Word Problems: Statistics & Consecutive Sets Flashcards
What is the range?
Difference between biggest number and smallest number in a set
What is an average?
Avg is the sum of a set divided by the number of terms in the set.
What is the median?
It is the number in the middle of a set. If the set has an even about of terms, then the median is the avg of the two middle numbers
What is the standard deviation?
It is the “spread” of the set or variety. Indicates how far from the avg the data points typically fall.
Think: If I put this number set on a number line, how far would it spread?
A small sd: means # are closer to avg.
A large SD: set is spread out widely
What two things should you do for EVERY statistics problem?
Visualize it and write it down!
Commit or get out quick!
What is the avg in a consecutive (eg evenly spaced) set? Why is that important?
PS180-OG 16
PS90 OG15
The average is the median. This means that you can find the sum of the consecutive set. Each concentric pair will have the same sum, we just need to know how many pairs there are so we know how many sums make up the total sum. And you can find the number of pairs by dividing the number of terms by 2.
What are two ways to use avgs to find the sum of a big consecutive set?
Use a menorah and pair up the concentric pairs
know that avg= sum/# terms and avg=median
median= Sum of pairs/2
Set avg=median
sum/#terms = Sum of pairs/2
What is a weighted avg and how is it different from regular avg?
Weighted avgs help in finding the combined avg for different groups.
Calculating a regular avg between the group can only be calculated when the two groups have the same amount of terms.
A weighted avg is used when this is not the case.
How do you solve a weighted avg problem?
Draw a scale between the two avgs of the groups. If the overall avg is given, place it on the scale. Whichever group it is closest too will be larger (eg have more terms).
Draw a scale, and put the extremes of the two groups at either end: eg 100% of x at one end and 100% of y at the other end. Then in the middle, calculate what it would be if there was a 50/50 split between the two, state where the actual amount is. the end it’s closest to has more in the mix.
What is a signal word for weighted avg?
How do you use algebra for a weighted avg problem?
PS 131 Q1
- Draw a table with each piece of the mixture on the top: eg Food X +Food Y =Mixture (total)
- Draw the rows to reflect what is in the mixture and total: eg Protein + Other=total - Fill in the chart with what you know.
- Use equations to solve for a variable, plug in to find the right variable.
Diamond X strategy
Look back at notes
What is this question implying:
“the cost per employee, if equally shared, is $20”
The avg is $20
What is this question implying:
“per capita income”
The average income per person in an area
How would you solve:
Sam earned a $2k commission on a big sale, raising his avg commission by $100. Is Sam’s new average commission is $900, how many sales has he made?
Set up an avg formula table and solve for n.