Intro: Economics Primer (pages 9-37) Flashcards
What is the law of demand
all other things constant, the lower the price of a product, the more of it consumers will purchase. The lower the price, the higher the demand and vice versa
What is price elasticity
cutting the price of a good in response to a competitor’s price cut.
Price elastic demand usually implies what as it relates to a price cut?
Not only into higher unit sales, but also higher sales revenue
What does a firm’s profit equal?
Revenue minus costs
What is the total cost function?
The relationship between a firm’s total cost (TC) and the total output it produces in a given time period (Q)
Total cost function reflects what?
Total current capabilities of the firm (and is an efficiency relationship)
The total cost function must slope upward – why?
The only way to achieve more output is to use more factors of production, which will raise total costs
Why is the lines dividing fixed and variable costs fuzzy?
Some costs, such as maintenance or advertising and promotional expenses, may have both
fixed and variable components. Other costs may be semifixed: fixed over certain
ranges of output but variable over other ranges
What does it mean when we say a cost is fixed?
It is invariant to the firm’s output. That’s not to say it can’t be affected by other dimensions of the firm’s operations or related decisions.
Whether costs are fixed or variables depends on what?
The time period in which decisions regarding output are contemplated. Whether the firm has the freedom to alter its physical capital or other elements of its operation has important implications for cost structure and nature of its decision making
What is the average cost function aka AC(Q)
describes how the firm’s average or per-unit-of-output costs vary with the amount of output it produces.
AC(Q) = TC(Q)/Q
Often, average cost will vary with what?
What are economies of scale?
When average cost decreases as output increases.
What are diseconomies of scale?
When average cost increases as output increases.
What is a constant return to scale?
When average cost remains unchanged with respect to output