Paeds Flashcards
What causes Hand, foot and mouth?
How is it managed, including return to school advice?
- Coxsackie virus, spread from blisters. Stool and saliva for weeks
- <5s, summer/early-autumn
S: fever, sore throat, loss of appetite
Cx: dehydration, nail changes, severe infection -> meningitis etc
Dx: clinical +/- viral PCR from throat
- analgesia, mouthwashes, hydrate
- leave blisters
- School if well enough with hygeine
- Complete resolution 7 days
Co-sleeping advise
Not recommended but ways to make it safer:
- Not after drinking or if drowsy
- On back, no pillow near, no covers
- Bed not up against well
- No other kids or pets in bed
- No swaddling, approved sleep bag
- No smoking
What ADHD assessment forms are there?
CADDRA teacher and patient form
ASRS (adult self report only)
W: boys 2-6, progressive
- X-linked recessive. 1/3 de-novo
- >CK level -> DNA for dystrophin or muscle biopsy
Sx: weakness
- initially n but delayed milestones
- mild hypotonia, poor head control
- gait abnormal 2-3, waddling
- can aspirate, nasal voice
- calf hypertrophy, scoliosis, contractures, CM, encephalopathy
Gower’s: uses legs to get up
Trendelenburg gait
- Steroids < sx, reduce progression
- Pulm rehab
- Much improved prog with steroids
Advice for contact irritation from food?
Can still spoon feed
Bib to prevent contact w body
Can continue with the food
Apply barrier cream around mouth
What are the features of OME?
When is treatment required?
Dullness, retraction, effusion seen
Type B on tymp (A normal, C ETD)
Hearing loss, sleep/balance issue
- W&W 3m, r/w at 4 weeks
- ENT >3m ?grommet
- Audiology/SLT if issue >2.5y
Discharge 2-6w, ?hearing loss
Tropical drops (ciproxin best) 5d
Swab x work -> swab and d/w ENT
Ear toilet
ENT advice if still discharging after 2w treatment
If microsuction is indicated, refer to a child ear clinic via public health nurses, or a private community ear clinic.
Rest 24-48hrs
- AVOID reading, TV, phone, ET
Build up
- walking, music, reading
- drop intensity if > symptoms
- Hydration, avoid trigger, no ETOH
Paracetmol yes
No NSAID in first 48hrs
Work/school after 48rs
- ACC45 and ACC18 to support
- Driving x 48hr and x sx. CLEAR 1st
- Trial home-based first, part days
- after 14d can start training IF fully returned to school/work, no Sx
- 21d before competing, IF fully training and at school/work, no Sx
FU 7-10d, repeat score, advice, ?ref
General behaviour tips
Reward good behaviour
Remove privilages for bad/ time out
Compliment attitudes / kindness
Don’t give attention 2 bad aspects
No screens in room, suggest toys
- Under 2 years: no screens
- 2 to 8 years: 1 hour
- Over 5 years: 2 hours
For appropriate media:
Being active:
- 60 minutes moderate exercise/day
- 6x short 10min can be just as good
- Give active chores, veggie patch
- Active games. Be active together
- Naps until 3-5yo, good routine
- 12hrs until 5, then 11, 9hrs by 12
Indictors of neglect / abuse
- Any injury to non-ambo child
- Poor explanation, delay
- LOC, persistent vomiting, bleeds
- Harsh, name calling, harm something important to child, threaten abandoning them, mock
- Physical - poor growth in babies 2. Neglectful - home alone, or without someone safe l
- Emotional
- Medical
- Educational - truancy, x enrol
Good questions:
“I notice these injuries, ONE possible explanation is that these injuries could have come about from someone harming ____, are you worried that….” then “I hear that you are/not worried, given that is a possibility I am required to make a referral” “Both want ___ to be safe”
“They will want to chat with you/parents, offer to phone parents if not here +/- investige”
“OT may want to do Ax, may include visit to work out how things work at home” call/email
- Ask questions whenever or cultural support whenever
“Looking after kids can be stressful, how is it for you”
“Is there any way we can support you to get to appointments”
“how are you supported”
“do you think your problems are affecting them”
“what happens when things go wrong in your house”
“what happens when parents are angry with you”
“what happens if you break the rules”
Injuries of concern:
- Head, fractures, burns, clusters
- Document. Report: identification (carers, siblings), concern/context, +/- factors, LT effect
- FLAGS / asap protection + co-op parents: paeds
- Clear non-accident + un-co-op parent -> OT and police
- Unclear: explain concerns but not expert and it is policy to refer for full assessment
- Unsupervised imjury: explain concerns, OT, paeds or CPS
- Low risk: support services
- High risk: OT
“It seems like you have a lot on your plate at the moment. I think it might be helpful for me to organise for someone to visit you and see what other support we can put in place.”
What groups are there for parenting support?
- Parents in charge (16-18yo)
- Separation courses
- Feeling safe (4-11 + violence)
- Triple P: 8/52 difficult behaviour
Family Start
- Home visits. Growth, learning, family, environmental safety
Group programmes:
- Incredible years: high intensity, 2.5hrs / 14wks, evidence based, 3-8 MOST effective. Severe behaviours
- Toolbox: less intense, milder
Monitored, for young adults:
- SPARX: 12-19 mild to mod mood. Game-based. 7 levels 30 mins each. Info in starting on H.P.
- Beating the blues: 18y older. Dr needs to register. 8 x 50 mins. Dr receives progress report.
- Just a thought - 16+ asap CBT
- Aunty Dee (MAPAS)
- 1737: 24/7 counselling
- Derpression helpline
- Gambling helpline
- Lifeline / Tautoko suicide
Weight management in children
W: 1/3 are overweight b4 school
- Use growth charts
- FH: BMI, CVD, chol, DM, OSA
- Cx: T2DM, snoring, poor sleep, wetting, thirst, asthma/OSA, SUPHE, psychological,
- Diet: what, when, size, snacks, f+v
- Activity: physical, sedentary
- BP - R arm, then compare to charts on HP
- ENT, abdomen, gait
- dysmoprhic, syndromic, acantho
Risks (HTN, acanthosis, FH, PCOS, snoring >2) / indicated by exam
- OSA questionnaire yearly >2
- BP yearly for >10 (abn >95th 4 age)
- HbA1c, fasting lip 2 yearly from 10
- ACR if either above abn (3x if abn)
- LFT 2 years from age 5
- BP >95th
- HbA1c >40, symptoms
- lipids still high after 6m lifestyle
- LFT still high after 3m lifestyle
- ENT if +ve OSA questionnaire
-> Recall every 3-6months
Discuss with child if >10
- show growth chart
- trying to achieve healthy growth
- focus on growing into weight
- DIETING never healthy
- SLEEP very important
- Healthy eating habbits
- >physical activity, <sedentary
- Consider healthy lifestyle program
- very unhealthy range + comorbid
- BP >95th
- HbA1c >40
- Abnormal lipids >6m lifestyle
- Abnormal lipids >3m lifestyle
- Underlying cause
- Advice via phone 3x abn ACR
- OSA -> ENT
- MH stress -> paeds MH
- CPS -> OT
W: 2-10yo, 6 most common, M=F
- Usually after URTI, inc GAS
- Rash: petechial, symmetrical, leg extensors, buttocks +/- arm/face
- Arthritis: oligoarticular (a few), swollen/tender, self-limiting
- Abdo pain: diffuse, n+v, GI bleeding, 3-4% interssuception
- Nephritis: can be nephrotic/itic, HTN
Ix: Ht/Kg, BP, urinalysis (ACR if positive)
Mx: supportive, paracetamol, NSAID if Cr okay
- usually recover 4-8wk
- 30% reccurrence within 6m
- small develop renal issues
- FU closely as nephritis can be delayed
- Discuss: BP 95th, macroscopic haematuria, 2+ protein,
- Neph: nephrotic (odema + low albumin, >PCR), HTN, renal function, persisting macro haematuria, persisting proteinuria
Diets in children?
- Vegetarian and vegan can be healthy options BUT risk deficiency e.g. B12
- Greater risk in vegan so x recommended
- Alternative milks not good
- Expose to allergens before 12m. Recc to still introduce
- Lacto-ovo
- Lacto
- Vegan
- limited data BUT may be leaner, less obese, DM, CVD, HTN
- B12, iron, calcium, zinc, iodine, O3, vit D
- <BMD if <of above
Dietary sources of elements
- meat, poulty, sea, green vege, cereals
- plant not as easily absorbed (need x2)
- ZINC v similar
- no tea/coffee as tannin inhibit absorb
- animal, dairy, eggs
- fortified soy, cereals
Vit D
- sun, fortified daity
- Rickets: swelling, late teeth, motor, <ca, <ht
- Legumes, dairy, fortified soy
- fish, meat, eggs, milk
- dried seaweed, iodised salt (cautious)
- Non meat :nuts, beans, grains, seeds, leafy green veges
- kids need BD pre/school age. 3-4x young adult