womens health 2 Flashcards
give an example of mechanicla and hormonal condom
Mechanical: condom
Hormonal: orally, transdermal patch, vaginal ring, IUD
Give an example of a 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation progestin drug?
- 1st - norethisterone
-2nd - noergestrel
3rd - desogestrel
-4th - drospirenone
How does combined estrogen and progestogen contraceptive work?
- Supress GnRH, LH and FSH release at hypothalamic and pituitary level
progestin inhibits estrogen induced LH sureg and inhibits ovulation. TREU RO FALSE?
estrogen upregulates PGR, increasing negative feedback by progesterone (synergy). TREU OR FALSE?
estrogen only promotes endometrial growth which can lead to endometrial cancer. TREU OR FALSE/
in term of PK, what happens in Phase 1 for combined estrogen and progestogen contraceptive?
- Extensive first pass by intestinal and hepatic P450
in terms of PK, what happens in phase 2 for combined estrogen and progestogen contraceptive?
-Sulfation and glucoronidation, followed by biliary secretion
conjugation prevents enterohepatic recirculation of for combined estrogen and progestogen contraceptive? TRUE OR FALSE?
what is monophasic and multiphasic and explain each?
- Monophasic: does of estrogen and prohestin does not vary
- Multiphasic:
bisphasic - dose of prgestin only vary
Triphasic -3 different dose combinations
what are some ADRs for estrogen drugs?
- Hypertension
- Risk of endometrial cancer (this is long term)
what are the ADRs for progestogen drugs?
- Headache, nausea, vomiting
What are the ADRs for combined estrogen and progestogen drugs?
- Thromboembolism
- Hypertension
- Cancer
what are some contranindications for combined estrogen and progestogen drugs?
- Cardiovascular, thromboembolism, pregnacy
what are some drug interctions of combined estrogen and progestogen drugs?
- drugs that induce P450 e.g riampicin
How do progestogen only contraceptives work?
- Inhibit the release of GnRH from the hypothalamus
progestogen only contraceptives are useful when oestrogen is contranindicated. TREU OR FALSE?
progestogen only contraceptives are more efficacious as the combined therapy. TREU OR FALSE?
what are the ADRs with progestogen only contraceptives?
- Breakthough bleedig may occur
Give two examples of depot parental formulations for progestogen only contraceptives?
- Medroxyprogesterone
- Norethisterone
Norethisterone is an oil formulation used for short term contraceptive also used ot treat heavy periods. TREU RO FALSE?
Why do Medroxyprogesterone and Norethisterone cause problems with returning to full fertility?
- Because they are slow release formulations
with Subdermal implant for progestogen only contracepives feritility is restored on removal. TRUE OR FLASE?