World Politics - Other Flashcards
Kalevi Holsti
The Dividing Discipline
Real Lib Marx
Prob War/Security Global Change Inequality
Unit/Anal States States/NSAs World
Cap System
Key Anarchy/ Complexity Div of Labor
Feature Struggle for Interdep Dominance of
Power Core over
Marx - Main source of instability is conflict between bourgeoisie and proletariat
Lenin - Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism. Revolution must start in underdeveloped Russia
Dependency Theory
Resources move from the periphery to the core enriching core at the expense of the latter. The periph provides raw material, labor and is exploited for little
return. Opposes modernization theory.
Wallerstein and dependency Theory
Wallerstein adds a semi periphery which is independent but not powerful and ties wars to Kondratieff waves
Paradigms and Assumptions - Realism
State is the Unitary actor
states seek power
states are rational
anarchic world system
Classical: Driven by human nature
Structural / Neo: Driven by structure of the world system
Paradigms and Assumptions - Liberalism
States are primary actors
anarchic system compels cooperation
states should seek long term /absolute benefits
non-state actors are important
Paradigms and Assumptions - Neo Marxist
Dominance of Core over Periphery
States (as an economic unit) strive to control surplus
World Systems Theory
Immanuel Wallerstein - the core dominates and exploits the periphery for reesources and labor. The periphery depends on the core (dominant and capitalistic). Semi-periphery has charactaristics of both.
Karl Deutsch
Wave Metaphor of IR
1st: International Law
2nd: Diplomatic History / International Orgs
3rd: Application of findings from Social Science
4th: Rise of analytical research
The claim that significant aspects of IR are historically and socially constructed, rather than inevitable consequences of human nature or other charactaristics of the international system
Nicholas Onuf; Alexander Wendt; John Ruggie; Finnemore; Kratochwil; Lebow
Fundamental Tenets of Constructivism
Alexander Wendt: the structures of human association are determined primarily by shared ideas rather than material forces and the identities and interests of purposive actors are constructed by these shared ideas rather than given by nature
The English School
there is a society of states at the international level, despite the condition of anarchy. Ideas shape the conduct of Intl Politics, and thus deserve analysis. Rooted in history and international Law, open to normative approaches.
Essentiallty constructivist - does not affirm primacy of anarchy.
Hedley Bull definition of International Society
a group of states (or independent political communities) which not merely form a system, but have also established by dialogue and consent common rules and institutions for the conduct of their relations and recognize their common interest in maintaining these arrangements
English School Triad of IR Approaches
Realist (Hobbesian) - International System
Rationalist (Grotian) - International Society (Eng Sch)
Revolutionist (Kantian) - World Society
John Vasquez
The War Puzzle Revisited
Using the practices of power politics leads to an increase in liklihood of war (alliances, rivalry, arms races)
Three primary causes of war: territorial contiguity, alliances, rivalries