WAR Flashcards
The Greeks themselves…
Will provide our armour
Why could I not have fallen to your right hand…
And breathed out my life on the plains of Troy
Her men gave up the exercise of war and were no longer…
Busy at the harbours and fortifications, manic them safe from attack
Pardon the defeated
And war down the proud
Augustus Caesar, son of a god,
The man who will bring back the golden years to the fields of Latium
Let this be the wedding …
They will celebrate
Their left foot leaving a naked print…
While a raw hide boot protected the right
Without knowing what they were, Aeneas lifted
Onto his shoulders the fame and fate of his decendents
Let him be hardened to…
The rigours of war under your leadership
The bold…
Confidence of Turnus never wavered
As he died…
His bleeding mouth bit the soil of his enemies (PALLAS)
It pierced too…
The tunic his mother had made for him
[aeneas] he groaned
From his heart in pity
Sparing no man, he roused
Himself to savage slaughter and gave full reign to his anger
When they clashed…
The bronze f their shields rang out and the earth groaned
My hand will now defend you in war…
And lead you where the prizes are great
The schemer behind all their crimes