World At Risk - Compulsory CS Flashcards
What process caused drought-like conditions in California over the last 2 years?
La Niña
Where do landslides commonly occur in California after a winter storm?
Steep gradients:
- hillsides burnt and erodes by wildfire
- coastal mountain terrain (San Francisco bay, Malibu, Santa Monica)
What do Santa Ana winds create?
Increased risk of forest fires in rural areas (e.g Los Angeles, Yosmite National Park)
When does advection fog occur?
When cool air from off-shore current drifts inland and meets warm air (esp. in Summer)
What areas are particularly at risk of EQs in California?
Areas along the San Andreas Fault, which extends ~810 miles through California.
Why is San Andreas (fault) so prone to EQs?
San Andreas is the conservative plate boundary between the N. American plate. Movement = sudden release of tension = EQ!
What is the probability that Mojave will have an EQ?
30% probability of a 7.5 magnitude EQ
Explain movements of 2 plates underneath California:
- Both N. American and Pacific plate moves in a NW direction ↖️
- BUT N.Am plate is moving faster than Pacific
- So relative movement = SE ↘️
Where are coastal areas particularly at risk of tsunamis?
On the edge of the ‘Pacific ring of Fire’
CA has had 14 tsunamis since 1812
How much of CA’s population is vulnerable?
19% (in 2013)
Quantify the rate of Pop. Growth in CA:
It has tripled in the last half of the 20th Century.
Protected to be 50 million by 2050.
Quantify the rate of urbanisation:
50,000 acres of farmland is lost to urbanisation each year.
~95% if California’s Pop live in urban areas.
How many people live in CA?
37.3 million
How many of CA’s pop. is affected by poverty?
1 in 4
Exemplify USA’s rapid rate of deforestation:
USA lost 6% more forests that any other country (2000-2005)