Work Bench Reports Flashcards
True or False: Reporting Work Bench can query Chronicles?
True, Cogito’s Reporting Workbench is a tool that can query chronicles directly to retrieve the most up to date information possible.
True or False: Reporting work bench is a tool that consists of master files?
True, reporting workbench is a tool that consists of a handful of master files working in tandem to retrieve and display data.
All workbench reports are created from a template and the template is a record from where?
The template is a record from the HGR master file.
What are all work bench reports created from?
All workbench reports are created from a template. The template is a record in the HGR master file, and all reports built from the same template have a few key characteristics in common: Search Master File and Search Engine.
The template for a work bench report is a record in the HGR master file and all reports built from the same template have a few key characteristics in common what are they?
Search master file and search engine.
* Search master file is when the template defines the chronicles master file in which the search is based. All reports from the same template return results from this master file.
*Search Engine work bench templates are designed to search through chronicles data and will use the ad hoc search engine to do so. Some templates will use SQL search engine to retrieve data from clarity or Caboodle first, and then use the Ad Hoc search engine to refine the data based on chronicles data.
Searching for a template can be difficult if a user does not know the same or the ID of the template for which they are looking for. What can you do?
There is a template specifically built and released by Epic to help users find the perfect template for a reporting need. The report template audit template can be used to build a report that finds templates.
Reports are what type of records?
Reports are records in the HRX master file.
Users with appropriate security can build many reports from available templates. The most common settings a user will save in a report are?
*Criteria: users define the search parameters of the report, the date range, and the logic between criteria.
* Display: Users can pick from available display elements or create their own display columns to decide what to show users running a given report.
*Access: reports can be private or public and have some sharing features that allow an author to pick the correct audience for the data being retrieved.
Results of a workbench report are what type of records?
Results from a workbench report are records in the HRN master file.
True or False: Every time a report is run, you are using the same HRN to display the results?
False, Every time a report is run, a new HRN is generated to display the results.
True or False: HRN records can not be saved or customized by the consumer?
False, HRN records can be saved and even customized by the consumer, but they are ultimaetly temporary, and all HRN records eventually get purged from the system a few months after they expire.
What is the difference between records and contacts when a work bench report is run?
An example would be if a patient had 5 office visits. 3 of those were with Dr. Chavarria and 2 of those were with Dr. Newsted. And you wanted a report with just Dr. Chavarria, If the report was record based, it would come up with just one row; in contrast if they were contact based, it would come with 3 because the patient had 3 different visits with that doctor.
For contact level reports, the report will return a list of contacts on records in a specific master file. Every contact which meets the parameters of the report will be in the results. This means many rows in the results could all be from the same record.
In contrast
Record level reports generate a list of records from a specific master file. There is no way to generate a list of records from more than one master file in a single work bench report. A record will be included in the results if at least one contact on that record in the reports date range meets all of the parameters of the report.
True or False: When the workbench report is finished, that status will be?
True, the status will be “Ready to view”
True or False: Do the results of a report have a valid until time that is determined by the report’s template?
True, the valid until time is determined by the reports template and users wont usually see this time displayed.
True or False: when end users run the report they will be able to see the valid until time that is determined by the reports template?
False, users wont usually see this time displayed.
True or False: Users able to re-run the report until the valid until time has been reached?
False, Users are unable to re-run the report until the valid until time has been reached.
True or False: When the valid until time has been reach, the results are not considered expired?
False, when the valid until time has been reached, the results of the report will be considered obsolete, or expired, and will fall off the list.
What is the exception of a user being able to run a report before the valid until time has been reached?
The only time a user can re-run a report before the valid until time has been reached is when the report is modified so that the current results may no longer be considered valid. This usually means a change to the report’s filters or to the columns being displayed.
True or False: Dr. Chavarria runs the Pediatric Patient report at 9:00 AM and views the data that is returned in
the results. The results are valid until 11:00 AM.
At 10:00 AM, an administrator edits the Pediatric Patients report. She adds a new criterion
that, in addition to patients being less than 18, the patients should also live in the city of
Since the administrator changed the meaning of the report, the results of the first report are still valid?
False, the results of the first report are not valid. Since the administrator changed the meaning of the report, the results that Dr. Agate currently has may no longer be considered true information. If Dr. Chavarria clicks the pediatric patient report at 10:15 AM, the report will rerun even though the original results were valid until 11:00 AM
Some reports might display a detail report at the bottom of the window inside of the results viewer. What is this?
This detail report is a print group report that can show additional information about the row selected. This detailed information report can be configured in either the report or template on which the results are based.
In a workbench report, how would you be able to sort results by a single column and multiple?
To sort the results, click the header of the column by which you want to sort. Click again to reverse the sort.
To sort multiple, columns, shift+click on up to 3 column headers.
True or False: The buttons available on the activity toolbar do not vary according to who runs the report?
False, the buttons available on the activity toolbar vary according to the report being run as well as the security of the running user. Common buttons such as save results, export to file, export and open, and settings are grouped under options.
True or False: The options appear in the menu depend on the security of the person who ran the report?
True users will only see the actions that they have the security to take. Some common actions include: Save results, export results, show search information, open column definitions, turn debug on/off
The report settings window contains all of the forms used to build or modify a workbench report, what are the report settings window tabs?
Criteria, display, appearance, summary, print layout, tool bar, override, general
If you want to create a new copy of an existing report what do you do?
Before making any changes to an existing report, or beginning to build a new report, navigate to the general tab to give your report a name and click either SAVE or SAVE AS. SAVE AS will create a new copy of an existing report.
Beyond naming the report, the general tab controls whether a report is public or private, and sharing of the report or results. What is the difference between public and private reports in the general tab of a workbench report?
*Private: the private reports are owned by the creating user and not visible in other user’s libraries by default. many high needs reporting users will have the security to create their own private reports because the impact of such reports is limited and there is low risk of accidentally distributing incorrect or confusing data.
*Public: Public reports are often built by analysts or report writers who have a strong understanding of chronicles data. these reports can be seen and run by any user with access to the report’s template. because of this, the number of users with the ability to write public reports should be carefully controlled.
In a workbench report, what is the difference between public results sharing and private results sharing?
*Public results sharing: When one user runs the shared report, all of the users with whom the results are shared can see those results on dashboards in graphs, tables, and report listing components.
*Private report sharing: each individual with whom the report is shared gains the ability to run this report from their own analytics catalog, but the results are not shared.
True or False: In a workbench report, it does not matter the setting of sharing of results?
False, in order to share the results, the report template must allow the sharing of results.
Explain the difference between Private and public reports versus public results sharing and private report sharing.
With private and public reports, this controls whether a report is public or private in the analytics catalog. In contrast the public results sharing and private report sharing, this affects the way the results of the report can be viewed and shared with.
In workbench reports, what are shared groups?
The results will appear in the recent results of every user with a report group listed here. This applied to public reports only.
In workbench reports, what are Shared users?
List individual users with whom to share. This applies to public and private reports.
In workbench reports, what are User Notification?
Choose whether the shared users or the group users should receive an in basket notification telling them that the report results are ready to view. This applies to public reports only.
How do report tags work?
Tags are used to organize and distribute templates and reports. Most tags are set n the template level and are inherited by all reports built from the same template.
True or False: You are not able to add tags to a workbench report?
False, on the general tab, it is possible to assign report tags at the report level. These tags are added to the tags assigned at the template level.
In a workbench report there are report tags and also template tags, what is the difference between the two?
Report tags are tags that you add on the general tab. In contrast, template level tags are tags that are part of the template, and these are inherited by all reports built from the same template.