WOMS300- 2nd Wave of Feminism(1963-1980) Flashcards
Betty Friedan
Wrote the Feminine Mystique
-The problem that has no name
-Talks about suburban housewives
-Women want more out of life
Presidential Commission of the Status of Women 1963
-looked at ineqaulites for women with the work place
-made by JFK and ER
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
Title VII-prohibits employment discrimination on account of sex
-for public education and federal Funded programs
National Organization for Women (NOW)
leaders- Betty Freidan, Pauli Murray
-Still exist today
-Actual enforcement of laws
-Existed federal and local levels
-Called for a diverse group of women
-Violence against women
-Constitutional equality
-Promoting diversity and ending racism
-Promote gay rights
Pauli Murray
-leader in NOW
-feminist activtivist
Equal Rights Admendment of 1946 (ERA)
-women wanted an admendment for eqaulity in the workfore and equal pay
-to this day it has not been passed
Women’s lives in the 1970s
-women needed permission to buy a crdit card
-women needed a man to buy a home
-women could lose their jobs for martinity
Title IX
-Act for women and education
-Eliminated sexual discrimination in federal programs and educational settings
-Including private schools that receive federal funding
-Most money was going towards male sports
-Title IX called for more balanced funding
-Having more of an equal balance for sports teams
-Caused an increase in female participating in sports
The Women’s Educational Equity Act (WEEA) of 1974
-examined circulum
-called for equality in education
Women and Reproductive rights
-leagalized birth control and contraceptives
-women were resorting to unsafe abortion methods
Ms. Magazine
-talked about women’s bodies
-wanted positive imagines for women’s bodies
The Rise of Conservatism
-responses to feminism
-rooted in religon
Phyllis Schlafly
-leader of the STOP-ERA movement
-lead alot of hysteria
-purposedly dressed like a trophy wife
-feared women being drafted
-keen on media oresence
-emphasis on family values
Pro-Family Movement
-lead by evangelical ministers
-marriage should be between a man and women
-talked against abortion
Clashes between Feminist and Anti-Feminist
-International Women’s year → feminist conference of 1977
20,000 people attended
Celebrated the accomplishments of women’s rights
Talked about reproductive rights
-Conservative Counter Conference → pro-family rally
Was held at the same time
Was held after seeing this conference
Stressed social issues and religious values connection to politics
The Rise of the Religous Rights
-more people joined evanfelical churches
-televangalist 0 people peaching on tv
Jerry Falwell
-founder of liberty college
-strong media presence
-his college was still segregated
-fought with jimmy carter
The Moral Majority
-christain right and republican party
-growing divided between far left and right
Mega Churhes
-religous leaders with media prescence
-controling leaders
-leaders were richer than their community
Mars Hills Network
-pastor podcast
-James Dobson
Pat Robertson
-republican presidental canidate
-owned Christian Broadcase Network(CBN)
-controversal radical christian ideals
-said the people of hadi are to plan for an earthquake
Jim Swaggart
-Strong media presence
-Wanted politics and religion together
-Segregation of schools
-Jimmy carter promised to desegregate schools
-Falwell had a segregated school
-They fought
-Got into a despite with Jimmy carter