Wood Structures Flashcards
- What species of wood is used as a standard for strength properties of other species of wood used in aircraft structures?
Spruce is standard of which all woods are compared
- Is northern white pine an acceptable substitute for spruce?
- Are knots allowed in aircraft wood?
Allowed within limits
- What type of wood quality must be used in repair of aircraft structures?
Aircraft quality & equivalent to its original strength or greater
- What is the difference between laminated wood & plywood?
Consist of two or more layers glued together
Laminate has grain parallel
Plywood grain is 90 degrees adjacent ply
- What are two types of glue used for aircraft wood structures repair?
Casein & synthetic resin glue
- What method is used to prepare plywood for bending?
Soaked in hot water, then placed in a form until completely dry
- What are the results of using insufficient gluing pressure when making a wood joint?
Normally be a thick glue line, indicates weak joint
- What is the recommended clamping pressure for a glued joint?
125-150 psi
- How long should a wood glue joint be kept under pressure before removing the clamps?
Time varies depending on temperature of room
Recommended room temperature of 85 degrees under pressure for at least 7 hours full strength after two days
- What are some of the various methods used to apply pressure to joints in aircraft gluing operations?
Brads Nails Screws Clamps Hydraulic & electric power presses
- Why does the strength of a scarf joint depend upon the accuracy of the two beveled surfaces?
Inaccurate bevel will reduce amount of effective glue area
- Why is sanding unacceptable when preparing a joint for splicing?
Dust from sanding clogs pores, preventing proper glue penetration
- What type of patch is preferred for repair of stressed plywood skin & why?
Scarf patch it uses reinforcements under the patch where the flue joints occur
- Are mineral streaks acceptable in aircraft woods?
Yes, as long as no decay
- How do you inspect for decay/rot in wood?
Visual Odor Tapping Probe Prying
- How can the moisture content of wood be determined?
Moisture meter
- What are of the wood spar may not be spliced?
Under wing attachment fittings
Landing gear fittings
Engine mount fittings
Lift & inter-plane strut fittings
- What type of joint is generally used in splicing structural member in aircraft?
Scarf joint
- What is compression wood & why is it not acceptable for aircraft structures?
Wood with high specific gravity and weak, reject all material
- What are three forms of wood?
- What are two forms of wood that are acceptable for the repair of wooden aircraft skin?
Plywood & laminate woods
- What would be the greatest number of splices place into one spar?
- What is the largest hole diameter that can be repaired in a plywood wing skin when using fabric patch?
1 inch