Word Meanings Flashcards
What is Biodiversity
All the plants and animals in the habitat
What is indigenous
Belonging naturally in a particular Place or habitat
What is interdependence
To depend on each other for some needs
What is a resource
Something that is useful
What is explain
Give details or reasons for something in full sentences
What does it mean to describe
To give details and facts about something without reasons
What does it mean to list something
Write the names of things asked for on a new line
What is it to compare
Describe the similarities and differences between different things
What is it to reproduce
Produce their own young
What is a food chain
Sequence of who eats what
What is a Sequence
Put in order
What is a generation
Plants or animals at the same stage of their life cycle
What is the meaning of brittle
It breaks easily
What is conduction
When heat is transferred through a material
What is a Magnet
Metals that attract some other metals
What is Tarnish
To lose its shine