Worksheet 1 + Unit 1 Flashcards
Which of the following is a characteristic of economies of scale?
The average cost declines as output increases
What is the minimum efficient scale (MES) of production?
The minimum point on a u shaped average cost curve
Which of the following is generally a way that LBOs can help a firm realize its potential value?
The transaction requires debt repayment with future free cash flow leaving management no discretion
over the investment of these funds
Which of the following best describes economies of scope?
Savings are achieved when a firm produces a wider variety of goods
What measure, that depends on how much of a firm’s revenues are attributable to product market
Which of the following is not a product specific fixed cost?
The cost of administrative expenses
What kind of economies come from reductions in cost due to adoption of technology that has high
fixed costs, but lower variable costs?
Long-run economies of scale
Examining which of the following is broadly considered one of the easiest ways to measure
diversifying activity?
Mergers and acquisitions
What force does Manne indicate constrains the actions of managers so that they stay focused on the
goals of owners?
Market for corporate control
What kind of economies come from reductions in average costs due to increases in capacity
Short-run economies of scale
What are economies of density as referred to in the airline industry?
Economies of scale along a given route
Which of the following is not generally a potential benefit of diversification?
Control systems rewarding/penalizing division managers based on business unit objective
Which of the following benefits of diversification explains the idea that mergers are more likely when
there is an expectation of positive changes in market share?
Economies of scale and scope
How does carrying inventories contribute to economies of scale?
Minimizes the chance of stock-out
Which of the following benefits of diversification explains the idea that combining unrelated
businesses can allow firms to finance projects through cross-subsidization when they previously were
unable to finance the same projects externally?
Use of internal capital markets