“All the women lifted up their hands
with wailing to Athene”
“Opened out the fold of her dress
and and held out a breast in her hand”
“Now I have you lying here
in the house sweet and fresh as dew”
“he fell and vomited
his life’s blood before their eyes ”
“In your hands rest the honour and the power of Latinus.
Our whole house is falling and you are it’s one support”
“If you die, I too will leave the light I loathe.”
I shall never live to be a captive and see Aeneas married to Lavinia
“seeing her own death before her, she tried to check the frenzy of Turnus,
the man she had chosen to be the husband of her daughter”
“How I wish that on the first day when my mother bore me
some vile storm-wind had taken me and whirled me up to the mountains”
“Brother of the bitch,
the scheming horrible creature that I am”
“just now my wife talked me round with gentle
persuasion and urged me back to war”
“If anyone spoke harshly of me in the house…
you would speak winning words to them and stop them.
“The passion flared in my heart and I longed,
in my anger, to avenge my country even as it fell, to exact the penalty of her crimes”
“It is not the hated Spartan woman… that is
overthrowing all this wealth… it is the gods, the cruelty of the gods”
“once again the cause of Trojan suffering will be a
foreign bride, another marriage with a stranger”
“As when Indian ivory has been stained with blood red die, or when white lilies
are crowded by roses and take on their red,
“There will be no other comfort left for me,
when you meet your fate”
“do not make an orphan of your son
and your wife a widow”
“When you died it was not in your bed,
you did not hold out your arms to me or tell me some weighty last word, which i could remember forever”
“You are the only image left
to me of my own son Astyanax”
“Whether she
stopped, sat down or lost her way, no one knows”
“Creusa was
torn from me by the cruelty of fate”
“do not fail
in your love for our son”
“Cassandra, beautiful
as golden Aphrodite”
“She shrieked aloud
then cried out to all the city”
“She exacted punishment
from her enemy in blood”
blind to all else and unthinking,
she tracked him with all a woman’s passion for spoil and plunder”
“delight of children
and the rewards of love”
“Anna lit the fire
of wild love in her sister’s breast”
“This day was the beginning of her death,
the first cause of her suffering”
“She raged and raved
around the whole city like a bacchant”
“Because of you I have lost all conscience
and self respect, and have thrown away the good name I once had”
“If only there were
a little Aeneas to play in my palace!”
“Nor have I offered you marriage
or entered into that contract with you”
“I shall follow you not in the flesh
but in the black fires of death”
“What were your feelings,
Dido, as you looked at this?”
“Unhappy Dido
prayed for death”
“Once moe Dido tried to raise her heavy eyes,
but failed. The wound hissed round the sword beneath her breast”
“Driven at last to madness they began to scream and
snatch flames from the innermost hearths of the encampment”
bringing up the rear
was the greatest outrage of all, his Egyptian wife!”
…as easily as the
sacred falcon flies from it’s crag to pursue a dove high in the cloud
Have the army
take up position by the fig tree”