WOMS300- The Progressive Era Flashcards
Overall Progressive Era
-Great change
-social movement
-fix corruption
Increase in Printed Materials
-discussed changing laws
-growth in Journalism
Exposed people for what was happening in workplaces
-The Jungle Upton St.Clairies
-How the Other Half Lives Jacob Riss
Pros of Industrialization
-More job opportunities
-New technologies
-Labor reform/ Unions created
-Independence and new opportunities
-Growth in consumer products
-New social activities
Cons of Industrialization
-Harsh working conditions
-Overcrowding and slums
-Pollution increase
-Unfair working conditions
-Meatpacking and poor food quality
-Increase in crime
The Social Gospel Movement
-less people were going to church
-caused a moral and social reforms
-desire to fix people/save souls
-wanted to help the less fortunate
-wanted to confront crime and poverty
-reform the upper and middle class
The Women’s Club
-Women came together to advocate for women’s right
-Equal rights, voting, better pay
-Leaders where from christian background
-Reform for drinking carried over in the progressive era
The Conference of 1888
-Anniversary of seneca falls convention they had an event to remember it
-Women from all over using railroads to come together
-International council
-Women around the world were invited to come
goals: Voting, Education, Wages
outcome: Increase in women lead organization after this conference
The National Woman’s Suffrage Association
The National Women’s Suffrage association and the American Women’s Suffrage assocation from the reconstruction period combined
The Southern Strategy
-the NWSA and AWSA joined together to reach southern women
-Women in the south did not care about the right to vote
-also wanted women in the west more involved
The National Association of Colored Women
-goal: wanted women of color to have the right to vote along with their white counter parts
-leader: Mary Church Terrell
Mary Church Terrell
-middle class black women with educational background
Spoke on
-The importance of motherhood
-Female Reproductive rights
-Being Educated
Women and Reproduction
-controceptive such as Birth control and abortion were controversial
Scanton-Against BC
-underground network of abortions
-women were holding off on having children until after getting education
Margret Sanger
-NYC immagrnat
-advocated for birth control
-would spread info of contraceptives
-went to trial for spreading such information
-founded the American Birth Conrol League
National Birth Control League
-founded by upper class women and doctors
goal: open clinics, educate women
American Birth Control League
-leader: Margaret Sanger
-wanted all classes of womens involved
goal: open clinics, educate women
Settlement House
-lead by Janes Adam and Ellen Gates Star
-allowed women of different classes to live together in one hous
-offered networking and jobs
-gave community networks and education
Women’s Christan Temperance League
-wanted to target alchol production and saloons themseleves
The 18th Admendment
you could still drink and make liquor in the home but business themselves were prohibited
Ladies of Labor
-founder: Nan Enstad
-talked of women’s involvement in reform in NY
-talked about the socialcultural elements for a women’s life
Women and Leisure
1.Social Clubs
-social activites with dancing
2. Watching Movies
3. Lesure Readings
4. Visiting the New Amusement Parks
Increase in Materialism
-Changing in clothes and dressing
-women began buying more than they coulf afford
-women worked in department stores
Tenement Housing
-Cramps living
-unsanitary conditions
-No plumbing
-Most people who lived in these houses were immigrants
-Women and children could be working within these tenement house
e.g -Rolling cigars, Making articles of clothing
Labor Reform
-press showing poor labor conditions
-wanted laws that gave safety and better working conditions
Women’s Strikes
-More strikes and unions created that were lead by women
-Big Strike in 1909
Shirt waste workers wanted better working conditions and shorted hours
-Big Strike in 1912
Women wanted shorter working hours and better pay
-in Mass
The Children’s Crusade
-during strike they would send children away so that they would not be in danger
The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory
-jewish and itilian immagrants
-producing women’s blouses
-owners: Blanc and Harris
-hundreds of women died in a fire
-contunied to be unsafe working conditions
3 Reasons why Women’s Right to Vote was Taking so Long
- Leadership was outdated
-disconnect between younger and older - Wanted more diversity with various different women involved in the movement
- There were women who were against the right
Carrie Chapman Catt
-work towards women right to vote
-steps up from the older generation
-wanted to reach the younger generation
-worked with local communities
Alice Paul
-rivals with Carrie Chapman Catt
-wanted a ferederal admendement
-was against government officals
-wanted to use miltary tactics to get the right to vote
The Winning Plan
-Alice Paul and Carrie Chapman Catt joined together
-Wanted to work within local government for voting and the ultimate goal was to get a federal government
Harriet Scanton Blanch
-Daugheter of Elizabeth Scanton
-advocated for women rights
-tired to join the working class women and college students