from of punishment
Aaron Campbell was sent imprisonment for life after raping and killing alesha macphail
example for Advantage of non custodial sentence is reduces over crowed prisons
In 2021 8,200 commity payback order was given out instead of prison
example for Advantage gives back to the community non custodial sentences
James younger has done 600 hours of community payback order and is now becoming a mentor to help people
example for Disadvantage for non custodial sentences is less protection for the public
Craig maclelland was murdered by James Wright with a knife after James sabotaged electro tag
example for disadvantage of non-custodial sentence is that you cant access rehabilitation programs.
Four programmes for rehabilitation have been giving 3.4 million to share between them
Having a child supervised at home
Some who has been truanting from school may face regular visits from a social worker to discuss and monitor their attendance
example for remove a child from their home as a power of the child hearing system
Around 14,000 children are removed from their home each year in Scotland under a compulsory supervision order
example for Organised a panel as a role of the child hearing system
In attendance you always have 3 penal members a teacher the child social worker family
example for Investigate any referrals as a role of the child hearing system
75% of all referrals come from the police
example for Financial penalty as a power of the court
Between August in 2020 and May 2021 12 843 fine were given out for those breaching lockdown rules
Prevent crime through cctv
It is estimated that cctv prevents an average of 16 crimes for every 100
Protect the public as a role of the police
The police plan in advance how they will keep the public safe during annual Edinburgh fringe festival
example for community payback order as a power of the court
in 2021 they gave out 8,200 community service orders
example for no knifes better lives as a government response
there has been a 85% reduction in the number of young people handing offensive weapons
examples for gang crime as a government response being effective
in the past 10years there has been a 60% decrease in gang murders
example for knife crime as a government response being effective
there has been a 35% reduction in knife crime since 2014
example for knife crime as a government response being ineffective
there has been 45 instances Glasgow were a child has used an offensive weapon to assault a teacher or student
example for gang crime as a government response being ineffective
112 serious organised gangs in Scotland
example for keeping the public safe as a reason they are effective
they arrested arron campbell for raping and killing alshea macphil
example for high public confidence as a reason the police are effective
57% of adults say they have a high confidence in the police
example for gang crime as a reason the police are ineffective
there has been 112 serious organised gangs in scotland
example for rise in violent crime as a reason the police are ineffective
violent crimes have risen by 10% in Scotland over the past few years
example for protect the public as a role of the police
aaron campbell was arrested for raping and killing aelsha macphil
example for detecting crime as a role of the police
it is an estimate that CCTV prevents an average of 16 crime for every 100
example for stop and search as a power of the police
if you are in scotland you are more likely to face stop and search then you are if you were in england
example for entering premises
mark renton has the police go into his house to gather evidence for his trail in Edinburgh for a drug offence
example for punish criminals as a role of criminals
For example, the Selkirk Sheriff Court charged Andrew Miller with the abduction of an 11-year-old girl who went missing in the Scottish Borders town of Galashiels, he is remanded in police custody.
example provide justice as a role of the court
the family of Julie Reilly said after the trail at the Glashow High Court that they felt they had justice because the killed Andrew Wallace had been convicted.