Word List Unit 16 Flashcards
To make someone notice you - llamar la atención
Attract attention (v)
To be doing somethig bad that you should not be doing
- no ser bueno para nada, tener malas intenciones
Be up to no good (v)
[…] regulation has in fact expired, but this is actually the usual way, although I do not suspect Mr Patten of being up to no good
If a machine or vehicle breaks down, it stops morking averiarse / venirse abajo
Break down (v)
If a place or piece of equipment has built-in objects, the are permanently connected and cannot be easily removed - empotrado
Built-in (adj)
Compatible equipment can be used together - compatible
Compatible (adj)
The ability to make your arms, legs and other body parts move in a controlled way - coordinación
Coordination (adj)
Of the present time - actual, corriente, de hoy
Current (adj)
To need something such as time, effort, or a particular quality - exigir, demandar
Demand (v)
An object or machine which hs been invented for a particular purpose. aparato
Device (n)
The disadvantage or a situation - lo malo, la desventaja
Downside (n) Disadvantage (n)
Somewhere different; somewhere else - en otro lado, en otro lugar, en otra parte
Elsewhere (adv)
A small device or machine with a particular purpuse. aparato, herramienta
Gadget (n)
To stop owning and using something - rendirse, desistir - dejar, abandonar
Give up (v)
An aim or purpose - objetivo
Goal (n) Aim (n) Objective (n)
Into or inside a building
Indoors (adv) Inside (adv)
Outdoors (adv) Outside (adv)
To connect computers so that information can be sent between them. unir, enlazar
Link (v)
A piece of equipment taht changes electrical signals into sounds, especially used in public places so that large numbers of people can hear someone speaking or music playing. altavoces
Loudspeaker (n)
Too long. demasiado largo
Overlong (adj)
To make someone do or belive something by giving them a good reason to do it or by talking to them and making them belive it. persuadir
Persuade (v) Convince (v)
To find out or say the exact position in space of time of something. localizar, señalar con precisión
Pinpoint (v)
How much something costs- etiqueta de precio
Price tag (n)
Feeling pleasure and satisfaction because your or People connected with you have done or got something good. orgulloso
Proud (adj) opuesto Ashamed
To look like or be like someone or something. parecerse
Resemble (v)
To decide what you want to achieve by a particular time. establecer objetivos o metas
Set targets (v)
An action, movement or sound which gives information, a message, a warning or an order - señal
Signal (n)
Large in size, value or importance. abundante, considerable / importante, sustancial
Substantial (adj)
To be right for a particular person, situation or occasion. convenir, adecuado
Suit (v)
to turn a piece of equipment on. encender
Switch on (v)
To follow a person or animal by looking for proof that they have been somewhere, or by using electronic equipment. seguir la pista de
Track (v)
To change and become someone or something different, or tomake someone or something do this - convertirse
Turn into (v)