Work List Unit 14 & 15 Flashcards
an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry about something that is happening or might happen in the future
Anxiety (n)
a structure consisting of a curved top on two supports, which holds the weight of something above it
Arch (n)
a large, usually tall building divided into separated parts for use as offices or homes by several different organisations or peoble
Block (n)
a room under the ground floor of a building, usually used for storage
Cellar (n)
someone who advises people on a particular subject
consultant (n)
Causing suffering
Cruel (adj)
- Usual
- traditional
Customary (adj)
Talar / reducir
to make a tree fall to the ground by cutting it near the bottom
cut down on.- reducir el consumo
Cut down (v)
comerciante / distribuidor
a person whose work is to buy and sell something
Dealer (n)
graceful and attractive in appeatance
elegant (adj)
venderse por
to be sold for a particular amount of money
Fetch (v)
a long bar that you hold in order to support yourself when walking, for example at the side of stairs
Handrails (n)
embrujada / encantada
describes a place where ghost appear
Haunted (adj)
an area containing a large number of houses or apartments built close together al the same time
Housing estate (n)
mixed together in an untidy way
untidy (v).- descuidado, desarreglado
Jumbled (adj)
to produce writing or images on paper or other material with a machine
print (v)
petición / solicitud
When you politely or officially ask for something
Request (v).- solicitar
Request (n)
smooth and curved
Smooth (adj) .- liso / delicado
tranquilo /suave / pico de oro
Rounded (adj)
platillo - plato de cafe
a small curved plate which you put a cup on
Saucer (n)
sentido del humor
your hability to understand amusing things
Sense of humor (n)
a wooden cover on the outside of a window which prevents light or feat from going into a room or heat from leaving it
Shutter (n)
sitio, lugar
a place where something happened or was built in the past
Site (n)
almacenar / conservar
to put or keep things in a special place for use in the future
Store (v)
piso o planta
leve of a building
Storey (n)
esforzarse / costar
to experience difficulty and make a very great effort in order to do something
struggle (n):- prueba / Lucha
Struggle (v)
feeling doubt or no trust in someone or something
suspicious (adj)
a particular business or industry
Trade (n)
a large building for storing things before they are sold, used, or sent out to shops.
Warehouse (n)
of or from a long time ago, having lasted for a very long time
Ancient (adj)
Escapar / estallar
If something dangerous or unpleasant break out, it suddenly starts
Break out (v)
in a state of chaos (= a situation where there is no order and everything is confused)
In disorder
Chaotic (adj)
Echar / tirar / lanzar
to throw something carelessly
to Throw.- tirar, larzar
care-less-ly.- descuidadamente
chuck (v)
Amontonar / apretar / embutir / apiñar
To force a lot of tings into a small space
cram (v)
existing or happening now
Contemporary (adj)
traditional and ordinary
Conventional (adj)
ir en manada (go as a group)
to move or come together in large numbers
Flock (n) .- (sheep, goats) rebaño
Flock (n) .- (birds) bandada
Flock (v)
frenesí / histeria
uncontrolled and excited behavior or emotion, which is sometimes violent
Frenzy (n)
cosecha / cosechar (v)
the time of year when crops are cut and collected from the fields, or the activity of cutting and collecting them, or the crops which are cut an collected
Harvest (n)
arrojar / lanzar
To throw something with a lot of force, usually in an angry or violent way.
Hurl (v)
the activity of throwing two or more balls into the air, repeatedly, often in order to entertain people
Juggling (n)
be in store, be going to happen
esperarle (a uno) / estar por venir
to be goint to hapen in the future
Lie ahead (v)
Carga / peso
a large amount of things that a person or animal carries
Load (n)
frenético , desenfrenado
very excited and physically active in a way taht is not controlled
Manic (adj)
go elsewhere, continue one’s journey
continuar, proseguir
Take up something new.- pasar a
If the police or other people in authority move you on, they ask you to leave a place.- desalojar
Move on (v)
an ancient story or set of stories, especially explaining in a literary way the early history of a group of people or about natural events and facts
Myth (n)
Not cooked
raw (adj)
scrub clean
fregar, restregar
figurative (search all over)
To search for something
explorar, rastrear, buscar
Scour (v)
Chisporrotear / crepitar
to make a sound like food cooking in hot fat
Sizzle (v)
(taste) amargo
(milk: bad) agrio / rancio
Sour (adj)
to crush someting into a flat shape
(bread) correoso, duro, rancio
figurative (not up-to date) viejo, manido, obsoleto
Stale (adj)
(sales, fair : stand, booth)
puesto, caseta, stand, mostrador
a large table or small shop with an open front from which goods are sold in a public place
Stall (n)
to represent something
Symbolise (v)
(caught) atrapar
to caught an animal using a piece of equipment
trap (n).- trampa
Trap (v)
(victory) triunfo, victoria
a very great success, achievement or victory (= when you win a war, fight or competition), or a feeling of great satisfaction or pleasure caused by this
triumph (n)
(move along on wheels) .- rodar
(to cause something) to move slowly on wheels
Trundle (v)
Trundle along
figurative (cheerful, optimistic) alegre, animado, optimista
full of hope, happines and good feelings
Beat.- golpear, vencer, batir
Upbeat (adj)
(well-being) bienestar
Physical and mental health and happines, especially or a person
Welfare (n)