Workbook 2 Filesystem Basics: Chapter 5 File Names and File Globbing Flashcards
What is the maximum length of a Linux filename, exclusive of any directory components?
Linux filenames can be up to 255 characters long. [45]
What is the only character not allowed in a Linux filename?
/ (slash).[45]
What are the safe filename characters?
A-Z a-z 0-9 . _ - + ~ [45]
What is the first character in the name of all hidden files?
start with a dot are “hidden” files [46]
Give a command line that creates a hidden directory named secret
mkdir .secret [48]
Give a wildcard pattern that matches in that directory:
- all files with a .html extension
*html [48]
Give a wildcard pattern that matches in that directory:
- all files
- [48]
Give a wildcard pattern that matches in that directory:
- all files that begin with the letter p or s
[ps]* (page 48)
Give a wildcard pattern that matches in that directory:
- all files whose name begins with page and that have a .htm extension (NOT .html)
page* .htm (page 48)
Give a wildcard pattern that matches in that directory:
- That is not from the list of range
[^pd]* (page 48)