Words And Phrases Flashcards
The mirror
El espejo
Come with me
Ven conmigo
I love (it)
Me encanta (object)
Where are you going?
¿Dónde vas? (Familiar, singular)
¿Dónde van? (Plural, formal)
I want to (do something)
Quiero + infinitive
I have to (do something)
Tengo que + infinitive
I can (do something)
Puedo + infinitive
I should (do something)
(Yo) debería + infinitive
I could (do something)
Yo podría + infinitive
I am going to (do something)
Voy a + infinitive
I just did (something)
Acabo de + infinitive
Suddenly, all of a sudden
De pronto
So, therefore
Así que
Maybe, perhaps
Tal vez
Around here, near here, nearby
Por aquí cerca
Enough, quite
Still, yet
While, meanwhile
However, nevertheless
Sin embargo
Again, once again
De nuevo
Aquí viene lo curioso
Here comes the curious thing
De hecho
In fact, as a matter of fact, actually
Hace muchos años
Many years ago, for many years
Nos vemos
See you, see you later
Besides, furthermore, however
Eso quiere decir que
That means that
La guinda del pastel
The icing on the cake
Me parece que
It seems to me that, I think that, it looks that
Todo el mundo
Everyone, everybody
Como te digo
As I say, as I tell you
Había una vez
Once upon a time
A cambio de
In exchange for, in return for
Un final feliz
A happy ending
La mayoría
La mayoría de
The most
The majority of
El cuento
Story, short story, tale, folktale
Hace mucho tiempo
A long time ago
En línea
Que forma parte de
Which is part of, that is part of, that belongs to
Quizás, quizá
Maybe, perhaps
To go down, to descend
To walk
To answer
To rest
To enter (in)
Entrar (en)
To arrive
Llegar (conjugate it!)
To return
To (something, like going to something)
El piso
I realized, I became aware of
Me di cuenta de
(Darse cuenta de)
To open
To share
To decide
Did you know that…
sabías que
That’s right! Indeed
Así es
El caballo
See you later, until next time
Hasta la próxima
To arrive, to come, to reach