worklessness Flashcards
What does the term ‘worklessness’ refer to?
Those who are not in employment.
List 3 possible types of individuals that may not be in employment.
- Out of choice - they have chosen to be unemployed.
- They have been made redundant.
- They are unable to find jobs.
List the 6 reasons for unemployment.
- Globalisation
- New technologies
- Decline of manufacturing
- Decline of traditional heavy work
- Increase in the working population
- Growing flexibility and casualisation of work
Summarise how globalisation may contribute to unemployment.
- Increases international competition from countries with lower costs.
- Outsourcing work; therefore don’t need as many workers.
Summarise how new technologies may contribute to unemployment.
- Removes the number of workers required.
- New skills are needed, so old ones become redundant.
Summarise how a decline in manufacturing industries may contribute to unemployment.
- Less people needed for unemployment.
- May effect men more than women as this is traditionally viewed as a male profession.
Summarise how a decline of traditional heavy work industries may contribute to unemployment.
- Decline in mining, docking and steel for cheaper, imported products.
Summarise how an increase in the working population may contribute to unemployment.
- More women working.
- More people living longer; working up to and beyong the State Pension age.
- More immigration.
Summarise how a growing flexibility and casualisation of work may contribute to unemployment.
- Disguised unemployment through part time work.
- Growth in the proportion of periphery workers.
List 3 impacts of unemployment on the indiviual.
- Loss of identity, status and self esteem - search for work/welfare dependency may undermine self esteem.
- Loss of regular income - creates anxiety/stress, could result in loss of home.
- Social isolation/exclusion - loss of friendships formed through work, less money for leisure.
List 3 impacts of unemployment on society.
- Increase in social divisions - growing gaps between rich and poor + those in work and not in work.
- More social problems - poverty, homelessness, suicide, crime, drugs.
- Rising demands on the welfare state - fewer people in work to pay taxes and fund benefits yet more people will be needing them.
What are the 4 ways in which worklessness can be measured?
- Unemployment Rate
- Economically Active Population
- Claimant Count
- International Labour Organisation (ILO)
How does the unemployment rate measure worklessness?
It measures the % of the economically active population (working population) who are unemployed.
How is worklessnesss measured through the economically active population?
It refers to those either at work or looking for/available to work.
How is worklessness measured through the claimant count?
It refers to the unemployed but available for/actively seeking work and in receipt of Jobseeker’s Allowance.