Attention Flashcards
Overt vs. covert attention
Overt: paying attention with full body language
Covert: paying attention, but not acting like it
Selective attention
Filtering the stimuli that we process/attend to
Attending to whatever matches a “criterion”
Attending to what changes suddenly, ignoring the rest
Automatic processing
Processing that occurs without attention (automatically) and requires few cognitive resources (little demand on attention)
Depends on practice and difficulty of task
Controlled processing
Processing that requires attention and significant cognitive resources
Difficult tasks or not-practiced ones
When divided attention can be accomplished
When tasks that attention is divided between are fairly easy and sufficiently practiced
Late selection theory
All incoming stimuli processed for meaning prior to selection occurring
McKay’s ambiguous sentence experiment
Evidence for late selection theory
Dichotic listening experiment: attended ear “they were throwing stones at the bank”, unattended ear “river” or “money”
People were more likely to choose the definition of “bank” that they had heard in the unattended ear
Flanker task
Evidence for late selection theory
Blank circle presented: 1 of 2 stimuli put in circle
When distractor stimuli (stimuli outside of circle) were added, congruent (same stimuli as one in circle) was processed faster than incongruent (different stimuli than one in circle)
Problem with late selection theory
Inefficient- takes up a lot of cognitive resources
Broadbent’s filter model
Early selection theory
Messages from environment come in -> enter sensory memory -> unimportant stimuli filtered out -> attended message is passed onto detector -> processed for meaning
What distinguishes important message from unimportant: physical characteristics (tone, pitch, volume, etc.)
Supporting evidence for early selection theory
Dichotic listening experiments (at the same time, problem: people hear the other message even when trying to ignore it)
Evidence against early selection theory
- Dear Aunt Jane experiment: dear Aunt Jane message in one ear, counting in other (switch off every other word)- people hear whole message, even though some of it occurred in the unattended ear
- Cocktail party effect (when in a conversation with someone, you pay attention to someone else saying your name)
- Flanker task
Treisman’s attenuation theory
Evidence for intermediate selection
Similar to volume control: attenuator adjusts some stimuli up while adjusting others down
Messages -> attenuator -> attended message (amplified) and unattended message (subdued) -> dictionary unit (determines meaning of message, mostly the attended message unless the unattended message has significance) -> to memory
Problems that intermediate selection theory addresses
Cocktail party effect
Dichotic listening task
How low perceptual loads are processed
Not much stimuli to sort through
Flanker effect occurs (congruent is faster than incongruent)
Processing for meaning
How high perceptual loads are processed
Lots of stimuli to sort through
No Flanker effect
Physical processing only