Reporting Verbs Flashcards
ADMIT (confesar, admitir, aceptar)
Yes, I told her the secret
He admitted telling her the secret
BEG (rogar, suplicar, mendigar)
Please,please, don’t hurt her
He begged me not to hurt her
Leave the cat alone!
He ordered me to leave the cat alone
I’d rather do it myself
He said he preferred doing it himself
BOAST OF/ABOUT (llenarsele la boca, alardear)
I’m the lastest fo all
He boasted of/about being the lastest of all
Of course, I’ll pay you
He promised to pay me
No, I don’t go with you
He refused to go with me/us
I made up my mind to take a year off .
I decided to take a year off
ACCUSE (acusar, culpar)
You took the money
He accused me of taking the money
You should see a lawer
He advised me to see a lawer
I didn’t take the book
He denied taking the book
INSIT ON (demandar, exigir)
You must come with us
He insisted on me coming with them
Will you have dinner with me?
He invited me to have dinner with him
I shouldn’t have involved the authorities
He greatly regretted having involved the authorities
Shall I open the door
He offered to open the door
REMIND (recordarle, hacerte recordar)
Don’t forget to ring Ann
He reminded my to ring Ann
I have a toothache
He complained to me of having a toothache
ENCOURAGE (animar, estimular)
You have to do what is right
They encouraged you to do what is right
we must do so immediately after the installation is complete
They (strongly) recommended doing so immediately after the installation is complete
THREATEN (amenazar)
Stop crying or I’ll punish you
He treatened to punish me if I didn’t stop crying
ASK (preguntar, pedir)
Could you help me?
He asked my to help him
COMMAND (ordenar, comandar)
Stand to attention!
He commanded the soldiers to stand to attention.
I’m sorry I arrived so late
He apologised for arriving so late
WARN (advertir, alertar contra, aconsejar)
Don’t go near the rocks
He warned me not to go near the rocks
SUGGEST (sugerir, insinuar, aconsejar)
Lets have a party
He suggested having a party
Yes, I’ll help you
He agreed to help me