Women of Troy quotes part 1 Flashcards
‘puddles of blood
smear the sanctuaries of all the gods.’ -Poseidon (P5)
‘All worship ceases,
and there’s no longer anything left worth a god’s consideration.’ -Poseidon (P6)
‘even the god
Apollo left untouched as a virgin’ -Poseidon referring to Cassandra (P6)
‘dangerous business … that
that flouts all religious feeling.’ -Poseidon referring to Agamemnon taking Cassandra as his concubine (P6)
‘cavalier change of
mind’ -Poseidon referring to Athene’s decision to switch allies from the Greeks to the Trojans (P7)
‘I’ve been insulted,
my temple desecrated!’ -Athene (P8)
‘Ajax dragged Cassandra
from sanctuary.’ -Poseidon (P8)
‘respect my temples,
and fear the power of the gods.’ -Athene (P9)
‘When a man sacks
a town and destroys everything, even sacred temples and the tombs of the dead, he’s asking for trouble.’ -Poseidon (P9)
‘An old woman,
dragged as a slave from my home, all hope plundered’ -Hecuba (P10)
‘whose misery is
greater, the dead, whose day is passed, or the living, who must live in slavery’ -Hecuba (P11-12)
‘Perhaps forced into
the bed of some loathsome Greek’ -Chorus (P13)
‘Athens, God-favoured
city of Theseus, may I come to you’ -Chorus (P13)
‘she’s for him.
In darkness. In his bed.’ -Talthybius (P15)
‘She is a consecrated
virgin, Apollo’s nun.’ -Hecuba referring to Cassandra (P15)
‘to serve Achilles,
at his tomb.’ -Talthybius referring to Polyxena (P15)
‘To be a slave
of a man without morality’ -Hecuba (P16)
‘thrust at spear-point
into some Greek’s as a slave of his lust!’ -Hecuba (P16)
‘I’ll kill him,
and destroy his whole family’ -Cassandra referring to Agamemnon (P19)
‘For the sake
of one woman, and one moment of uncontrollable lust … cost them tens of thousands dead!’ -Cassandra (P19)
‘Anyone … who thinks
himself prosperous and secure, is a fool.’ -Hecuba (P54)
‘The force that
that governs our lives, what else is it but a madman’ -Hecuba (P54)
‘no happy man
stays lucky or happy for long.’ -Hecuba (P54)
‘All I have done
in my life has meant nothing to the vindictive gods.’ -Hecuba (P56)
‘All our sacrifices,
all our offerings have been quit worthless’ -Hecuba (P56)
‘He wants her
because she’s sacred. He’s shot through with lust.’ -Talthybius referring to Agamemnon’s plant to make Cassandra his concubine (P15)