government responses to poverty - neoliberalism Flashcards
Time frame?
2010 - 2015
What type of government was neoliberalism?
What 2 governments made up the neoliberals?
- A coalition government.
- Conservatives
- Liberal Democrats
What was the central focus?
To reform the welfare state.
What ideas did neoliberals continue? Whose ideas was it originally?
They continued New Labour’s focus on the working poor.
What was the aim of reorganising the NHS?
The NHS was reorganised so that there was an increase in the role of private sector companies in the NHS.
What happened in regards to the numbers on social housing waiting lists?
Numbers rose as cuts were made by the government.
State the New Labour policies that were continued under neoliberalism.
- Moving people away from welfare into work.
- Recognition of the poverty trap.
- Simplifying the benefits system/new universal credit.
What was emphasised when the government wanted to move people away from welfare and into work?
HINT - Large focus on children.
An emphasis was placed on parenting skills, supporting nursery education and more flexible childcare to tackle cultural dimensions of child poverty.
Describe what the recognition of the poverty trap ensured.
Benefits that people lost would not be greater than what they earned as they entered employment.
Benefits would decrease as employment increased + benefits would increase again if employment decreased.
Describe what was to happen as the government simplifyed the benefits system.
A single income was to replace benefits for working age adults.
What was the aim of simplifying the benefits system?
To provide people with basic minimum income that would only get reduced as other income increased e.g through employment.
How did they attempt to tackle to dependency culture? Who did these affect the most?
They introduced a range of policies introducing harsher approaches to benefits effectively hitting the poorest the hardest.
Who in particular did the NR aim their harsh policies at in regards to welfare benefits?
There was a harsher approach to those recieving welfare benefits because they were incapable of work due to an illness/disability.
What did the NR create a stricter definition for?
What ‘incapable of work’ meant.
What did the NR introduce harsher tests for?
They introduced harsher medial tests to those claiming benefits due to illness or disability.