Women's Health Flashcards
What is the most common cause of breast lump in women age 30-50?
Fibrocystic change
- Overreaction to hormone changes
- Smooth and mobile lumps
- Fluctuate in size with cycle
- Tenderness/aching (out + upper)
- Spontaneous green/brown d/c
- NO increased cancer risk
- Nil if mild. Mod analgesia, bra. Severe may need aspiration
How are breast cysts investigated and managed?
- Can have single or multiple
- More common with age but prior to menopause (oestrogen related)
IX: USS +/- biopsy if USS doubt
MX: mild = nil, severe = drainedm (may refill and return)
What benign lumps can affect the breast?
- Fibrocystic changes: smooth and mobile lumps, tender, cyclical, 30-50
- Alcohol, MHT, OCP, pre-MP - Fibroedenoma: younger, preg, feeding, HRT (hormone related). 15-40. Most shrink. Surg if large/pain
- Breast cysts
- Sebaceous cysts
- Lipoma: soft, non-tender, mobile, can be slow-growing
- Fat necrosis: due to trauma (injury, surgery, RT, bld thinners), can look like ca on scan. Can get cysts within. Usually self-resolves
Describe physiological discharge?
- From endocervical cells, sloughed epithelial cells, products of n flora
- white, clear, min odour, 1-4ml/day
- > near ovulation, thicker after
- n pH 3.8-4.4 (lactobacilli)
- > alkaline in young and post-MP, menstruation, sex, meds, stress
What is standard vulvovaginal hygeine advice?
- Avoid soaps, gels, shampoos etc
- Wash gently with tepid water
- Non-soap cleansers pH 5.5 ok
- Douching not recommended (alters pH, flushes bacteria up, >risk: PID, BV, ectopic, STI, HSV, HIV)
What is BV? How is it managed?
- Anaerobic replacement, pH >4
- ASSOCIATED with sexual activity, abx use, douching, IUD/S
Cx: misscarraige, PROM, STI, post-op infection
Sx: grey, watery, fishy d/c, >after sex
- Also: itch, irritation, pain
Ix: speculum/swab if not clear Dx
- ?STI ?Other Dx ?preg/TOP/miss, bleeding, pain, fever, persisting sx
Mx: 30% self-resolves
- Empiric: Sx, low STI risk, not preg
- No Sx (50%): treat if preg, pre-TOP
- Sx: Metronidazole 400mg BD 7/7 OR 2G STAT (>compliance, <effect)
Preg/breast: 7d only, re-test after 1mth
Persisting: ?Dx, course, STAT -> 7d, ?removed IUD
Recurrent: high -> swab
What is VV candiasis? How is it managed? What are the options for recurrent candidiasis?
- Found in 20-40% healthy women
- Risk: Abx, preg, DM, <immune, NOT clothing or vaginal habits
Sx: itch, stinging, burning, dysuria (Ext), dyspareunia. Cheesy/white d/c
Ex: erythema, swelling, fissuring
- Empiric if classical Sx, no STI risks
- Clotrimazole 2% 3/7, 1% 6/7
- Fluconazole 150mg STAT (quciker)
Recurrent: 4/year, try 10-14 days treatment OR 150mg monthly 6m
Causes of vulval itch?
- Candidiasis
- Dermatitis
- Lichen sclerosus
- Lice, worms, scabies
- Warts
- Atrophic vulvovaginitis
- Psoriasis
Who does lichen sclerosus effect? How is it investigated and managed?
W: AI origin, mostly >50
SX: severe itch and pain
EX: white, thickened skin, fissures
IX: biopsy if uncertain
MX: Refer derm for confirmation/FU
- potent steroid to reduce symptom
- reduce potency as improves
CX: increased risk of VIN and SCC
Lichen planus more rare. Similar Sx. Typically an erosive form. Difficult to control and may require PO Rx -> refer to derm. Also ca risk
What are bartholins cysts? how are abscesses managed?
W: glands produce mucous
Sx: lump 1-3cm size, no sx
- Larger cysts cause discomfort
- Develop abscess if infected
- Warm compress, saline baths
- I&D under LA or excision
- Abx (broad) if systemic symptoms
Who does VIN affect?
W: post-MP, >30-40, 90% SCC
- Can also be BCC, melanoma
- Risks: lichen, HPV, HIV
SX: can be asymptomatic, itch, lump, pain, ulcer, bleeding
EX: inner edges of labia most common
How is vulvodynia managed?
- Vulvodynia, pain at introitus, burning, triggered by contact
- Constant more likely to be neuro
- HX and EX
- Treat any cause (infection, lesions)
- Refer to specialist. Pelvic floor PT
- Topical gels at night and for sex
- TCA, gabapentin
Vulvovaginitis in young girls?
- low eos, higher pH, thin/flat labia (reduced barrier), close anus
- Think r/e worms (night itch), abuse, lichen sclerosus, trauma
- Itch, erythema, d/c, bleeding
- Sx, toileting, hygeine, meds, SH
- MOST = local irritants -> dermatitis
What are the management options for pre-menstrual symptoms?
- Symptoms + impact + cyclical (not just exacerbate pre-existing issue) + 2 succesive cycles
- Severe symptoms 3-8% cases
- Mood, behavioural, somatic Sx
- 2d to 2w, worst 2d before period
Risks: trauma, cigs, obesity
IX: PSST questionnaire
- Non-Rx: exercise, intake complex carbs (slow burning -> Seretonin), stress management, calcium, vit B6
- SSRI mid-cycle to menses
- Benzo if severe anxiety, insomnia
- Hormonal: COCP with <androgen
How is GORD managed during pregnancy?
W: 30-50%, start end 1st trim
- inverse to maternal age, >twin
- lifestyle, dietary change
- then antacid
- then PPI if affecting QOL
- Can also be taken in breastfeeding
- Resolves after birth
What types of ovarian cancer are there?
- Epithelial 90%
- Sex cord-stromal
- Malignant germ cell (<40, 20s most common)
What are the risk factors for ovarian cancer?
- Lifetime number of cycles
- early menarche, late MP, no preg
- OCP, preg, early MP protective - FH (BRCA, lynch)
- Pacific
- Obesity, Cigarettes
- Endometriosis / PCOS/ PID may
- MHT if >5years
Note more common than cervical but less than endometrial
Highest mortality of gynae cancers as detected late
What are the symptoms and signs of ovarian cancer?
How is it investigated and treated?
SX: 90-95% will have symptoms
- 3-5 visits before diagnostic tests
- Pain, bloating, anorexia, satiety, PU
- abdo exam (mass, ascites)
- bimanual for adnexal mass
N exam -> ca125
- <35: W&W
- 35-200: rpt 6w OR scan if post-MP, falling then ok, up/same -> scan
- >200: pelvic USS -> gynae if ABN
ABN exam -> both -> refer either AB
- BRCA: surgery after childbearing, ideally between 35-40. prevent 90%
Refer with. Hysterectomy if lynch or if wish to have oes only MHT
Meigs: benign ovarian mass with ascites and pleural effusion
What do you need to ask for AUB?
- Pregnancy?
- N frequency, duration, flow
- Timing, character of bleeding
- pain/sex, d/c, itch, rash, fever
- Products, CP, thinners, OTC meds
- Sexual health
- BG: obs, surgical
What are the expected mensturation cycle times?
n 24-38
n <9
Long >8
Regularity (short-longest)
reg 1 week
Flow subjective
What do look for on exam with AUB?
- Obs
- Abdo exam: mass
- Pelvic and bimanual IF not obvious e.g. younger on CP
- Thyroid, acne, alopecia, acantho, galactorrhoea, petechiae
How is heavy menstrual bleeding defined?
- Defined by patient
- change products 1-2 hours
- using 2 types sani products
- involves clothes or bedding
- clots
How is HMB classed? How is it investigated?
- Fibroids
- Polyps
- Adenomyosis
- Endometrial hplasia, ca
- Iatrogenic: CP, tamoxifen, MHT, Rx
- Dysfunction: stress, kg, ET, PCOS
- Coag issues: vWBD
- CBC +/- ferritin
- TSH if symptoms
- Coag if concern
- Pipelle if ca expected
- USS if structural expected (AGE)
What are the risk factors for endometrial cancer?
- Age >45
- Age >35 +
- BMI, DM, HTN, Oes only
- Nulliparity, infertility, PCOS
- FH endometrial, CRC, renal ca
- Tamoxifen