SIMILES Flashcards
“He was like a gem sparkling
in it’s gold setting, an adornment for a head or neck”
“He was like the morning star
which Venus loves above all other starry fires”
“When Indian Ivory has been
stained with blood red die”
“Like bees at the
beginning of summer, busy in the sunshine”
“Bees, alarmed for their safety,
rush in all directions through their wax-built camp”
“Mars, splattered with blood, charges along
the banks of the icy river… giving reign to his furious horses as he stirs up war”
“Diana, leading the dance on the banks of the Eurotas…
a thousand mountain nymphs thronging behind her”
“like fires started
in different places in a dry wood”
“the herd stands silent and afraid
and the heifers low quietly together, waiting to see who is to rule the grove”
“The stag is terrified by the ambush he is
caught in or by the high river bank”
“The jaws snap shut
but he is thwarted and bites the empty air”
“Like opposing winds…
equal in their spirit and equal in strength”
“like an ancient ash tree high in the mountain which farmers
have hacked with blow upon blow”
“A wild boar… driven down from the mountains
with the dogs snapping at him… no one has the courage to clash with him”
“A ravening lion… driven mad by the pangs of
hunger… fastens on the flesh with foul gore washing his pitiless mouth”
“Coming into his first battle, bellowing fearfully
and gathering his anger into his horns by going at a tree trunk”
“who does not move into battle until
he has received a great wound in his chest from the hunters and revels in it”
“We dream we are trying desperately to
run further and not succeeding”
the strength
we know we have fails our body”
“just as a boulder comes crashing down
from the top of a mountain”
“Like a lion who had seen from some high vantage point
a bull practicing for combat far away on the plain”
“When a cloud blots out the sun
and begins to move from mid ocean towards the land”
“Aegeon, who they say
had 100 arms and 100 hands, with fire flaming from 50 breasts and mouths”
“Like the gloomy bold red glow of a comet
on a nights sky, or the dismal blaze of Sirius the dog star”
“The north winds off the alps vie with eachother
to uproot the mighty oak who’s timber has hardened over long years of life”
“Like Apollo leaving his winter home…
to visit his mother at Delos”
His streaming hair
caught up in a soft garland of green”
like wolves foraging blindly
on a misty night, driven out of their lairs by ravening hunger”
“like a wounded doe which a shepherd hunting in the woods
has caught off guard, striking her from long range with a steal tipped shaft”
“the arrow flies and is left
in her body without his knowing it”