WOMS300- The Civil Rights Movement Flashcards
Jim Crow Laws
De jure Segregation - in laws
de facto segregation - social population
Black Women During the Civil Rights Movement
-expressed racial discrimination
-faced physical and mental abuse
-overshadowed by male leaders
The National Assoication for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
-used court cases to overturn segregation
-Brown vs Board of education
Mamie Till Bradely
-son was lynched for greeting a white women in a store in the south
-she became a significant leader
-had open casket for people to see what had been done to her son
-sparked more civil rights movement
Rosa Parks
-activist before the bus
-involved in the NAACP
-the bus driver that day she had previously had conflicts with
-there were open seats everywhere but the white person was specifically targeting her
Boycott in Montegomery
-black people stopped taking the public bus
-led by MLK
-caused economic harm to montegomery
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
-lead by black southern ministers
-wanted to end segregation in the south
-peacful methods
Ella Baker
-university student
-thought MLK need to be less in the spotlight
-rallied the younger generation
-one of the leaders of SNICC
The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committe (SNICC)
-gathered college students
-orginized nonviolent protest
Fredom Rides
-non-violent protest against segregated inner state protest
-would reverse were people were suppose to sit
-protestors in return were bombed and attacked
-police would be stationed at police stationed
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
-involved in freedom rides
-involved iwth SNICC
Bruce Boynton Case
-law student sitting at peaceful protest in a whites only area of the bus was arrested
-case result- ended segregation on interstate buses in 1961
Fannie Lou Hamer
-active in women’s and black people right to vote
-did not know that black people could vote until 1962
-Was put out for one procedure and then given a histyricamity and was unable to have children
The March on Washington
-Equal rights to job oppurtunities
-uneqaul pay between races
-female black leaders not as vocal
-mostly men gave speecjs
-many speechs were from SCLC leaders
Civil Rights Act of 1964
-Prohibits discrimination of any sort
-Ended segregation in public spaces
-Connected to discrimination in jobs
-Dealt with housing discrimination
-Fair housing act
Voting Rights Act of 1965
-Prohibits racial discrimination in voting
-Restricts (literacy test and such) were ended