World at risk Flashcards
Geography International Edexel
What is a Hazard
A hazard is a potention threat to humans life and property
What are the diffrent types of Hazards?
Hydro-meterological hazard (climate processes)
geophysical hazard (land processes)
Conext Hazard (effect entire planet)
What forces effect plate tectonics?
- Convection current in the mantle
- Ridge push
- Slab push
What is Ridge push?
It is the gravitational force at the spreding ridges)
What is slab push?
It is the gravitational force in subducting zones)
What is the convection current theory?
- Radioactive decay in the core creates heat
- This heat drives vast convection currents, causing mantle to rise and fall
- This convection moves the plates
Destructive Plate Boundary
- Denser oceanic plate subducts below the continental plate
- Plate subducting leaves a deep ocean trench
- Oceanic plate is melted as it subducts into the asthenosphere
4.Extra maga forces through weak areas
5.Explosive volcanoes erupt through continental plate known as composite volcanoes - fold montains occur when sedement is pushed upwards during subduction
Destructive Plate Boundary
1.Older more dense plate subducts
2. Leaves a ocean trench
3. Fold mountains may occure
4. Built up pressure causes underwater volcanoes bursting through oceanic plate
5. Lava cools and creates new island arcs
Collision Plate Boundary
- Both plates are the same density so does not subduct
- Pile up of crust on top of litmosphere due to pressure between plates
- Fold mountains
Constructuve plate boundary
- tectonic plates are pulled apart by opposite dirrections of convection currents
- Magma rises in between the gaps left by the two plates seperating, forming new land when it cools
- Less explosive underwater volcanoes formed as magma rises
- New land forming on the ocean floor by lava filling the gaps
Constructive Plate Boundary
- tectonic plates are pulled apart by opposite dirrections of convection currents
- Volcanoes form where the magma roses
Conservative Plate Boundary
- Parallel plates move in different directions at diffrent speeds
- No land is created or destroyed
- Can cause fault lines on continental crust
- Plates can become stuck and cause high magnitude earthquakes
5.Can cause a lot of water to be displaced on oceanic crust causing volcanoes
What is an earthquake?
A sudden shaking of the ground as a result of movement within the earths crust or volcanic action
How does tectonic movement cause Earthquakes?
- Plates become stuck due to friction
- Convection currents in the asthenosphere continue to push, which builds pressure
- it builds up and eventually gives way
- The sudden release of pressre causes joilting motions in the plates
- The jolt is responsible for the seismic movement spreading throughout the gorund in the form of seismic waves
What is the focus/hypocentre?
It is the undergorund point where the earthquake originates from
What is the epicentre
It is the area above the ground that is directly above the focus
What secondary hazards do earthquakes cause?
Primary Hazards of Volcanoes
Lava flow-dirrectly from the volcanoe
Tephra and ask flow-Damage to buildings, which can collapes under weight
Volcanic gases-Sulphur dioxide and CO2
Secondary Hazards of Volcanoes
Lahars- Rock, mud and water travel quickly down the sides of volcanoes
Jokulhlaup- Snow and ice in glaciers melt causing sudden floods
Acid rain- Caused by sulphure dioxide
How is a Tsunami formed?
- Oceanic crust is jolted during an earthquake
- Water is displaced above
- water is pulled back down due to gravity
- energy is transfered into the water and travels though it like waves
- The water travels fast but with a low amplitude/ height
- As it gets closer to te coast the sea level decreases so there is friction between the sea bed and the waves
- This causes waves to slow down and again height
(average height=10 feet, but can reach 100 feet)
Usually formed in the subduction zone at convergent plate boundaries
How do landslides happen?
- Earthwuakes can weacken or damage the stucture of material
- Unconsolidated material or loose rocks can collapse
Landslides can travel several miles and accumulate material on the way
Short term hydro-meteological hazards
- Cyclones
- Floods
- Hurricanes