Science Words Flashcards
1) the cause, causes, or manner of causation of a disease or condition
2) the investigation or attribution of the cause of something, usually expressed as a historical or mythological explanation
Ex: The etiology of her anemia turned out to be chronic internal bleeding, not inadequate iron intake.
Make something less severe.
Ex: By mitigating the fight between my siblings, what could have ended in blows instead culminated in a productive conversation about boundaries and respect.
A disease originating in a hospital, similar to iatrogenic
Ex: Though her original ailment was minor, the nosocomial fungal infection continued to ail her.
Relating to the place or time of birth
Ex: The natal exposure to methadone impacted the rat’s respiratory control networks.
1) a minute particle
2) a living cell, especially white or red blood cells that are individual free-floaters
3) tiny multi-cellular cells, like protists
Ex: Though these corpuscular cells make up only a small fraction of total brains cells, microglia have a big impact on brain function.
To stop, close up, or obstruct
Ex: His arteries were occluded by his high-fat diet.
The sensory apparatus or faculties considered as a whole.
Ex: A cat’s sensorium includes the “traditional” organs like the eyes and nose, as well as its whiskers and inner ear hairs.
Metabolism where sugars are broken down for energy
(Something bad) becoming less intense or widespread, getting smaller, or reducing
Ex: “All at once, my ferocious cough abated and I could breath again.”
A drug used to achieve relief from pain.
Related: Analgesia (an-Al-jeez-ee-uh), inability to feel pain
Ex: Morphine is as potent an analgesic as it is an addictive narcotic.
Anxiolysis (ang-she-awl-iss-iss)
A medication that reduces anxiety.
Ex: For me, three vodka sodas back-to-back are an effective anxiolysis.
Sequalae (suh-kweh-lay)
1) A pathological condition resulting from a disease
2) a secondary consequence or result
The period of time between the appearance of symptoms and the full development of a rash or fever.
Ex: My prodromal evening was spent anxiously awaiting the inevitable fever.
Concentric contraction
This is where the force produced by a muscle is greater than the force exerted by a weight, so the muscle contracts and you move the weight.
You have to concentrate to contract your muscles!
Eccentric contraction
This is where the force exerted by a weight or band is greater than the force exerted by a muscle, so it lengthens the muscle.
How eccentric, to have a weight move you!