World History: WWI Study Flashcards
How did the Franco-Prussian WAr of 1870-71 help lead Europe on the path to WWI in 1914?
It led to the first alliance made.
The Triple Alliance was made up of which 3 countires in 1914?
Germany, Austria-Hungary, & Italy
The Central Powers was made up of which 3 countries during 1915?
Germany, Austria-Hungary, & Ottoman Empire
The Triple Entente was made of which 3 countries during 1914?
Britain, France & Russia
What was the Triple Entente also called?
The Allies
Which country switched alliances in 1915 in order to gain lands from Austria- Hungary?
Which country was the largest Slavic nation in Europe?
Which small Slavic nation in the Balkan area of Europe did Russia act as a protector to?
Besides Alliances, what were the 3 other cause for World War I to be fought?
a. Imperialism
b. Militarism
c. Nationalism
Which two causes above were seen as “rivalry” reasons? Explain how.
- Imperialism - nations completed against each other for lands/resources/strategic locations
- Militarism - nations completed to get the strongest, largest, forces with the best weapons etc.
Briefly explain why the Balkan Peninsula region of Europe was called “a powder keg?”
The Balkan region in southeastern Europe was home to many ethnic populations whose cultures, religions, etc. often differed. There were many conflicts between the different ethnicities that could possibly spark larger wars.
What was the name of the A-H archduke (heir to the throne)?
Franz Ferdinand
The assassin of the A-H was named what? And what Serbian nationalist/terrorist group was he apart of?
- Gavrilo Princip
- The Black Hand
The assassination of the Austrian-Hungary archduke in 1914 would be placed under which one the four causes of WWI?
How did WWI begin in August 1914?
When Germany invaded the neutral nation of Belgium in order to attack France.