Working Memory (Chapter 5) Flashcards
Problem with short term memory theory
People are able to store things and focus on something else without eliminating that memory
Working memory model
Central executive overlaps both phonological loop and visuospatial sketchpad
Phonological loop
Short-term storage of verbal and auditory information
Used in repetition of information in head
Function: phonological coding and manipulation of what is heard in environment
Visuospatial sketchpad
Short-term storage of visual and spatial information
Used to store and manipulate images
Phonological similarity effect
Easier to recall list of letters that sound phonologically different than list of letters that sound phonologically similar, even when given written list of letters
Word length effect
Words that are shorter in length are better retained in working memory than those that are longer in length
Occurs because phonological loop fills up faster with more syllables
Capacity of phonological loop
Approximately 2 seconds
Articulatory suppression
Phonological loop has lessened capacity when speaking
The same loop is used for storage and rehearsal- it gets filled up with hearing oneself talk
Written information presented must be stored in visuospatial sketchpad, which isn’t as efficient at storing words
Word length effect is wiped out (syllables are irrelevant when word is coded visually)
Storing and processing information visually or auditorily
When storing visual information, processing is faster verbally
When storing verbal information, processing is faster visually
Reason: spreading load across two systems
When interference occurs
Trying to carry out 2 tasks within one component of working memory
Central executive
Moving information to and from long term memory
Spreads cognitive load across phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad, and long term memory
Directs attention across tasks
Relationship between working memory and attention
Working memory is essentially attention
Prefrontal cortex and working memory
Prefrontal cortex is essential for proper function of working memory
Damage to prefrontal cortex creates deficits in working memory