Words I Don’t Know 8 Flashcards
Adj, the state of being quick to talk but very boring
Ex: Unfortunately, prolixity runs rampant in scientific seminar classes when the bores have a captive audience.
Adj, having prose, lacking poetic beauty
Ex: As I slow read through yet another prosaic discussion section, I swore my first publication would bring some artistry back to science.
Adj, a disposition not liberal or prodigal with money, stingy, maybe ungenerous
Ex: My boyfriend’s illiberality with me made it much easier to justify splurging on a special birthday gift for myself.
Adj, not in harmony with the surroundings.
Ex: I did a good job planning my front yard’s landscaping; the fruit trees weren’t at all incongruous with the native species I planted around them.
Adverb, abstinence from alcohol, or general moderation and self-restraint.
Ex: During the term, my temperance is the only reason I can maintain such a punishing schedule of homework, lab time, and gym sessions.
Adj, lacking significance through having been overused or overplayed.
Ex: At this point, feminist artists painting portraits with period blood is so hackneyed I would find Crayola water colors more shocking.
Adj, subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mind or mood.
Ex: Fifi’s mercurial flips between needing attention and hating my presence never ceases to amuse me.
Of a story, doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true.
Ex: Unlike the truth of Bigfoot sightings, I found the stories about the Jersey devil to be a bit apocryphal.
To have fame or recognized superiority, to rise about the rest.
Ex: The eminence of Dr. Sampath in the field of lipids brought a lot of attention to my publications with her.
Noun, an insulting, abusive, or highly critical language.
Ex: I knew my thesis wasn’t perfect, but considering my poor history with Dr. Smith, her criticisms came across not so much as constructive feedback as invective.
Verb, to root out and destroy completely
Ex: I was determined to extirpate those foul blackberry vines invading my garden.
Noun, a body of Muslim scholars recognized for having special knowledge of the Quran, Islamic law, and theology
Ex: It was inspiring seeing the coalition of rabbis and Palestinian ulema come together to denounce the Israeli government.
Adj, not able to be corrected, reformed, improved
Ex: Despite the best efforts of my dance instructor, my incorrigible rhythm prevented me from mastering the choreography.
Adj, characterized by or suggesting the practice of severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, generally for religious reasons.
Ex: The Skupdates lifestyle involves an ascetic rejection of frivolous diets and sloth.
Noun, the act of washing oneself, generally in an exaggeratedly formal way, used for humorous effect.
Ex: Prior to collecting the mice feces, I performed my ablutions, as if I wasn’t about to promptly cover my hands in germs.