Women Flashcards
What was the impact of the Civil War on women?
- Women wanted to vote and protest against slavery - men didn’t like connection between suffrage and slavery
- Didn’t fight in war but supported war effort
- Women took on a greater economic role as fighting disrupted crops and plantations
- Ideas of women’s responsibilities conflicted with the view that women should be looking after the home
- Post war - challenging of old ideas in the South
- Industrial expansion in the North
- Didn’t want to return to pre-war domesticity
What social change occurred for women from 1865 (early years)?
- Suburban living improved life for middle class women
- Jane Addams created Hull House in 1889 providing parenting classes
- Changes to family sizes - fall for whites
- Women prepared to campaign in areas of real concern hoping it would lead to suffrage
- Expected to extend nurturing roles into wider community
- Comstock Laws 1973- prevent contraceptives and abortion
What economic developments occurred for women from 1865 (early years)?
- Growth in opportunities for unmarried women
- Domestic service replaced by better opportunity in textile and service industry as a result of industrial expansion
- 1890- many heading into office work helped by the typewriter and telephone but no career pathway
- White women in factories replaced by immigrant women
- Poor conditions and extremely low pay
What were women and politics like in the early years (post 1865)?
- Women’s suffrage began as a result of abolitionist campaigning - political change needed to promote women’s campaigns
- White, middle class women focused on abolition and temperance
- AA campaigner - Sojouner Truth
- Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cody Stanton were most prominent white middle class campaigners
- Lucretia Mott founded the American Equal Rights Association in 1866 and wrote Declaration of Sentiments
What were the impacts of WW1 on the postition of women?
- Exposed US as not deomcratic
- Wilson wanted women as part of democracy and encouraged women to help in war but still not given until after the war
- ‘Gatsbyesque’ era
- Change in attitudes and vote gained
How did women’s lives change in the 1920s?
- Change in fashion
- Increase in workforce - 2 million more women working but low wages
- Low wages actually encouraged activism and union formation but often disintegrated by govt.
- 18th Amendment - banned alcohol
- 19th Amendment - gave women right to vote
- Shepherd- Towner Act - gave funds for maternity and infant care but terminated in 1929
How did the Depression and New Deal impact women?
- Women overlooked and homeless women hidden from public view
- Destitute women overlooked
New Deal:
- Social Security Act 1935 - welfare benefits for poor families
- Aid to dependent children 1935 - helped single women with young families
- Fair Labour Standards Act 1937 - set new minimum wage but women still lower than men
What were the Comstock Laws and when were they introduced?
- Introduced in 1873
- Prevented sale or distribution of contraceptives/items used in abortion
- 3600 prosecuted under it
- Also banned anything obscene or pornographic
- And banned birth control advice
- Results in illegal abortion
What were the religious beliefs regarding birth control?
- For Roman Catholics and some protestants, relationships within marriage were for procreation
- Artificial birth control regarded with distaste and considered immoral
- Fear over increasing promiscuity
- ‘Every sperm is sacred’
Who was Margaret Sanger? What was the ABCL and when was it founded?
- American Birth Control League founded in 1921 by Margaret Sanger
- Margaret was an activist who believed in women’s rights to choose if and when she has kids
- Newspaper articles giving birth control advice
- ABCL established first legal birth control clinic
- 27,500 members by 1924 but only 10 branches ain cities across just 8 states - not widely supported
Why were the Comstock Laws lifted in 1938?
- Federal ban lifted but it was only those who could afford contraception that benefited
- US vs One Package - became unconstitutional to interfere with Doctors prescription of medicine to prevent disease (contraception prevents STIs)
- States could still enforce laws post 1938
- Illegal, back street abortion continued for poorer women
What were state laws on birth control?
- State legislatures enforced their own laws
- Contraception wasn’t made widely available
- Some states allowed contraception but abortions were still illegal
When did the Supreme Court finally establish the right to use contraception?
- Griswold vs Connecticut in 1965 repealed ban on contraception
- Right to privacy
- Applied to married couples
- Extended to married couples in 1972
What was the WCTU? When was it formed?
- Women’s Christian Temperance Union
- 1874
- Formed by Frances Willard
- Crusade to win the right of women to vote so liquor could be banned
- Home and family values were central
- 150,000 members by 1890
- United movement that was successful in lobbying state legislatures and banning alcohol
What was the ASL? When was it formed?
- Anti-saloon league
- 1893
- Main organisation for lobbying prohibition
- Allied with WCTU - powerful
- Defeated in 1930s