Assembly & Rigging Flashcards
- What are three types of commonly used flight control systems.
Push pull tubes
Torque tube systems
- What is used in large metal aircraft to keep control cable tension within acceptable limits?
Cable tension regulator
- What is a fair lead?
Cable guide deflects straight run cables around structures
- How much cable deflection is acceptable due to fairlead?
3 degrees
- Where does failure of control cable occur most frequently?
Pulleys and fairleads
- Which flight control surfaces are considered to primary group?
- Which flight controls are considered the secondary group?
Trim tabs
Spring tabs
Wing flaps
Servo tabs
Anti servo tabs
- Which flight controls are in the auxiliary group?
Trailing Edge Flaps
Speed Brakes etc.
- What is a balance tab?
Aux control with fixed linkage. When control surface is moved one way the balance tab moves opposite
- What is a trim tab?
Aux control attached to trailing edge of primary control reduces workload on pilot
- Why is it important for the blades of a helicopter rotor system to be tracked?
Reduce vertical vibration
- What unit on a helicopter is used to compensate for torque created by the main rotor?
Tail rotor
- How do wing flap affect landing speed and approach angle of an aircraft?
Decrease speed increases lift = steeper slower landing
- What is the purpose of the collective pitch control in a helicopter?
Changed pitch of Main rotor blades collectively increasing or decreasing lift
- What is the most efficient way to check a helicopter rotor for dynamic balance?
Balance//analyzer computer
- What control operates the helicopter tail rotor?
Anti-torque pedal
- What are the three axes of an aircraft, and which control surfaces cause the aircraft to move about each axis?
Longitudinal - nose to tail - ailerons for roll
Lateral - wingtip to wingtip - elevators for pitch
Vertical - top to bottom center - rudder for yaw
- When installing an aircraft bolt, what precaution would you take regarding the position of the bolt?
Direction of flight
Bolt head top down - vertical
Bolt forward- horizontal
- How is the propeller torque corrected for during assembly and rigging in some single engine aircraft?
The leading edge of stabilizer is offset from centerline
- What reference publications should be used to rig aircraft, including the control system?
Refer to TCDS or Aircraft Specifications
- What are vortex generators?
Reduce airflow separation of airstream that causes stalls
- What is a servo tab?
Cockpit control adjustable tab attached to trailering edge of primary control. Moves opposite direction of control surface aid in moving primary
- What factors are used to determine the proper cable tension?
Size of cable & outside temperature
- Why do control surfaces need to be statically balanced?
Put of balance control can cause sever flutter
- What is a spring tab?
Flight control using spring assist at high speed
- What tool can be used to measure control surface travel?